Hidden golden branches

Chapter 154 Getting married

Chapter 154 Getting married
Yue Wanshu came to accompany Chen Rong last night, and the two of them slept in bed and whispered in the middle of the night.

As for Sun Yuting, although the Chen family said they did not want to see the Sun family, Sun Yuting and the Chen family did not reject her.

But Sun Yuting was very conscious and knew not to say anything when she went to the Chen family. But I was embarrassed to meet the Chen family and felt guilty.

So, she asked Yue Wanshu to bring the gift for Chen Rong.

"Hey, the second brother promised to come back to see the bride off, huh, words don't count!" Chen Rong complained.

Yue Wanshu received a letter from Chen An a few days ago, saying that she encountered a flash flood on the way back and was afraid that she would not be able to come back in time to send Chen Rong to the sedan chair.

Chen An couldn't write to Chen Rong to tell her the truth for fear of worrying her.

A woman only gets married once. He hopes that his sister will get married happily and be the most beautiful bride.

Chen An didn't want his sister to get married with a sad look because she was worried about him.

Chen Youyu and Yun Man discussed that they could only ask Yun Sheng, a cousin of the Yun family and Chen Rong's eldest cousin, to come and deliver the wedding to the groom's official behind their back.

In the morning, after breakfast, the dresser came to help Chen Rong dress up.

Yue Wanshu sat on the couch and watched the dresser dressing Chen Rong, which was very strange. The steps are a bit tedious, but they are very interesting. Every shave makes Chen Rong giggle. Dressing ladies are used to seeing brides from all kinds of families. They love to tease these thin-skinned ones, and the words they say are also very embarrassing. They are used to it. The bride's cheeks turned red. But the bride in front of her didn't dare to make a mistake.

The bride has a distinguished status. She is the daughter of the county lord and the minister, and she is also the favorite niece of the imperial concubine.

The bride's wedding dress was all made by the palace. How could she, a humble dresser, dare to make fun of her?

Even if the dresser didn't tease Chen Rong, Chen Rong's shaved face was still red and looked scary.

Fortunately, I put on makeup right away. After applying a layer of powder, my face turned white again, but it was a little too white and looked scary.

Yue Wanshu asked doubtfully, "Do all brides dress up like this?"

The dresser nodded seriously, as if she was extremely satisfied with her craftsmanship, "Young lady, I don't know, but I think this is the most fashionable bridal makeup this year."

After Chen Rong heard this, he looked left and right in the carved bronze mirror. He really couldn't agree with this "fashion". His eyebrows were long and black, his face was pale and pale, and his lips were as red as blood. I was really worried that Brother Ji might be frightened when he saw her at night.

Yue Wanshu thought that when she got married, she would never wear this kind of makeup. It was too scary.
However, Chen Rong accepted it calmly. After all, she had seen the appearance of sisters Chen Ying and Chen Fu when they got married before. Their makeup was extremely ugly. Anyway, this is the customary makeup, you are ugly, I am ugly, everyone is ugly.

Haha, it’s okay, it’s all the same!
After putting on the make-up, it was time to put on the wedding dress, layer after layer, layer by layer, complicated and exquisite, which made Yue Wanshu click her tongue. Fortunately, it was not summer now. If it were summer, wouldn't she be dizzy from the heat?

Anyway, she was not used to seeing Chen Rong dressed up.

Yun Man had long ago negotiated with Chen Youyu about the farm and shop for her daughter's dowry, as well as valuable items such as gold, silver and jewelry, totaling ninety-six loads.

These ninety-six tons are all real gold and silver, honest.

Including the sixty-four dowry gifts sent by Ji Yuxian, the total dowry is one hundred and sixty dows, which looks great when carried out.

In addition, Yun Man also gave Chen Rong, in addition to Cuizhu and Yuzhu, Zhui'er, Ling'er and the two girls in her room, Pearl and Jade, who had been trained by the nuns in the palace.

Furthermore, in addition to the old man Nanny Zhong, Yun Man also gave Nanny Sun in her yard to Chen Rong.

Aunt Zhong was an old man who had served Chen Rong since she was a child. However, Aunt Zhong had always been serving Chen Rong in Jinxiu Courtyard smoothly and had never experienced any ups and downs.

Fortunately, in the Chen family, no one dared to bully or treat Chen Rong with evil intentions. Everyone in the family loved her very much, so Grandma Zhong lost her defensiveness and became a good person.

But it was different when she arrived at Duke Anguo's mansion, except that Ji Yuxian was kind to her. The rest of the mothers-in-law, uncles, aunts, and sisters-in-law didn't know what they were thinking.

That's why I want to give Grandma Sun to Chen Rong. Grandma Sun is staying behind Yun Man and has personally experienced the old lady's treatment of my wife and the stumbling blocks between the sisters. It doesn't matter.

Yun Man came over with Miao, the wife of Zheng Huaiyuan, Duke of Meng, a native of Quanfu.

Yun Man's eyes are red, she must have cried. Today she is wearing a festive crimson embroidered silk trousers, a pair of gold blessings and longevity, a South China Sea bead hoop, and gold cage earrings.

Mrs. Miao is the mistress of Meng Guogong's Zheng family. She has both parents and children. Wearing a crimson jacket with gold sleeves all over, and a red gold and turquoise hairpin, it is dignified and luxurious.

It was a custom in the Wei Dynasty that after the dressing lady dressed the bride, she would also ask the qualified Mrs. Quanfu to comb the bride's hair again.

After a while, Lu's three sisters-in-law and her eldest aunt and second aunt also came over one after another.

Everyone exchanged greetings during the time, which was very lively.

The sun finally came out, and the welcoming team was coming soon.

Yun Man held her daughter Chen Rong, who was wearing a heavy wedding dress, in her arms. She couldn't bear to part with her!

I am reluctant to let my precious daughter get married.
Chen Rong was reluctant to leave his parents and really wanted to never get married.

However, thinking of Ji Yuxian's expectant eyes, he hesitated again.

The well-behaved Chen Rong wiped the tears from the corners of Yun Man's eyes with a silk handkerchief embroidered with peonies with red eyes, and said with comfort: "Mom, my daughter can't bear to leave you and her father. Brother Ji said that after I get married, You can come back to visit mom and dad anytime.”

"Mom knows, I just can't let go. Mom has grown up obediently and knows how to comfort people." Yun Man burst into tears and laughed.

In fact, Yun Man knew how could such a light thing happen?

The daughter who married into the Anguo Duke's house was a clan wife, and she must be in charge of the entire Anguo Duke's house. Normally, there were a lot of chores and trivial matters in the house that needed her to deal with. How could she say it so lightly that she could go back to her parents' home to visit her parents at any time?
Over the past few days, Yun Man had taken the trouble to teach her how to behave in the world, and how to turn a blind eye when in charge of the middle feed.

Grandma Sun assisted her in the others.
Yun Man handed Chen Rong a list of all the personnel in An Guo Gong's Mansion that he had spent many days writing, and warned: "Let's take a look when we go to An Guo Gong's Mansion and there is nothing wrong."

Chen Rong reached out to take it and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mom, for your hard work."

"Hey, you are my mother's heartthrob, you don't need to say anything to me."

Yunman has always been hard-spoken and soft-hearted towards her children, and is very strict in raising them.

Chen Youyu is a loving father and is kind to his children.

Therefore, their family is a strict mother and a loving father.

Chen Rong nestled in Yun Man's arms with nostalgia and said, "Mother"

The mother and daughter leaned their heads together and whispered, and no one else bothered them.

Ji Yuxian: I finally came to the Chen Mansion to pick up the bride.


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