guile fairy

Chapter 152 Mist

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Fu Zhaozhao said.

Qi Guanshan chuckled, and then said as softly as possible: "I heard that you are quite free recently, can you help me with something?"

Fu Zhaozhao frowned: "What's the matter?"

Qi Guanshan: "It's not that difficult." Then he handed the things over, "There have been car accidents in this area recently. I want you to help me check if there are any problems. It would be best if I could solve this problem smoothly. .”

Fu Zhaozhao took the information given by Qi Guanshan and found that it was not far from Haicheng where she had just returned, and it was even a main road that passed through Haicheng.

"Isn't this Xiaobao's job? Why are you doing this now?"

Speaking of this, Qi Guanshan looked embarrassed and said vaguely: "Actually, I made a bet with her, and the bet ended up losing. As a reward, I helped her handle some of the things."

When he said this, Fu Zhaozhao understood why Xiaobao was sure that Qi Guanshan came to find him.

I originally planned to refuse, but then I thought that I really didn't have anything important to do recently, so I agreed.

Qi Guanshan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she agreed.

Then he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, help me take someone with you when you go out this time."


"Zhang Quan."

Fu Zhaozhao frowned when he heard the name, put down all the materials he had been flipping through, and asked in confusion: "What are you taking him for?"

She hadn't heard this name for a long time. If Qi Guanshan hadn't suddenly mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten it.

However, it can be seen from the side that Zhang Quan has indeed kept a low profile recently.

Qi Guanshan: "You don't know?"

Fu Zhaozhao frowned: "What do you know?"

"Zhang Quan has been promoted to an intermediate observer, but he doesn't have much practical experience outside. I haven't had time to leave Midu recently."

The promotion from junior to intermediate requires a large amount of tasks to be promoted, and it also needs to have particularly good results to be taken over by management-level personnel.

Currently, there is only one person in their group, Qi Guanshan, and all other senior observers have been sent out on missions.

But obviously Qi Guanshan was very busy recently and couldn't care about the other party at all, so he decided to focus on Fu Zhaozhao.

"Oh, please help me. Besides, it's you who brought this person back. I've never seen you bring someone with you, so just treat it as someone around you who can chat." Qi Guanshan tried his best to persuade me from the side.

Fu Zhaozhao thought for a moment and finally agreed.

"Okay, let him prepare."


When he saw Zhang Quan again, Fu Zhaozhao was obviously stunned for a moment.

The original otaku temperament is gone forever.

The glasses are still the same, but the pale face has long been tanned to a wheat color by the sun. The fragile arms and body now look much stronger, and even a thin layer of muscle can be seen faintly.

Seeing an acquaintance, Zhang Quan couldn't help but smile.

"Zhaozhao, long time no see."

Fu Zhaozhao looked him up and down and said, "You have changed a lot." Zhang Quan immediately lowered his head in embarrassment and scratched his head, "Maybe it was because I was on a mission every day some time ago, maybe I was exposed to too much sun."

Moreover, if you encounter a monster with a higher level of danger, if you can't run fast, it will become the monster's food, so you can train your body bit by bit.

Fu Zhaozhao nodded and said nothing more, just asking him to follow him and set off together.

Perhaps it was because they hadn't seen each other for a long time, so the two of them didn't talk much along the way.

To be precise, Fu Zhaozhao pretended to be asleep as soon as he got in the car. Zhang Quan next to him opened his mouth to say something, but had to swallow it back when he saw her like this.

After driving all the way, we reached our destination in just a few hours.

That was the place where the bridge was completed just last year. I heard that since last year, accidents have happened from time to time at certain times at night.

The accidents ranged from big to small, serious ones with no one alive, and minor ones requiring treatment at the hospital. As a result, no cars were willing to pass by this place every night.

Not only that, people who survived car accidents said that when they drove at night, a layer of fog would appear on the bridge for no reason, and there seemed to be a huge, light-emitting fish in the fog.

They were so frightened when they saw this scene that they didn't react, so they hit the bridge pier, seriously knocked off the bridge deck, and fell into the water.

However, according to Fu Zhaozhao's understanding, there are quite a few such situations. Basically everyone sees something different, but they are similar.

They all happened at night when thick fog appeared.

Seeing her going straight to the bridge, Zhang Quan couldn't help but ask: "I think those drivers only discovered it at night. Is it useful for us to go there during the day?"

Fu Zhaozhao glanced at him and said, "Your thinking is imprisoned in the city."

Zhang Quan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what she meant.

Fu Zhaozhao explained to him: "The normal process should be to first determine the location, visit the vicinity to see if there is any special influence, and the cause of this situation. If not, then you need to change the direction and check this What happened to the bridge, and then determine the authenticity of the monster’s identity.”

"If you have been on a mission in Midu for a long time, your subconscious mind is sure that there must be monsters in the place you are going to, so you will first make a travel plan based on the monsters' habits."

"But our first priority now is actually to determine what caused this bridge to cause this situation."

Zhang Quan listened in rapt attention, nodded, and then said with a hint of doubt, "But they didn't say there was a monster like a big fish..."

Fu Zhaozhao shook his head: "We need to determine first whether the strange fog contains any conditions that cause hallucinations."

Zhang Quan nodded in understanding, "Then where are we going now?"

"Let's go for a walk near the bridge first."

Surprisingly, Fu Zhaozhao originally thought that there might be fewer vehicles passing through the bridge due to the recent number of accidents, but he did not expect that there would be quite a lot of traffic.

Regarding the situation nearby, Zhang Quan had done his homework.

"Because this place is a direct road between Haicheng and Qingcheng, it can save about half an hour compared to other routes. In addition, we have never heard of any car accidents during the day, so there are still a lot of cars during this time period. "

Fu Zhaozhao hummed, thought for a moment, and took Zhang Quan to take a taxi.

The car is driving on the road. The driver is an experienced craftsman and drives very steadily.

Driving near the middle of the bridge, the car suddenly vibrated, as if it was driving over some raised area.

The driver was used to this, but Fu Zhaozhao felt a little strange.

I asked casually: "I remember that this bridge was just built a year ago, why did it break down so quickly?"

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