guile fairy

Chapter 114 Ah Fu

The thin man may seem inconvenient to move around, but if you observe carefully, you will find that he rarely uses a blind stick. Instead, he seems to be able to see the road.

As if he noticed someone's eyes falling on him, the man turned his body to look suspiciously, and his whole body suddenly froze.

Fu Zhaozhao: "..." Sometimes I have to say that the other party's disguise is not perfect enough.

Among a group of passers-by, you can still recognize it at a glance.

Ah Fu suddenly said at this moment: "The smell has faded away, as if it has left here."

Fu Zhaozhao felt strange, "Are you sure the other party has left here?"

Ah Fu nodded firmly, "The taste has become much lighter."

Just after she said this, the thin man's body seemed to have lost its support and he fainted directly on the ground. The people around him were so frightened that they rushed forward and called an ambulance.

During this period, Fu Zhaozhao and Ah Fu also came forward to observe carefully.

I found that the appearance of the other party had not changed, but the feeling was different.

Ah Fu whispered from the side: "This person once had the smell of that thing, although it was very weak."

It seems that after the other party escaped last time, he probably encountered something else, which made his ability to escape even stronger.

Fu Zhaozhao: "Can you roughly determine where the smell comes from?"

Ah Fu smelled it carefully and finally shook his head: "There is a little bit everywhere, and the smell is very weak. Unless it is near me, I can't find it."

Hearing what she said, Fu Zhaozhao could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​tracking the cryer on the spot.

In addition, in such a crowded street, it is not easy to find the other party and deal with the follow-up.

After walking around the area, I saw that the smell of the Weeper had almost dissipated. It was estimated that the Weeper had left here long ago, so he turned around to look elsewhere.

Fu Zhaozhao opened the information given by Xiaobao, compared it with the map where he was now, then pointed to a sparsely populated open space and said, "If it were me, I would hide here."

Ahfu stepped forward to take a look and found that it was an abandoned construction site. It seemed that because the capital chain was broken, the project was halfway through and finally stopped helplessly.

Looking at the nowhere on the map, Ah Fu agreed.

"If you look at where the smell finally dissipates, this is indeed the most suitable place."

So the two of them turned around and came to the abandoned construction site.

The general framework of the construction site has been built, but the work on the exterior walls was stopped before it could be processed.

Although it is an abandoned construction site, in order to prevent others from stealing the steel building materials inside, a guard was hired.

I don't know if it was fate or something else, but Fu Zhaozhao met the old janitor again on this abandoned construction site.

It was almost the same as before. The caretaker was wearing an undershirt, and the yellow native dog at his feet was sleeping soundly on the ground.

Probably because they had met him several times before, the gatekeeper recognized Fu Zhaozhao at a glance and immediately smiled, showing his few remaining teeth.

"Oh, what a coincidence, little girl." The gatekeeper seemed a little happy.

Fu Zhaozhao was a little surprised and asked curiously: "Why are you here?"

The janitor said: "The boss of the previous factory decided to push back and redo it. There was no need for an old man like me, so he arranged it here."

I have to say that it is a kind of fate to meet the two cities with such a huge span.

The caretaker was amused for a moment, as if he had just noticed someone next to her, "I'm going out to play with my friends this time." What responded to him was Ah Fu's cold face, and she nodded slightly stiffly, It seems that he is very uncomfortable with this situation.

It was rare to meet an acquaintance, so Fu Zhaozhao also chatted a few more words.

"How long have you been here?" Fu Zhaozhao asked.

The caretaker thought for a while: "I think it's been three or four months. Not many people come to this place. Usually Huang is with me."

Probably because he heard his master calling his name, Ah Huang, who was still lying on the ground sleeping soundly, lazily opened his eyes. After looking at the uncle, he saw that nothing happened and fell asleep again today.

Fu Zhaozhao: "Have you seen anyone enter this construction site recently?"

The gatekeeper waved his hand repeatedly, "I haven't seen many people in the past few months, let alone anyone who has come in."

He paused, as if he remembered something, "But a few days ago, someone seemed to have sneaked in. They probably wanted to steal materials, but the materials were well placed, so they couldn't just steal them if they wanted to. .”

Having said this, he laughed twice.

Fu Zhaozhao caught the word 'them' in his words.

"Did you see anyone go in?" she asked.

The caretaker shook his head, "I just saw a shadow, but no one. They are very timid and ran away as soon as they heard the sound."

After chatting for a while, the gatekeeper seemed to have thought of something. He adjusted his reading glasses, squinted his eyes and asked, "Little girl, do you want to go in?"

Fu Zhaozhao smiled, "Of course not."

Hearing what she said, the gatekeeper relaxed and said, "I just said that there are building materials and tools everywhere here, there is nothing easy to get in, and it is dangerous and unsafe."

Fu Zhaozhao nodded in agreement, and then asked a few questions casually.

The gatekeeper said a few words without thinking too much.

Finally, I learned that the two people who sneaked into the construction site were not doing this for the first time. Occasionally, they would see them every now and then, but they ran so fast that the janitor couldn't keep up with his legs and feet, so he didn't care if nothing was lost. .

Then Fu Zhaozhao and Ah Fu said goodbye to the gatekeeper and turned to leave.

After walking a certain distance, Ah Fu suddenly said: "Outside the construction site, I smelled a very strong smell, and it was much heavier than anything I had ever smelled before."

Obviously the other party must be hiding in this abandoned construction site.

Fu Zhaozhao: "If you go directly into this place, it will be too conspicuous. If anything happens, it will not be easy to solve."

Ah Fu: "What should we do?"

Immediately afterwards, Fu Zhaozhao said extremely experienced words.

"Climb the wall."

It's said to be climbing over a wall, but actually the wall is only about two meters high. It might not be easy for one person to get in, but it's still very easy for two people to work together.

Fu Zhaozhao sat on the wall, stretched out his hand and pulled Ah Fu up from below.

After landing safely, the internal structure of the construction site was revealed to the two of them.

This construction site seems to be used to build residences similar to apartments. It is just a large area densely connected together, but the design is a bit ugly. From the appearance, it looks like the dormitory where I lived when I was in school.

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