guile fairy

Chapter 123 Fish

As if he noticed that the expressions of several people were a little strange, Fu Zhaozhao asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the place I mentioned?"

Xu Ying quickly shook her head, her expression became a little difficult to explain and said: "There is nothing wrong. According to what we said, it doesn't matter if the temple is in an empty place. It's just that the legend of that place is not very clean."

Immediately afterwards, Fu Zhaozhao understood why he said that the ancestral hall was not clean.

Fat Brother lowered his voice and said: "I heard that there is a Taishi chair in that ancestral hall. Every late at night, the chair will shake by itself, and no one has sat on it for a long time, but that chair is particularly special. It’s clean.”

Liu Xi seemed to know something, and said quickly: "Not only that, I heard that the most obvious place for those ghost screams is in the ancestral hall. It seems that someone once saw a woman in white walking around inside."

Even Yu Le, who didn't dare to speak much, raised his hand and said, "My cousin has been here before. Although she didn't tell me in detail, she emphasized that the ancestral hall is the uncleanest place in the whole village."

Based on the above, several people said that the ancestral hall was very unclean and they were unwilling to rest there.

When Fu Zhaozhao saw this, he said, "You still remember what you came here to do."

Everyone: "Oh!" They almost forgot that they were here to investigate the supernatural events in Guiming Village.

Everyone smiled awkwardly, and Xu Ying made the final decision, "Then we will go to the ancestral hall to rest, find the place first, and then organize everything there."

Fu Zhaozhao led the way, and everyone quickly arrived in front of the ancestral hall.

I have to say that there is indeed a large open space in front of the ancestral hall, which is slightly different from other abandoned places. The ground in front of the ancestral hall is paved with gray bricks bit by bit, and it looks particularly neat.

This neatness means literally.

It was obviously late autumn, but there wasn't even a fallen leaf in front of the ancestral hall. It looked like someone had cleaned it.

Everyone looked at this strange scene and no one said anything, but they just felt a sense of inexplicable excitement.

Walking into the ancestral hall, sure enough, in the corner by the window, there was a Taishi chair placed slanted, as if someone had been sitting there and looking at the door of the ancestral hall.

Everyone found a relatively comfortable place far away from the Grand Master's chair, put down their things one after another, and took a break.

Liu Xi, who often travels out, also brought something similar to a floor cage for daily use.

Unable to help, Yu Le went out with Fu Zhaozhao to prepare firewood.

Fortunately, since the surrounding area was deserted and there were a lot of dry branches, it didn't take much effort to prepare the firewood.

On the way back, Yu Le couldn't help but be curious and asked: "Zhaozhao, what are you doing here? I feel like you are very familiar with this place."

Fu Zhaozhao smiled and said casually: "Help foreign friends see the ancestral home."

Yu Le said in understanding, and then struggled to lift the firewood.

Just when passing by an alleyway, I accidentally stepped on something sticky. I was so scared that I jumped to the side and couldn't help but scream.

Fu Zhaozhao glanced at the place where she stepped. It was a patch of moss. It was probably because of the rain some time ago that the road here was extremely slippery. Coupled with the environment here, it was really easy to scare people.

"You seem to be afraid of these things. Why would you follow them to film such unnatural events?" Fu Zhaozhao asked.

Yu Le was a little embarrassed. She said: "My cousin used to do this, but she... was not in good health. It should be that she was not in good health after coming back here."

"I want to know if my cousin is like this. Is it related to Guiming Village? Plus, Sister Ying asked me to come with her. She has experience in these places, so I feel more at ease." From Yu Le's words, Fu Zhaozhao She noticed that the relationship between the other party and her cousin seemed to be very good, otherwise she wouldn't have followed her even though she was so afraid of this.

After a while, they returned to the ancestral hall.

But except for Xu Ying and Liu Xi, there was no one else in the ancestral hall.

Yu Le asked strangely, "Where did Fat Brother go?"

Liu Xi placed the firewood in order and replied: "Fat man said it's very boring here. Let's go out and look around to see if there is any material to shoot."

Just as he said this, Fat Brother's cheerful voice came from outside.

I saw that he was holding a wooden bucket in his hand. It seemed to contain a lot of water, and it looked particularly laborious to lift it.

"You have no idea what I caught." Fat Brother's joyful voice came over, and then he huffed and placed the barrel in front of everyone.

The wooden barrel may be a little rotten, and water is leaking out little by little.

But the contents inside the barrel are quite real.

There were four or five black-tailed and white-bellied fish. They seemed not to realize that they had been caught, and were swimming leisurely in the barrel.

Liu Xi looked over and was also happy, "Okay, fat man, where did you catch this?"

The fat brother wiped the sweat from his forehead and said very proudly, "In the well in the village, I originally thought that the water in it had dried up long ago, but I didn't expect that there was still water. I saw there were fish swimming in it. I just threw a wooden barrel down."

"Hey, who knew that after this, I immediately caught five small fish cubs and came back. It seems that everyone will be in luck tonight."

Xu Ying also seemed very happy, and she even offered a knife and asked Liu Xi to go out and clean up the fish.

"It's not good." Yu Le whispered, "I think this fish feels weird, and no one lives in this place anymore. Don't you think it's strange that the well water is still alive despite being unoccupied for so long?"

Unfortunately, her voice was too low, and the other three seemed extremely excited, so no one paid attention to her.

Fu Zhaozhao's eyes had never left them since the fish were brought in.

Regardless of anything else, the fish's eyes always made her feel like she was being stared at by human eyes.

Staring straight at him made him extremely uncomfortable.

Liu Le didn't think so much, and happily went out with the wooden bucket. However, in a short while, he inserted five small fishes with wooden sticks. After preparing to light a fire for a while, they slowly roasted them around, even as an extra meal. .

Unlike the other three who were extremely excited, Fu Zhaozhao and Yu Le seemed much colder.

Yu Le hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing.

Fu Zhaozhao always felt that these hung fish seemed to have a strange expression, as if they were laughing in relief.

However, looking at the other three people, they seemed to have discovered nothing. They were smiling so happily that they forgot where they were for a moment.

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