guile fairy

Chapter 115 Shadow

As soon as it landed, Ah Fu's cold face suddenly became a bit stunned, as if she couldn't believe it. She sniffed it lightly, and then she was not sure, "This place is full of the smell of that thing."

"It's very thick. It seems to have made this its nest," she said.

Because the rancid smell was too strong, Ah Fu seemed a little uncomfortable. She sneezed several times in a row, and finally put on a mask, hoping to reduce the smell.

Seeing her like this, Fu Zhaozhao also knew that she would not be needed for the rest, so he asked Ah Fu to follow him closely, so that he could call him if anything happened.

Since he was not familiar with this place, Fu Zhaozhao had to start from the first floor.

I don’t know how this house was designed. People who left before it was finished would be dizzy. It looked like a maze. Coupled with the various large and small rooms, a lot of effort was really wasted.

After walking around the first floor, Fu Zhaozhao had a somewhat clear idea of ​​the structure of the house.

When I walked to the second and third floors, my speed became much faster.

Just when she was about to lead people to the fourth floor, Ah Fu, who had been following her silently, suddenly tugged on her sleeve and said nothing.

The moment the two looked at each other, Fu Zhaozhao instantly understood what she meant.

There seemed to be someone following them in the corner.

Probably because the rancid smell became stronger, Ah Fu's face became paler, and he couldn't help coughing twice while speaking.

She lowered her voice and said: "The smell here is very strong, and it seems that the thing has been following us for a while."

Ah Fu didn't notice it at first, until she was following Fu Zhaozhao intently, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a black shadow in the corner, which had been following them secretly.

Ah Fu originally thought that he was wrong, until the rancid smell intensified, and the other party became more and more courageous, revealing more and more shadows, then he became convinced.

Fu Zhaozhao also noticed the shadow, but she always felt a little strange.

Then she whispered to Ah Fu: "You go this way, I'll go that way, and we'll go back."

Ah Fu immediately nodded in understanding, and then said in a slightly louder voice: "I have something urgent to deal with. You can look for it here now. I will come back later."

Then he strode away without waiting for the shadow in the corner to react.

Fu Zhaozhao didn't say anything more and chose the other side to walk.

The shadow in the corner was a little tangled now.

It looked at the back of Ah Fu as he left, then turned to look at Fu Zhaozhao.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, both of them were gone.

The shadow that stayed on the spot was stunned. It looked around and saw no one, so it decided to step forward and take a look.

At this moment, a hand placed heavily on its shoulder, like a devil whispering, and said: "I got you."

The shadow was suddenly frightened and unsteady, almost falling apart.

It was also at this time that Fu Zhaozhao noticed that the other party's appearance seemed different.

It doesn't mean the shadow's appearance, but the way the other person looks.

Its whole body seemed to be soaked in ink. It was completely black, and its face was slightly whiter, but compared to normal people, it also looked extremely dark.

She looked like a seven or eight-year-old girl, wearing a black skirt and looking very timid.

Being frightened by Fu Zhaozhao, Shadow immediately took several steps back in fright. After a while, he started crying like a little girl. The cry kept ringing back and forth on this floor, and the person pretending to leave was Ah Fu has also been recruited. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was also stunned and couldn't help but ask: "What's going on?"

Fu Zhaozhao also had a big head, "I don't know."

Ah Fu stepped forward and smelled the little girl who was crying. "It smells very strong. It must be the one we are looking for."

Although he knew what was going on, the other person was crying with a heartbroken look. Fu Zhaozhao was not very good at what to do for a while. In addition, she was the one who scared the other person and would not stop no matter how much he coaxed him.

In the end, I had no choice but to let Ah Fu help coax her along.

Probably because he had never done anything like this before, Ah Fu's face became even stiffer. He looked at the other party's heartbroken look, and finally ordered in a cold voice: "Don't cry."

Shadow didn't know if he was frightened by her, but he didn't cry for a long time. He just hiccupped from time to time, looking a little miserable.

Seeing that it finally stopped crying, Ah Fu couldn't help but ask: "Was it like this before?"

After all, this look is nothing like the one that made Fu Zhaozhao feel defeated before.

Fu Zhaozhao said quietly from the side: "The last time it lied to me, it wasn't like this."

Unexpectedly, just in the past few months, my gender has changed.

In fact, this sentence is not quite right. Cryers themselves belong to the genderless category, so there is no distinction between men and women, but the appearance will be biased towards the appearance they are used to.

Shadow was twitching and was blocked in the corner. He wanted to say something. When he looked up, he saw Ah Fu's cold face again. His mouth suddenly dropped, and he looked like he was about to cry.

Fu Zhaozhao patted her shoulder and asked her to give up her position.

Ah Fu didn't care, and gave up his position directly, finding a seat by the corner and watching them silently.

Fu Zhaozhao looked at the shadow's appearance, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

After a moment of silence, he finally took out the red string and asked, "Do you do it yourself, or do I do it?"

Shadow was silent for a moment. After a moment, he stretched out his hand tremblingly and asked cautiously: "Can you please be gentle?"

Probably because the other party was too cooperative this time, Fu Zhaozhao was stunned for a moment before quickly tying him up.

When he was about to take the person away, Shadow suddenly said, "I'm going with you, can you not tell my brother?"


Fu Zhaozhao and Ah Fu looked at each other, seeming to realize something.

Shadow: "Brother has a bad temper. If he finds out that I'm leaving with you, he will be angry. So, please don't tell him."

Fu Zhaozhao smiled kindly, just like the wolf grandmother in the fairy tale, "Then where is your brother? Let me say hello to him."

Then Shadow sold the person out neatly.

Fu Zhaozhao winked at Ah Fu and asked her to take the person away first, while he went to take the other one back with him.

Ah Fu didn't say anything, so he stepped forward and took one end of the rope, and the two of them took it away.

I don't know if it was Fu Zhaozhao's illusion, but when the shadow was exposed to the sun, the black part of its body seemed to fade a lot.

When walking out of the first floor, Shadow suddenly turned back and smiled at Fu Zhaozhao, who was looking down from the third floor.

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