Hidden golden branches

Chapter 147 The Prince

Xiao Jiu followed Sun Yuting and walked towards where the Sun family's carriage was parked. Cui Yu behind him hurriedly shouted: "Little prince, why are you walking behind this girl?"

"Yes! Do we still want to go horse racing?" Gu Ning asked.

"I'm not going, I'm not going. You can go wherever you like and don't bother me, the Prince!" After Gu Fei said this, he climbed onto Sun Yuting's carriage.


Cui Yu and the others made an unscrupulous move towards Xiao Jiu, and the three of them hooked up and left.

When Sun Yuting opened her eyes in the carriage, she saw the face of an extremely handsome man right in front of her. She was so frightened that she woke up instantly.

Sun Yuting, who had sobered up, opened her eyes wide and said angrily: "Little prince, why haven't you been beaten after a few days of rest? Are you asking for a beating?" After saying that, she stretched out her right fist and waved it in front of Xiao Jiu's eyes.

Xiao Jiu knew the power of this pink punch. She punched him in the face last time, and he was swollen and couldn't see anyone for several days.

"Excuse me, Yuting. I want to marry you as my princess, okay?" Xiao Jiu said formally, holding out his big palm to block Sun Yuting's fist.

Sun Yuting shook her pink fist and threatened: "Haha, marry you, are you not afraid of this girl's fist?"

Originally, Sun Yuting wanted to scare him and stop him from talking nonsense. Unexpectedly, Gu Fei thought that Sun Yuting had agreed, so he was so happy that he could not find Bei, and said eagerly: "Okay, you agreed. I will go back and tell my parents now, and I will invite someone to your house to propose marriage tomorrow."

Xiao Jiu was so happy that he didn't even need to use his honorific title, and just said "me." ’ After saying that, he immediately turned around and stopped the carriage.

Sun Yuting:
Don't think that Xiao Jiu, the young prince, is a fool. In fact, his brain is very good, but he only uses it for eating, drinking and having fun.

When Xiao Jiu returned to Prince Yan's Mansion, he immediately went to the Fushou Hall in the main courtyard to find his father Xiao Shen. He saw his father Xiao Shen, who had returned to Beijing to recuperate, lying on a Dongpo chair and talking to his mother, Princess Yan.

Xiao Jiu plopped down and knelt down in front of King Yan and Princess Yan, and said loudly: "Father, king, mother, concubine. My son is going to Sun Yuting to be the county princess!"

"Huh? What?"

Princess Yan was chatting with King Yan about her son Xiao Jiu's marriage. Unexpectedly, her son said he wanted to get a wife as soon as he came back. Princess Yan was so happy that she was afraid that her ears would hear wrongly.

King Yan heard it very clearly. Isn't Sun Yuting the daughter of Sun Qingwu of Ping Bohou Mansion?

"No!" Xiao Shen refused.

Xiao refused for a long time and started to pester her wildly: "Huh! She won't take the son unless she wants it. If the father doesn't agree, the son won't get a wife and will die alone from now on!"

"Humph, who are you trying to scare, you brat?" Xiao Shen sat upright, furious, pointing at Xiao Jiu.

Princess Yan was busy trying to calm down the angry Xiao Shen. In her heart, as long as her son wanted to get married, as long as she was a girl, she could do anything.

My son is nineteen years old during the Chinese New Year. He has not taken concubine, and has not had a sexual relationship. His surroundings are very clean.

If he doesn't get married, outsiders will accuse him of being a good man.

Seeing that his father didn't buy it, Xiao Jiu changed his words and said: "Father, mother and concubine. My son met Sun Yuting in Deyi Building today. She drank tea and listened to a tune with the Jiahe County Lord and the concubine of Yue Shangshu's family. of."

Xiao Jiu knew that it was not because of the difference in status between his father and the king, but because Sun Yi had offended the emperor.

She was deeply afraid that the marriage between Princess Yan and the Sun family would disgrace the emperor.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu couldn't help but think deeply when he heard that the daughter of the household minister Chen Youyu and the official minister Yue Yun's family were still on good terms with the Sun family's daughter. I think those two ministers are still officials of the prince, and they are both the emperor's favorite officials.

Since they are not worried about offending the emperor, it should be okay for my son to marry his daughter.

Xiao Shen thought about finding an opportunity to go to the palace to talk to his cousin the emperor. If the emperor didn't mind, he could just follow his son's lead and marry the legitimate daughter of the Ping Bohou Mansion as the county princess.

Xiao Shen glanced at his expectant wife beside him, and then at his expectant son, "Hey," he sighed and said, "Get up."

The scheming Prince Yan took advantage of this opportunity to preach and said to Xiao Jiu: "Jiu'er, if you want to marry Miss Sun, you can't do it in literature or martial arts. Miss Sun is willing to marry your cynical, uneducated second generation ancestor." ?"

"Yes, yes." Princess Yan agreed.

She was really worried that the girl would dislike her son.

Xiao Shen continued to be seductive and said: "Son, have you ever thought about it, you have a noble status and a good birth, so why is it that no girl is willing to marry you?"

"So, son, you have to restrain your temper and get rid of those habits. Just after the New Year, the Royal Academy has begun to recruit new students. Son, if you want to marry Miss Sun, your father agrees to you. But you also have to agree to your father to go to the Royal Academy. Studying, as a father, I don’t expect you to honor your ancestors, I just hope that you won’t be an ignorant idiot.”

Xiao Jiu listened to the first few words of King Yan with one ear and heard them with the other. But when he heard that he agreed to marry Sun Yuting, his ears immediately stood up.

When he heard his father say that he was a idiot, the pride of being a man rushed into his head.

Therefore, Xiao Jiu agreed with a hint of disbelief and annoyance: "Father, my son is not some idiot! Father, please go to the Royal Academy to sign up for your son. Your son will study hard and get you a meritorious title!" Follow him! He was deeply afraid that his father would regret his marriage to Sun Yuting, so he confirmed to King Yan: "Father, you just promised your son Sun Yuting, don't regret it!"

Seeing that her son was willing to go to the academy, Princess Yan hurriedly said, "I won't regret it, I won't regret it!"

King Yan was actually very happy. His son had been disobedient since he was a child, and he would not listen at all when asked to study. However, my son is smart, has a photographic memory, and writes well.

King Yan got angry, but he couldn't call his son arrogant, he had to put some pressure on him. Thinking of this, he stroked his flowing beard and said seriously: "Well, it depends on your performance, son."

"Okay, father, mother, concubine, the two elders only care about their son!"

Xiao Jiu also risked his life in order to marry his sweetheart. Sui Yan agreed to any request he made.

Besides, Sun Yuting was jolting in the carriage, and her mind became clear.

I thought in my heart that instead of marrying the children of those low-ranking official families and being criticized by my mother-in-law, it would be better to marry Xiao Jiu, the prince of the small county.

She knew that the staff of Prince Yan's palace was simple. Prince Yan only gave birth to a small prince, and the rest only had two concubines. Of the two concubines, one is already married and the other has already discussed marriage.

She was married to a county princess, and there was no intrigue between the sisters-in-law. There is no difficult sister-in-law to worry about, only the parents-in-law to be filial to.

In addition, although the county prince Xiao Jiu was an uneducated and incompetent playboy, Xiao Jiu was older than herself. Every time he met her, he always showed admiration and took care of her. She is the person who treats her the best except her family members.

The most important thing is that Xiao Jiu is beautiful!

Let me ask you, which woman doesn’t like to marry a handsome man?
Forget it, as long as he dares to marry, she dares to marry!
Prince: I want to marry Sun Yuting.

King Yan: As long as you agree to go to the Royal Academy to study, your father will agree to propose marriage to you at Pingbohou Mansion.

Prince: OK!

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