Hidden golden branches

Chapter 157 Worship

Chapter 157 Worship
Chen Rong didn't want to feel wronged by Cuizhu, who appeared to be a maid, but was actually as close as a sister. I want to give her a formal wedding.

Not to mention three matchmakers and six betrothals, but there must be a matchmaker, betrothal gifts are indispensable, and eight sedans must be carried to marry.

On the contrary, the dowry given by the Chen family will not be small.

The sedan moved smoothly, and the sound of the cannon was far away. But the sound of gongs and drums continued all the way.

The sound of firecrackers sounded again, and Chen Rong's dowry left the Chen family, heading to Anguo Gong's Mansion in a grand and majestic way.

Since that time, people who love to watch the excitement have been looking forward to the lively scene when the daughter of the Chen family, Jiahe, gets married to the county head.

Sure enough, the Chen family is really generous, and the dowry is so huge that even ten miles of red makeup is not an exaggeration.

Zhang Xiuxi, who had not been out of the house for almost half a year, became increasingly frail and emaciated, as if a strong wind could blow her away.

At this time, she looked at the smiling and handsome groom riding on a tall horse with confused eyes, and eight people carrying the bride's wedding sedan.

There was playing and playing in the front, which was extremely festive.

Behind it is an endless dowry
Zhang Xiuxi had a thin face and dull eyes. She silently stepped back and leaned on the outer wall of the shop, watching the wedding procession go away.

The men in the crowd of onlookers were all astonished. When welcoming a bride, the groom always takes the lead and runs in front of the sedan. Today, the newly crowned scholar, the eldest son of An Guogong, and the bridegroom of the Minister of Dali Temple actually rode behind the sedan chair.

Hey, the groom’s official values ​​the bride too much.
What else can those women do besides envy?
They are not so lucky to enjoy men's humility and attention to them.

How does Chen Rong know what people are thinking?

She sat in the sedan chair and slowly ate the cakes in her hand like a hamster foraging for food. She took out a handkerchief embroidered with mandarin ducks made of azure silk and wiped her mouth clean.

The sedan moved very smoothly, and she could only see the red hijab, but she couldn't lift the curtain to see. When he lowered his head, he only saw a gold bracelet with wide fingers and auspicious cloud patterns on his wrist.

I was wondering whether Yu Zhu and the others had arrived at An Guogong Mansion. Brother Ji should be in front.
The sound of gongs and drums kept ringing, and Chen Rong squinted for a while when he fell asleep after eating. She only chatted with Wanshu last night and didn't sleep well.

She didn't open her eyes until the sound outside started again. Aunt Zhong happened to be outside and said, "Miss, we're in front of Duke An Guo's Mansion..."

After hearing this, Chen Rong held the cloisonne blue and red plum-patterned vase and sat upright. After a while, the sedan stopped and someone could be heard singing a ceremony outside.

She was helped out by Mrs. Ji and another Quanfu person, and her feet were placed on the soft cushions. I could only hear the noise of the guests and the excitement of gongs and drums, and for a moment I didn't know where I was. Astride the saddle and the money and food basin, she was helped to go to the church.

From under the hijab, Chen Rong saw a pair of brand new soap-colored boots. His feet seem quite big... Chen Rong thought to himself.

She had never noticed these things before.

After the church visit, she was still supported by Mrs. Quanfu into the new house.

Chen Rong sat on the bed and only heard soft voices around him. Press the lapel, spread the tent, and then Mrs. Ji's voice: "Groom, please pick up the hijab!"

She raised her head slightly, not knowing why she was embarrassed... wasn't she looking forward to marrying him?
Ji Yuxian took the bride's wedding greetings wrapped in gold foil from her hands, and without any hesitation or hesitation, he quickly raised the bride's hijab without giving anyone any preparations.

But when the hijab was lifted, she saw Ji Yuxian standing in front of her at a glance. He was wearing a genuine third-grade Ji suit. He was originally a orchid and jade tree, but now he was even more charming and charming.

Ji Yuxian bent his head to look at her, with a doting smile in his eyes, and he was very calm.

Chen Rong thought he might be blushing, but fortunately the makeup lady applied the powder so thickly... it shouldn't be visible!

The lively sounds outside the door kept coming, and Chen Rong felt that her eyes were bright red, the lights were dim, and she was a little dizzy.

When the bride's hijab was lifted and she raised her head slightly, everyone in the room fell silent. Even Xi Niang, who kept saying auspicious words, suddenly stopped talking and opened her mouth.

To say who has the most feminine brides I have ever seen in my life, it must be the bride today. She is also considered a blessed person with a long life and a long life, and has two children. She is also articulate and the best at speaking auspicious words. She is the royal bride's bride. But how many happy events can the royal family hold? With the tacit approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this bride is also the favorite bride to be invited by respectable people in the entire capital.

Therefore, she had seen countless new brides-in-law, all of whom were of distinguished family backgrounds and good looks. But she dared to say that even if she were to be the bride-to-be for three more lifetimes, she would never see a bride who looked better than today's bride. A more beautiful girl.

The people in front of her were all ladies from aristocratic families who had good relations with Duke Anguo, and she could recognize a few familiar ones. Next to her was a woman carrying a black and red silk tray. She was about forty years old. She was wearing a silk-cut brocade gown, a phoenix tail bun, and two beeswax stone hairpins. With a smile on her face, she is a lady with good fortune. She should be a lady from an aristocratic family who has connections with Duke An Guo.

And the one who smiled kindly at him was Mrs. Ji who had just helped him out of the carriage. She was Wanshu's mother and Ji Yuxian's aunt.

There are longans, chestnuts, dates, lotus seeds and other things on the tray. A few handfuls have been scattered just now. Mrs. Quanfu was very eloquent and was always good at talking, so her sisters-in-law sought her out. She smiled and said: "The groom should stand with the bride."

Ji Yuxian was slightly startled, but his aunt Mrs. Yue had already pulled him over.

Mrs. Quanfu grabbed another handful of dried fruits and sprinkled them, singing: "In the tent, a pair of jade hibiscus in the moonlight, as if meeting a goddess tonight, surrounded by dramatic clouds descending Wufeng. Under the tent, golden light shines Society, auspicious dreams will accompany you tonight, and the price of a boy will be determined next year. Before the tent is laid, there is neither mist nor smoke. The golden dragon in the fragrance disappears quickly. After the tent is laid, the couple will be harmonious and conservative. The husband sings and the wife accompanies her..."

Seeing that the fruit was about to fall from his head, Ji Yuxian hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover Chen Rong's head.

Chen Rong saw Guozi rolling onto the bed. I didn't feel anything, but it was indescribably solemn.

Chen Rong glanced sideways, Ji Yuxian was also sprinkled with fruits while he was standing, but he lowered his head slightly, and the dried fruits fell down one after another, and the two people's eyes collided...

Chen Rong hurriedly turned his head, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that he had also turned his head, with a faint smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.

What are you laughing at...What's so funny about this!

Chen Rong felt very uncomfortable as he listened to the singing song...it felt a bit lewd and erotic.

After drinking Hexin wine, a girl wearing a purple short jacket with a branch pattern came up with a bowl of dumplings. Mrs. Yue took it and handed it to Chen Rong, reminding her in a low voice: "Rong'er, just eat less if you wish."

Ji Yuxian: People say that there are two great joys in life - the night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, and the time when the gold medal is named.

He feels that being able to marry Chen Rong is his greatest happiness!

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