guile fairy

Chapter 122 Fox 7

After passing through the winding openings, a bright light suddenly appeared.

The light is extremely dazzling, as if you can leave the ghost market just by walking in.

The fox with the tail that was leading the way stopped walking forward when he reached this point. He raised his hand and pointed forward, "Go straight forward. That's where the real world is. I can only take you here."

A cool breeze came from the entrance of the cave. Qi Guanshan checked it and confirmed that the other party was indeed not lying. He nodded to the other two and walked out first.

Xiaobao saw this and left closely behind.

Just when Fu Zhaozhao was about to leave, the fox with a broken tail suddenly grabbed her by the corner of her clothes.

"What?" Fu Zhaozhao turned around and looked at him doubtfully.

The fox with a broken tail suddenly took off his ghost mask, revealing a boyish face. He smiled at Fu Zhaozhao and said, "My name is Fox Qi. My tail is not broken. It was just to save a person." If a person accidentally breaks her body, she will get better when she remembers it."

"It's nice to see you again today. We may meet again in the future."

As he spoke, he gently pushed the person forward.


It was just early morning before they entered the ghost market. When they came out, it was already bright outside.

Xiaobao stretched and turned around to look, "Zhaozhao, what are you thinking about?"

Fu Zhaozhao smiled, "Have you ever heard of the name Hu Qi?"

Xiaobao tilted his head and thought for a while, "It sounds familiar, but I can't remember it. What's wrong?"

Fu Zhaozhao shook his head, "It's nothing, I just think it sounds familiar."

Qi Guanshan stood in the distance and waved at her, shouting: "The person to pick us up is coming soon, so stop chatting."

I have to say that it is really fun to go out at night. The only drawback is that I am very tired in the morning.

As soon as the three people present got in the car, they each found a comfortable place to sleep.

The car bumped all the way and then returned to Midu.

As soon as Fu Zhaozhao got out of the car, Xiao Hui rushed forward and rubbed him hard, looking particularly excited.

Xiaobao looked on with sour eyes.

"I have raised Little Hui for so long, and I have never seen him nuzzling me like this."

After Fu Zhaozhao comforted the little gray wolf, he handed it to Xiaobao and said, "Take care of it for me for a while. I have to go out during this time."

Xiaobao was startled, "I didn't give you any information. Why did you just come back and run out again?"

Fu Zhaozhao: "I'm going out to find something."

Seeing what she said, Xiaobao didn't say anything more and let the reluctant Xiao Hui run away with him.

Qi Guanshan heard something with sharp ears. After Xiaobao left, he came up and asked, "What did the fox with the tail cut off say?"

Seeing that Fu Zhaozhao hadn't come out for such a long time, and that he suddenly said he wanted to do something, he understood what the other party must have said to her.

Fu Zhaozhao shook his head, "It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that there is something I haven't done yet."

Qi Guanshan looked at her deeply, then turned around and left without asking any more questions.

After going back and resting for a while, Fu Zhaozhao seemed to remember something, took out the memorial tablet and burned incense, and muttered: "It can't be what I thought, Ah Qi must be alive and well, and he is fat and healthy." of."

After working for a while, Fu Zhaozhao went out.

The place she went to this time was, in a general sense, her hometown.

It was a relatively remote and poor small village. In the year she left, a lot of things happened. The night before she left, she stood blankly in front of the house for a long time. Finally, a fire burned down her ancestral house, cutting off her way back. .

But I never thought that one day I would have to go back.

After she transferred to various modes of transportation, she finally reached her destination.

But what we saw was a scene of desolate and abandoned houses. Even the big rocks at the head of the village were split into two sides, which looked particularly desolate.

On the way here, Fu Zhaozhao had imagined various scenes, but he never expected to see such a scene.

Perhaps it was because she looked a little strange standing there alone, so a travel companion who came to make a documentary on the expedition discovered her.

After some discussion, someone was finally sent over to say hello.

"Hello, are you here for adventure too?" The female travel companion looked young, and she smiled and showed two cute tiger teeth when greeting her.

Fu Zhaozhao looked at them, her expression became a little subtle, she shook her head, "It's not an adventure."

She just returned to her former hometown.

Then she asked: "Do you know this place?"

The female travel companion nodded, "I know, this place is quite famous across the country, but it's the opposite of famous."

She smiled and said, "This is the Ghost Village. I heard that there would be some strange chirping sounds from time to time at night, so everyone called this place the Ghost Village."

"Our team was very curious about the various legends here, so we ran over here."

Hearing this name, Fu Zhaozhao's expression looked even stranger.

Probably because I never thought that Tianxiang Village would be renamed Guiming Village one day.

Seeing that she was not here for adventure, the female travel companion asked: "If you are not here for adventure, then what are you here for?"

Fu Zhaozhao's lips moved, but in the end he said nothing. He just said lightly, "It's nothing."

The female friend didn't know what she was thinking of. Seeing that she was unwilling to say anything, she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she said, "We plan to stay here for a few days. It's not safe for you to be here alone. Why don't you follow us? As long as you don't disturb their work." That’s it.”

The other party looked particularly enthusiastic. Fu Zhaozhao looked at the other people and saw them nodding and saying hello to him. After hesitating for a moment, he agreed.

The female travel companion brought Fu Zhaozhao over and introduced them to several people present.

"My name is Xu Ying, and her name is Yu Le. You can just call the fat one Brother Fat like us, and the other one is Liu Xi. We are a team, and we came out this time to collect some materials."

Fu Zhaozhao greeted the other people, briefly introduced himself, and didn't say much else.

The fat guy carrying the camera said: "Let's find a place to tidy up before dark. The temperature has dropped a lot this night, so we have to prepare in advance."

The others were speechless and nodded in agreement.

But where to go for rectification, several people discussed for a long time, but could not decide where to go.

"How about we walk around first and see which place is better before we make a decision." The petite Yu Le suggested in a low voice.

Everyone agreed.

At this moment, Fu Zhaozhao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "If you plan to go to an open place, I have a recommendation."

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on her, and Xu Ying asked: "Where is it?"

"Ancestral Hall."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other people became particularly subtle.

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