guile fairy

Chapter 134 Green-skinned Monster

Chapter 134 Green-skinned Monster

Just as Fu Zhaozhao was carefully observing these upside-down stalactites, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit her. She had no time to dodge, and was grabbed tightly by the opponent.

"Help me!" The woman's panicked voice sounded, and she hugged Fu Zhaozhao's arm tightly, refusing to let go.

Fu Zhaozhao was startled at first, and then turned to look at the woman hugging him tightly.

The other party's body was dirty, as if he had gone through many days of suffering, and there were many scratches and abrasions on his body, making him look particularly miserable.

Fu Zhaozhao observed carefully and found that the other party was the female anchor who had made a fuss and disappeared some time ago.

She was startled at first, and then asked: "Why are you here?"

When the female anchor heard that Fu Zhaozhao had recognized her, she hurriedly grabbed a life-saving straw. Tears fell down her face. She sniffed and said with a slight cry: "I...I don't know, I picked it up that day." After that finger, the signal was poor and the live broadcast was interrupted. When I checked my phone, I was knocked unconscious by something, and when I woke up, I was here."

The female anchor wiped her tears and said with annoyance: "It's so scary here, these things are everywhere."

Fu Zhaozhao grasped the key point of her words, "Everywhere?"

The female anchor nodded fiercely, "Yes, these are everywhere. It's so scary."

Fu Zhaozhao: "Then how did you come here these days?"

As soon as these words came out, the female anchor had an ugly expression. She pursed her lips, showed an ugly smile, and said with a slight dodge in her eyes: "It's better not to ask this question."

Looking at the slightly incomplete areas, Fu Zhaozhao seemed to feel that his question was a bit redundant.

"How long have you been here?"

", five days...I can't remember clearly, it feels like a long time has passed." The female anchor urged, "Let's get out of here quickly, there are monsters in here."

At the end of her words, her voice was trembling, as if she was particularly afraid of the monster she had seen before suddenly running out.

Fu Zhaozhao pointed in the direction behind him, "If you keep walking forward, you can find the place to leave."

The female anchor was shocked and asked in a high-pitched voice in disbelief, "You won't go out with me?! Aren't you here to save me?!"

Fu Zhaozhao: "I still have some things to deal with, so I can't leave here yet."

The female anchor stared at her for a long time, as if looking at a madman, and said with a broken tone: "I'm not lying to you, there is really a monster here. If the monster finds out, we will all be captured." Made into those things.”

Her hand points to the stalactite hanging upside down.

Fu Zhaozhao sighed: "Of course I believe what you said, there are monsters here, but is it possible? I came here just to find those monsters."

Seeing that the female anchor was still very excited, Fu Zhaozhao patted her shoulder and comforted her slightly: "Don't be nervous first. If you are afraid, I can take you out first, but you will have to go out alone." Go away by yourself."

When the female anchor heard this, she quickly shook her head and refused.

"No, those monsters are everywhere, not just here, as long as they are in this forest, they will appear at any time."

The female anchor wanted Fu Zhaozhao to take her out of the forest.

But obviously Fu Zhaozhao doesn't have so much patience, "I can only help you get here. You can only walk the rest of the way by yourself or follow me temporarily, and then I will take you out after I finish handling the matter."

As of now, there are only these two options.

The female anchor hesitated for a long time, and finally grabbed her arm, "Then I'd better follow you first. If there's anything, you can take care of me." Upon hearing her request, Fu Zhaozhao smiled and said nothing more. What to say, just to keep herself safe.

Walking in the direction of the 'Stalactites', the entrance of the tunnel becomes narrower and narrower as you go in, and the musty smell becomes stronger and stronger.

The female anchor following behind didn't know if she couldn't stand the smell of mold, so she sneezed three or four times in a row, which was particularly obvious in this narrow space.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the female anchor suddenly seemed a little nervous. She suddenly grabbed Fu Zhaozhao's sleeve and whispered: "Wait a minute."

Fu Zhaozhao paused, "Huh? What's wrong?"

The female anchor swallowed, "Did you hear that there seemed to be other people's footsteps here?"

Fu Zhaozhao listened carefully, but heard nothing. However, she did not speak to refute the other party. Instead, she waited for a long time. After still not hearing anything, she frowned and said, "Are you sure you heard it?" Other footsteps?"

The female anchor nodded affirmatively, her face slightly pale and said: "Yes, there is more than one, it seems to be several voices at the same time."

Fu Zhaozhao thought for a while and then said: "Follow me closely. If there are any other footsteps, pull down your clothes and don't speak."

The female anchor nodded repeatedly to show that she understood.

So the two of them continued walking for a while.

Suddenly there was a sound of being pulled on his sleeves. Fu Zhaozhao immediately stopped his footsteps and listened to the sound at the same time.

It was during this brief gap that Fu Zhaozhao heard the extra footsteps from the female anchor.

The footsteps did indeed come from more than one person. It sounded like several people moving at the same time. The messy sounds stopped along with their movements.

The female anchor asked tremblingly, "Did you hear...many, many footsteps?"

"It sounded like it was coming from above." The female anchor raised her head and screamed the next moment.

Fu Zhaozhao also covered her mouth immediately and dragged her to the corner.

"Shut up!"

The eyes of the female anchor whose mouth was covered were filled with frightened tears. She was obviously frightened by the scene she just saw.

While Fu Zhaozhao covered her mouth, he carefully looked at the position above their heads.

There were several green-skinned monsters hanging upside down, with small but bat-like wings on their bodies.

At this moment, his eyes were closed and his ears were tilted, as if listening to their movements.

One of them is particularly large, and its eyes are completely covered by bright red eye masks. It seems that the other party can see a little.

A low roar came from deep in its throat, and as it roared, other smaller green-skinned monsters that had been staying motionless started to move, and the direction they were heading towards was where Fu Zhaozhao and the others were.

The female anchor's eyes widened when she saw it. She seemed to be frightened. If Fu Zhaozhao hadn't covered her mouth, she would have screamed out the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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