guile fairy

Chapter 136

After eradicating the unformed stalactites, the female monster stopped moving and let out a threatening grunt in her throat, as if declaring her victory.

It took a while before it stopped.

Other smaller monsters crawled motionless on the wall, waiting for instructions from the new queen.

The female monster didn't react at all. She hung upside down on the top, looking at the little monsters in front of her, as if she was thinking about something.

At this moment, a sharp scream came from the distance.

When Fu Zhaozhao heard it, he knew it was from the female anchor who ran away just now, but he didn't know what happened to her.

When the female monster made a sharp sound, she also made a sharp whistle from her mouth.

Then he headed straight for the direction of the source of the sound, and the other little monsters also received the instructions and followed him.

When Fu Zhaozhao was about to encounter them, he found a secret location to hide and barely missed the monsters.

Then when all the monsters ran out, Fu Zhaozhao easily threw out the red rope and caught the last smallest monster.

The little monster was so frightened that it struggled continuously, making threatening sounds in its throat, and making uncomfortable sounds when its scales rubbed against the ground.

Unfortunately, the other monsters had already run away, and the little monster at the end was not found to be behind.

After everything calmed down, Fu Zhaozhao endured the sound and stepped forward to tie the opponent tightly so that the opponent could not move.

After a while, she dragged the little monster to another more private place, intending to study this monster carefully.

As far as she knew, there were occasionally monsters living in groups in the city, but those monsters had no obvious levels, and their intelligence was very low. They were even the lowest-level monsters in the city.

This is the first time I have encountered such a gregarious monster that resembles a hive mode.

Fu Zhaozhao pressed the little monster to the ground, ignored its struggle, grabbed its scaly head, and carefully observed its face.

The little monster's head and body are relatively small, even only the size of a teenage child. Behind it is a pair of wings that are not very similar to a bat. Under the body is a slender tail, and the body is covered with dense green scales. It looks like It looks extremely sharp.

The green scales covered it all the way to its head, leaving only its face untouched.

Fu Zhaozhao stared at the other person's face, feeling inexplicably scary.

The face of the little monster is not particularly different from that of ordinary humans, except that the eyes are relatively large, taking up a third of the entire face. The pupils of the eyes are all black, and they look like enlarged cockroaches. head.

While Fu Zhaozhao was observing the little monster, the other person seemed to realize that she had no ill intentions, and stopped moving for a moment. He put his nose up and smelled it. It made a strange sound: "Snoring?"

As soon as it made a sound, Fu Zhaozhao realized that the other party was trying to communicate with her, and his suppressive movements relaxed.

After confirming that she had no ill intentions at all, the little monster bared its teeth, looking like a threat, but it gave Fu Zhaozhao the feeling that the other party was smiling at her.

Seeing this situation, Fu Zhaozhao frowned.

Monsters that can communicate normally with humans are no longer ordinary monsters. After thinking about it again and again, I decided to leave this issue to Xiaobao.


Xiaobao rushed over as soon as he heard the news, with a rare look of excitement on his face.

Fu Zhaozhao handed her the little monster he dragged out of the cave, and then told her the general situation.

"They are social creatures, and they seem to be able to communicate with people. Judging from the current situation, their eyesight is not very good. This is the first time I have seen this. You can take it back and study it." Fu Zhaozhao paused. , added: "Try not to hurt your life."

Xiaobao took the little monster over, patted him on the head, and showed a shy smile, "Don't worry, I'll try to be as gentle as possible."

After finishing dealing with the little monster, Fu Zhaozhao turned around and went back into the tunnel.

The female anchor who had walked with her for a while was still inside. Although she knew that the female monster had a certain relationship with her, she was still a human being, so she still went in to see if she could bring the person out.

Fu Zhaozhao walked along the previous road and found that some of the 'stalactites' outside had also been deliberately destroyed, and there were dilapidated scenes along the way.

While standing at the fork in the road, thinking about which direction to go, the female anchor's frightened voice sounded again, and she shouted in a panic: "Go away! Don't follow me, don't follow me!"

At the same time as the sound was made, there was the sound of something being knocked over.

After judging the source of the sound, Fu Zhaozhao turned around and left.

The female anchor was so frightened that she ran forward while avoiding the little monsters who kept trying to come forward.

On the way to dodge, the female anchor did not notice the stone in front of her for a moment, and accidentally fell to the ground. When she put her palms on the ground, there were red bloodshot eyes.

The smell of blood floated out faintly, and the monsters that had been following closely behind seemed to be feeling dizzy as if they had been stimulated by something.

Fu Zhaozhao noticed that the monsters were in something wrong, and quickly stepped forward to help the female anchor who fell on the ground, and then took a few steps to lead her to another corner.

Then, before the female anchor could react, she simply cleaned the other party's wounds very quickly.

When she was first caught, the female anchor was so frightened that she wanted to scream loudly. Fortunately, Fu Zhaozhao was very skilled at this. As soon as he saw her opening her mouth, he raised his hand to cover her mouth.


The familiar words immediately silenced the panicked female anchor.

The tears kept falling down, as if she was telling her grievances, the female anchor was sobbing.

However, when he heard the sound of those monsters exploring, he still restrained himself from making any sound.

She wiped away her tears and relaxed when she watched the little monster getting farther and farther away from them.

Probably because she was too aggrieved, the female anchor wiped her nose and then said in a nasal voice: "I thought you had gone out."

Fu Zhaozhao: "I went out for a while, but I came back when I thought you were still here."

When the female anchor heard what she said, she seemed even more aggrieved.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...It's so scary here. I want to go home."

She whispered while wiping her tears.

Fu Zhaozhao simply comforted her and asked, "Can you tell me now what else happened here?"

Seeing her asking this, the female anchor knew that she couldn't hide it, so she told the story roughly what happened.

"Actually, before I came here, I already knew that there were indeed monsters here."

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