guile fairy

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

As the monster gradually approaches, the atmosphere reaches an extremely tense atmosphere.

The female anchor was so frightened that she was trembling all over, but fortunately Fu Zhaozhao covered her mouth to prevent her from making unnecessary noises.

The monster's approach also allowed Fu Zhaozhao to smell the scent of the monster.

The fishy and moldy smell is similar to the smell of the previous stalactites. The only difference is that their smell is obviously thicker and foggier.

Just when Fu Zhaozhao was thinking about how to solve the predicament at hand, the monsters that were pressing forward suddenly stopped for a moment, then turned their ears as if they heard something.

Then they suddenly made a sharp sound, as if they were communicating and responding.

In just a moment, those monsters turned away and climbed in the other direction.

Seeing this, Fu Zhaozhao seemed to have guessed something. He grabbed the female anchor's clothes and said quickly, "Let's go! Follow them!"

As soon as these words came out, the female anchor's face turned a little pale.

She shook her head softly and refused, and said with a little pleading in her tone: "I don't want to go, those are monsters, they were the ones who brought me to this place in the first place, please send me away from here first."

Fu Zhaozhao grabbed her clothes for a moment and looked at her up and down, with a hint of scrutiny in his tone.

"You didn't say you were brought here by those monsters. It seems you have seen them before."

When the female anchor heard this, she shook her head with a pale face, "No, I didn't, I just... just guessed."

She gave an ugly smile, "Besides, besides those monsters, who else would do this."

Fu Zhaozhao: "But it didn't explain why those monsters brought you here but didn't hurt you."

The female anchor opened her mouth and wanted to explain something more, but in the end nothing came out.

Fu Zhaozhao narrowed his eyes, "Is there something that I can't say?"

The female anchor has not spoken yet, as if she has something to hide.

Fu Zhaozhao: "Since you don't want to say anything, why don't you come with me and take a look, or just follow the path we took and walk back. These monsters won't follow us for a while."

The female anchor was silent for a while, then finally lowered her head and nodded in agreement.

"I will go with you."

In the end, the two of them followed closely behind the monsters, but because they were afraid of being discovered by the monsters, they were extremely careful in their movements.

There was a smell of mold all around the inside of the mine, and following the direction the monsters were heading, the musty smell was so strong that some green robes could be faintly seen in the air.

After about seven or eight turns, the monsters finally stopped.

They formed a circle, with a stalactite hanging upside down in the middle. They were sniffing up and down there, as if to determine something.

Then the larger monster pushed aside the other monsters surrounding it and slowly walked in.

It used its weak eyesight to carefully look at the 'stalactite', as if judging something.

A few minutes later, the monster made a sharp sound, and its unusually long and slender arms slashed hard in the air. The other monsters immediately got the instruction and rushed forward to eat the upside-down stalactite like crazy.

As they gnawed, the female anchor next to Fu Zhaozhao seemed to be suddenly stimulated. She huddled against the wall in fear, her eyes fixed on the stalactites that the monsters were gnawing on. Every time the monster took a bite, the female anchor couldn't help but tremble.

In the end, it seemed that she couldn't stand it anymore. After opening her mouth and screaming, she turned around and ran away in a panic.

All this happened so suddenly that before Fu Zhaozhao could react, the other party had disappeared.

As the monsters gnawed, the things wrapped in the stalactites were also exposed.

It was a monster with the same green skin, but with some white added to its abdomen, and its figure was slimmer, giving it a female feel overall.

However, the opponent had just emerged from the stalactite, and was still very unskilled in controlling his body, looking left and right.

After those monsters witnessed the birth of the female monster, each of them lay on the ground excitedly, making dull sounds in their mouths, as if to attract the female monster's attention.

Only Fu Zhaozhao's expression became particularly strange when he saw the female monster's face.

If she saw it correctly, the other person's face was 50 or 60% similar to the female anchor just now. From the appearance, it looked more like her next generation.

And near the female monster, there are many 'stalactites' of different sizes hanging upside down.

When Fu Zhaozhao didn't see the scene just now, he didn't pay much attention to it. Now he looked carefully and found that there were signs of life activity inside the stalactites of different sizes.

It's like being born in the mother's body and then hanging on the top to continue growing.

As time goes by, the stalactites become larger and larger, and when the wax on the outside reaches a certain thickness, the next monster will be born.

In other words, these monsters probably all come from the same person.

Fu Zhaozhao, who suddenly thought of this, seemed to realize why the female anchor ran away with a broken face.

The female monster who was just born from beeswax only took a while to adapt to her body.

It flapped its wings, feeling something.

But after a while, it lost interest in this behavior and looked around as if looking for something interesting.

Suddenly, a slightly larger monster stepped forward and grabbed the female monster's skinny arm. A low, threatening sound came from its throat.

The female monster was so frightened by its behavior that she screamed several times and struggled in various ways.

As if they had received the order from the female monster, the smaller monsters who were lying on the ground suddenly stepped forward angrily. Each one pounced on the larger monster and kept biting them.

The big monster screamed in pain, and then began to resist and attack the monsters that had been controlled by it.

The female monster took this opportunity to escape from the clutches of the big monster and hung upside down not far away, making different sounds from her mouth.

The smaller monster seemed to be directed to attack different positions of the big monster, but in just a moment, the small monster slowly gained the upper hand from a disadvantage.

The final ending ends with the monster's throat being bitten and a hole ripped open.

After everything calmed down, the female monster targeted the 'stalactites' that had not yet had time to grow up.

But this time it didn't let the little monster take action, as if it was climbing to the throne, it personally eliminated those competitors.

(End of this chapter)

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