guile fairy

Chapter 133 Bacteria

Chapter 133 Bacteria

"Long time no see, why are you here?" Fu Zhaozhao asked.

The proprietress of the coffin shop smoothed the scales on the little snake and replied casually: "I've had a lot of business here recently, so I came over to see what's going on."

As soon as Fu Zhaozhao heard the business she mentioned, he thought about the recent incidents involving green-skinned monsters nearby, and asked her hesitantly: "Do you mean that kind of business?"

The proprietress of the coffin shop smiled ambiguously, "Otherwise, what kind of business would there be?"

The little snake finally managed to escape from the hands of the proprietress of the coffin shop. After a lot of effort, it crawled to Fu Zhaozhao's feet, vomiting a small letter, looking a little coquettish, as if it wanted the other person to hug him.

Fu Zhaozhao leaned over and picked up the little snake. She asked, "How much do you know about things around here?"

"I know a little bit, that monster seems to be able to hide its body, and it attacked me some time ago." As she said that, the proprietress of the coffin shop showed her arms. There were three ferocious scars on her white arms, which looked very scary.

The proprietress of the coffin shop said: "When I was packing that thing, they took advantage of me and attacked me. Fortunately, the little snake reminded me and I managed to avoid it, otherwise the store would have been transferred."

As she spoke, she actually laughed, but there was no emotion in her smile. She said jokingly: "If you see that monster, don't mention anything else, just leave the body for me."

Fu Zhaozhao nodded slightly and said emphatically, "I will definitely keep it for you if I have the chance."

The proprietress of the coffin shop became satisfied and easily picked up the struggling little snake.

"By the way, let me tell you something."


"There is more than one monster in the forest, and they seem to know how to cooperate. I originally caught one, but another one suddenly appeared and was rescued." At this point, the proprietress of the coffin shop said with a full tone. regret.

Fu Zhaozhao nodded, indicating that he understood.

Then the two chatted for a few more words, said goodbye to the little snake and left.

I learned two things from the coffin shop proprietress.

One thing is that the green-skinned monster in the forest is real.

The other thing is that the green-skinned monsters are group actions. Although the specific number is not clear, it seems that there are at least two at the moment.

Walk along the abandoned railway track and gradually enter the dense forest.

It is said that in the last century, this railway track was still in normal use, and the surrounding grass and woods were not so lush.

Since a certain year, several bizarre deaths suddenly occurred on the railway track. In addition, this railway track cannot be merged with other new railway tracks to add new tracks. After many reasons, it was finally decided to decommission this railway track. train track.

However, from the coffin shop lady’s mouth, it seems that the reason for deactivating this railway track is not only this, but also some deeper reasons.

Thinking of the other person saying meaningfully when he left, "Follow the direction of the railway track to the end, maybe you will see something special."

Fu Zhaozhao hesitated again and again, and finally decided to follow the other party's instructions and walk along the abandoned railway tracks.

There are a lot of gravels on the road. If you don't pay attention, you may get your feet wet. You can even see some strange scratches on the railway tracks on the road. Next to those scratches, you can occasionally see some strange footprints.

Fu Zhaozhao looked at it and found that the footprints looked like three claws, which were somewhat similar to the characteristics of swamp creatures, and there were some algae left around the claw marks.

After walking along the abandoned railway track for nearly two hours, I finally saw the end of the track.

It was a mine-type hole, but the entrance was sealed with wooden boards, and a big "No Entry" sign was spray-painted with red paint on it. Under the wooden board, there was a small hole, but it could just accommodate an adult.

Fu Zhaozhao even saw some fresh plants that had been left recently near the entrance of the cave, and there seemed to be some reddish-brown rust-like things on the damaged wooden boards. It was like it was contaminated by something.

A smelly cool breeze came from the damaged hole, as if something was rotting inside.

Fu Zhaozhao leaned directly into the cave without much hesitation.

It was pitch black. When she turned on the flashlight, she discovered that there were various wooden board reinforcements on top of the hole, and some old kerosene lamps and some slightly damaged safety helmets were hung on those places. .

Since the call came in, the fishy smell has become more and more obvious.

Fu Zhaozhao found that there was still some remaining oil inside the kerosene lamps, so he took one of them and lit it before continuing to move forward.

This place is said to be a tunnel, but in fact it is more like a mine.

The exit couldn't be seen how far away, but randomly discarded pickaxes and some damaged safety helmets could be seen all around.

Fu Zhaozhao sniffed and frowned immediately.

The fishy smell had a moldy smell at some point.

The smell is not very obvious, and if Fu Zhaozhao wasn't quite sensitive to smells, he probably wouldn't be able to smell it.

As I walked, I didn't know when there was a hole in the wall around me, and the smell of mold and fishy smell became more obvious.

Fu Zhaozhao paused for a moment, and then got into the hole beside him.

The firelight illuminated the scene inside the cave. There were many kerosene lamps hanging on both sides, as well as some pickaxes that looked very damaged. There was also the sound of dripping water droplets coming from somewhere inside.

The cold wind carried the strong fishy smell and the smell of mold, and Fu Zhaozhao couldn't help coughing twice.

The moment the cough sounded, the sound of water droplets falling became more obvious.

After calming down, Fu Zhaozhao continued to walk forward.

After walking about thirty to forty meters, she finally saw the place where the water drops made a sound.

It was a small puddle. Above the puddle, there was something like a stalactite, but the shape looked a little strange.

Fu Zhaozhao stepped forward to observe carefully, but his expression suddenly changed the next moment.

It turned out that the thing that kept dripping water was not a stalactite, but a corpse hanging upside down, and the corpse was covered with wax.

From a distance, it looks like a stalactite.

Moreover, some green fungi that looked poisonous could also be seen on the corpse.

That musty smell comes from this fungus.

Fu Zhaozhao raised the kerosene lamp and was surprised to find that there were at least a dozen more stalactites like this around.

Various strange fungi are hung on each stalactite, and the surrounding air is filled with that strange musty smell because of these fungi.

(End of this chapter)

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