guile fairy

Chapter 165 The Truth

The young man placed the Bible on the table, looked up at the priest who had just walked in, and said in a lazy tone: "Josephine, you came back a little late today."

Josephine took off the jacket, put it aside calmly, and explained: "Today there was a man praying in the confessional of the church."

"Oh?" The young man raised his eyebrows and rubbed his chin with one hand, "Is that thing useful?"

Josephine watched him flipping through the Bible casually, and then recalled that he had recited the contents in front of him in front of him some time ago, as if mockingly, and she immediately swallowed some of his words.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." The young man stood up. He was much taller than before. It seemed that his body had replenished very well during this period.

He spoke in a lazy tone, staring at Josephine with his red eyes, "I'm hungry, you should find a way to find me something to eat."

When Josephine heard this, she reflexively refused, "No..."

Just when he was about to refuse, the other party's beast-like eyes met his, as if if he said one more word of refusal, his throat would be bitten off.

Josephine turned a corner and said cautiously: "I mean, it's not very suitable recently."

Then he carefully looked up at the other person and roughly told him what he had encountered today.

The young man didn't care at first, but when he heard a Chinese tell some of his things, he couldn't help but become a little interested.

"Speaking of which, there was a little bug circling nearby some time ago. I wanted to crush it to death, but I didn't expect it to disappear." The young man sighed.

Since the other party is coming for you, you can't blame yourself for what you did.

The young man stood up, his eyes fell on Josephine, and after staring at her, he said, "Take me to see her."

Josephine hesitated and stated emphatically, "The other party is an Oriental."

Orientals are a bit mysterious in their eyes. In addition, the other party knows a lot about the boy, so they are afraid that the other party is prepared.

The young man didn't care. He twitched his lips and showed a contemptuous smile, "So what?"


The next day, Fu Zhaozhao appeared in the church on time. Just like yesterday, he praised God for a while and then gradually left.

But during this period, a young man sat casually next to her, swaying and praising the contents of the Bible as if he were playing.

I have to say that this move of the other party really attracted Fu Zhaozhao.

What attracted her even more was the boy's face that was almost praising.

The facial features are particularly charming, and the deep brown eyes seem to contain many secrets. Coupled with the nonchalant look of the other party, it has indeed attracted many young people worshiping in the church.

But Fu Zhaozhao was attracted not for these reasons, but because the other person's face was the same as what she saw in the information, but more mature. It seemed that he had grown up a lot after not seeing each other for a while.

Knowing that the other party came here specifically to find him, Fu Zhaozhao calmly took out a piece of yellow paper and folded it one by one.

Sure enough, after a while, the young man was attracted by her actions and asked curiously: "You don't believe this?"

Fu Zhaozhao still said what he said yesterday, "We believe in the God of Wealth."

The young man tilted his head and thought for a while, but he didn't understand what kind of God she was talking about.

Then he turned his attention to the yellow paper in the other person's hand and asked her, "What are you folding?"

Fu Zhaozhao paused and smiled slightly, "Fold something for you."

Young man: "Oh? You Orientals are really hospitable... That's not right. You are the guests now and we are the hosts." Fu Zhaozhao shook his head, indicating that what he said was wrong.

Then he said to him word by word, "No matter what time, you will always belong to the guest, you should not even appear in this world."

As soon as these words came out, the young man's expression suddenly changed, and the worshipers around him also left at some point. The whole church was extremely quiet, except for two people who were breathing gradually heavier.

The young man expressed disapproval of her words, and he slowly said: "You are wrong to say that, my mother - let's call her mother for now, she had me for a special reason, and she gave birth to me in this country, Then I can be considered one of the masters of this country.”

"Then will she?"

The woman Fu Zhaozhao refers to refers to the saint who inspected this town.

Although this matter was not revealed openly, all the accompanying divine envoys probably knew something about it.

The most holy saint gave birth to the most evil species in the world. She couldn't even do anything to this thing, she could only drive it away from a distance.

The young man shrugged and said indifferently: "Who cares."

He only cares about correcting the other person's meaning.

Fu Zhaozhao's hand paused for a moment, and the things were finally folded.

When the young man saw that she had folded it, his eyes lit up slightly, "Did you just say that this was for me?"

Fu Zhaozhao played with the talisman paper for a while, then stopped and looked at him expressionlessly, "I'll give it to you, do you dare to accept it?"

It looks like the other party has been given the choice.

From the day he was born, the boy didn't know what fear was, so he took the yellow talisman over without caring.

At first, he looked at it with great interest for a while, trying to figure out how to fold it. But the next moment, a weak flame protruded and went up along his finger.

Suddenly the flames became stronger, and the young man tried to throw away the yellow talisman, but it was too late.

His whole body was wrapped in flames, and the tearing pain made him scream.

Josephine hid in the corner and carefully watched the scene in front of her. She was so scared that she didn't dare to say a word, as if she was afraid that the fire would burn her.

Fu Zhaozhao stood a little far away, but he didn't leave.

Because she is very aware of the power of her yellow talisman. Since she asked Xiaobao for it yesterday, she is not very sure how far it can go. However, it is no problem to burn out the opponent's true face.

The fire burned for only ten seconds and then suddenly disappeared.

The originally handsome boy was currently bending over to endure the pain, covering his face as if he was enduring something.

"I originally wanted you to die happily, but you made me too sad." The young man murmured.

The next moment, he released the hand covering his cheek.

That face is not as handsome as it was at the beginning. If he dragged this face out, he would probably scare the people in the church away.

When Josephine saw this face, her face suddenly turned pale.

He remembered that he was in the alley where he was drunk, and the first time he saw the other person, he had this terrifying face.

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