guile fairy

Chapter 164 Prayer

The most recent photo shows the boy he once was, now a teenager, in just a few months.

This incident seemed strange no matter how you looked at it, so the observer recorded it.

Fu Zhaozhao lowered his eyes and looked at the young man in the photo who stiffly turned his head away from the camera. He always felt something was strange.

After reading for a while, he put the information away.

Seeing that Qi Guanshan and Xiaobao wouldn't be able to come here for a while, they thought for a moment and then went out with their things.

In fact, she rarely takes on assignments abroad. The main reason is that it is difficult for her to adapt to the climate and life abroad.

Just after getting off the plane, the moment my skin came into contact with the sun, it turned red.

Fortunately, it was only a short distance and we quickly reached our destination by car.

During the time in the car, I chatted with the driver for a few words, and then took a look at the general situation of the place I wanted to go.

She originally thought that the church she was going to would be in an old and remote place, but she didn't expect that it was actually in the city center. Moreover, the other party said that this church was very effective in their place and allowed her to pray if she had any worries.

After Fu Zhaozhao got out of the car and said goodbye to the black driver, he came to the church.

Except for some main buildings, the surroundings of the church are basically composed of stained glass. The colors look very bright, and some even look like angels.

She strode in, just like other worshipers. After getting dipped in holy water at the door, she sat at the end and listened to them singing about God's mercy.

He remained silent until everyone else left, but remained where he was.

But his eyes fell on the cross erected high in the center, as if he was looking for something.

"Hello?" The priest tentatively spoke in less than standard Chinese and greeted the black-haired woman in front of him.

Fu Zhaozhao turned to look at him.

It was a priest with slightly gray hair, wearing a long black coat, with a red scarf-like device hanging around his neck and shoulders, and holding a thick Bible in his hand.

Fu Zhaozhao responded softly: "Hello."

The priest curved his lips and showed a kind smile, "Is this your first time to know God's mercy?"

This sentence sounded strange, but Fu Zhaozhao still understood it.

She shook her head slowly and said, "I don't believe this."

When the priest saw this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly started selling it to her.

Before he could speak, Fu Zhaozhao continued, "People here basically believe in the God of Wealth."

"God of Wealth? What kind of god is he?" The priest was puzzled. He didn't understand that there was any other god that could compare to the god who suffered for them.

Fu Zhaozhao didn't speak, just rubbed it gently with his thumb and index finger a few times.

When the priest saw it, he understood immediately.

Putting the Bible in his hand aside, he asked politely: "In order to believe in your God, do you need to be a citizen of your country first? Or can it be from any nationality?" When he mentioned this, the priest's Mandarin suddenly became even louder than at first. There were many standards, especially looking at his attitude, Fu Zhaozhao even suspected that the other party was just working part-time at the church.

Perhaps sensing that the other person's eyes were too surprised, the priest touched his nose, took the Bible back into his hand, and said awkwardly: "God loves the world, but the world also needs to eat."

In the following chat, Fu Zhaozhao learned that the priest's name was Josephine, and that he only came to work as a part-time priest on fixed days every week.

"Zhao, you don't know. I've been doing this for a long time, but no matter what, they refuse to give me a salary increase. If I didn't have other part-time jobs, you probably wouldn't be able to see me." Serphine said jokingly.

Fu Zhaozhao was confused, "I originally thought that the priest's identity was fixed, but I didn't expect that there were part-time jobs."

"Hate! This kind of thing doesn't happen often. It's just that the priest here passed away suddenly some time ago. The church couldn't arrange for another identity to come over for a while, so they asked me to help with part-time work." As she said that, Josephine took out a He first took a sip of the small iron pot in his mouth, then narrowed his eyes in excitement and handed the iron pot in front of her.

From a distance, Fu Zhaozhao could smell the wine in the iron pot. It was still the kind of spirit with a particularly high concentration.

Seeing that she refused to drink, Josephine patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, it's just like holy water. It tastes great! God will definitely bless us." As he said that, he gave himself another sip. , the whole person suddenly relaxed a lot.

Fu Zhaozhao: "Then do you know why the last priest passed away?"

Josephine sipped her wine and thought for a long time, and then said nonchalantly, "It seems that he passed away last winter, on Christmas Day of the year, due to physical reasons. Is this the specific case? You have to ask the church."

Josephine took a few more sips and looked a little drunk. Fortunately, he still had some control, so he tightened the lid of the small iron pot and stuffed it into his arms.

"Zhao, do you want to try in the confession booth?" Joseph suddenly said.

Fu Zhaozhao was stunned at first, and then with Josephine's explanation, he understood what kind of place the confessional booth was. He was about to refuse, but heard the other party say in a drunken tone, "I can't answer your questions. God will answer.”

Hearing this, Fu Zhaozhao couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Half an hour later, Fu Zhaozhao entered the confession booth.

There is a closed environment all around, which seems to be quite soundproof. Only in the middle position, there is a plywood that can only be opened slightly, but the person on the other side cannot be seen.

She sat down and was silent for a long time before slowly speaking.

"I once saw a little boy who was like a demon..." Fu Zhaozhao told the information in the document half-truthfully.

The priest on the other side of the confessional also took a sip of wine, then stopped, with a solemn and thoughtful expression.

Until there was no more sound coming from the confession booth, Joseph laughed twice and said vaguely, "God forgives you, forgives you for seeing him but failing to do anything to stop him."

The following words were spoken in a low voice, and Fu Zhaozhao had to listen carefully to hear a little bit.

After a while, there was no sound from the other side of the confession booth. Fu Zhaozhao felt strange and left his place and entered the confession booth on the other side from another room.

As a result, it was empty inside. Joseph had long since disappeared. Only a Bible was left on the stool. It seemed that he had not taken it with him when he left.


Joseph left the confession booth, holding the small iron pot in his hand, and stumbled back home.

The moment the door opened, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

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