guile fairy

Chapter 151 Giant Fish Monster

"You're already here, why don't you do me a favor." 'Fu Zhaozhao' said lazily.

The proprietress of the coffin shop paused and asked cautiously: "What are you referring to?"

'Fu Zhaozhao' pointed at himself and raised the corners of his lips.


When she woke up from her drowsiness, she was surrounded by a strange environment, but there was a faint smell of incense around her, which made her relax a little.

As if sensing that she was awake, the door was pushed open.

The proprietress of the coffin shop opened the door and took a look, slightly surprised and said: "Wake up so early? I thought it would take at least two days."

Fu Zhaozhao held his swollen forehead and said with a hint of confusion in his voice, "Why am I here with you?"

"My coffin shop is near the amusement park. I saw you fainted when I passed by, so I brought it back." The proprietress of the coffin shop explained casually.

Fu Zhaozhao paused for a moment, as if he thought of something, and hurriedly got off the bed.

Seeing her like this, the proprietress of the coffin shop immediately said, "Are you worried about that little fat man?"

Fu Zhaozhao: "How do you know? He is still in the amusement park, there..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by the proprietress of the coffin shop.

"No more. I saw him run out of the amusement park with my own eyes." She paused, "He seemed to have called the police after he ran out, and a bunch of people went into the amusement park in a mighty manner."

"But the things inside have been cleaned up a long time ago. There is nothing left, and of course nothing can be found. But if you are worried, you can call him."

After hearing what she said, Fu Zhaozhao breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you're alive," she said.

The proprietress of the coffin shop snorted softly and looked at her with squinted eyes, "Did you do this on purpose?"

Fu Zhaozhao looked confused, "Why did you do this on purpose?"

"You let 'her' out on purpose."


The proprietress of the coffin shop said with a smile: "You don't have to pretend so much in front of me. Believe it or not, within a long time, everyone in the entire city will know what happened."

Fu Zhaozhao raised his thumb at her, "You are awesome."

"Why do you do this? You know how dangerous it is." The proprietress of the coffin shop asked her.

Fu Zhaozhao stretched lazily, looking unconcerned: "There is no reason, I just think it's time for my dear sister to move."

"'She' asked me to bring you a message."


"'She' said, next time you come out, it's up to you whether you want to or not."

Fu Zhaozhao smacked his lips and said, "Okay, then I'll be careful next time."

The proprietress of the coffin shop snorted twice, and when she saw that nothing happened to her, she kicked her out.

She also brought them if necessary. After driving people out, she also stuffed some rare and good incense candles.

"Before you go back to sleep, light one to stabilize your soul." After saying these words, the proprietress of the coffin shop closed the door tightly with a bang, as if not letting anyone in.

Fu Zhaozhao hugged the pile of things and smiled helplessly.

It wasn't until late at night that I returned to Midu.

The fog in Midtown became thicker and thicker at night, and the roars of monsters could be heard from time to time. Looking from a distance, there seemed to be two lantern-sized things hanging in the sky that were shining.

Fu Zhaozhao recognized it at a glance as a kind of giant monster. It looked like a giant lantern fish, with two mutated eyes that were extraordinarily large. There was also a lantern-like fish hanging in the middle, which was used to catch prey. s things. Fortunately, this kind of monster has a relatively mild temperament. As long as it is not close to the opponent's location, it is basically not aggressive.

Relying on those two big lantern-like eyes, Fu Zhaozhao recognized the person below and then returned to the management office.

Pushing open the door, the little gray wolf lying inside had long disappeared. He probably went to play somewhere, and Fu Zhaozhao was used to this.

After putting all the piles of incense candles and tidying up everything, he lit an incense candle and fell asleep.

I don't know if this incense candle has the effect of aiding sleep, but after a while, Fu Zhaozhao fell into an extremely deep sleep.

After a dreamless night, I felt that my overall mental state was much better after I woke up, but I still felt a little uncoordinated inside my body.

This is because after being loaned out, you need a period of rest to recover.

When I went out for a stroll, I met Xiaobao on the road.

At the moment, she is running around with the little gray wolf, and it seems that she is really consuming the other person's energy.

Xiaobao looked particularly excited to see Fu Zhaozhao all the way away.

"Ah, Zhaozhao, you're back!"

Fu Zhaozhao touched the little gray wolf's head and asked casually: "How are you doing recently?"

Xiaobao nodded, "It's been fine recently, the workload has been reduced a lot."

Fu Zhaozhao hummed, "That's good. By the way, have you seen Master Qi recently? I have something to talk to him about."

Xiaobao shook his head, "I haven't seen him. It seems I haven't seen him in Midu for two or three days. It seems he hasn't come back."

Fu Zhaozhao said oh, as if he understood.

Xiaobao was curious, "Zhaozhao, why are you looking for Master Qi?"

Fu Zhaozhao: "I'm not doing anything. I just thought I wouldn't see him for a long time. I wanted to chat and drink tea with him."

Xiaobao: "You always go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. I don't believe you have nothing to do with Master Qi. But it's okay if you don't want to. Anyway, you will probably be busy again in a few days, and I don't have time to care about this." "

Fu Zhaozhao: "Why will you be busy again in a few days?"

Xiaobao waved his hands, "You don't know, right? That guy Qi Guanshan seems to have been busy with a lot of work recently, but he can still handle it now. If he can't catch up, he will probably be thrown to us. You can still have a happy day." One day, too lazy to care about so much."

As soon as she finished speaking, a small black monster entered the management office from nowhere, slithered away, and ran away.

The little gray wolf seemed to have seen something. He looked at it intently, and then rushed forward before Xiaobao could react.

Xiaobao reflexively grasped the hand rope and ejected.

"Zhaozhao, help me!"

The last scene Fu Zhaozhao saw was that Xiaobao was like a rag doll, messy in the wind, and his miserable screams echoed in the air.

After everything around him returned to quiet, Fu Zhaozhao suddenly laughed.

But I soon felt ashamed of myself for being so immoral.

But one afternoon, Qi Guanshan didn't know where he got the news of her return, and came over with a beaming face.

If you ignore what he is carrying in his hand.

Fu Zhaozhao looked at what he was holding in silence for a while, "Are you too busy?"

Qi Guanshan nodded heavily, but the expression of strength on his face did not change at all.

Fu Zhaozhao: "Take the expression off your face."

Qi Guanshan calmed down slightly.

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