Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 101 Fireworks

The next afternoon.

Xiacheng District Playground.

Mu Buwan's short pink hair appeared in front of Yu Qian again.


Why is she there?

Yu Qian finally had a premonition that nothing might be gained from this operation - today is a good day to fish in troubled waters. If the operations department wants to confront the old enemies, there will be a fierce battle. This is exactly what happened. It was a good opportunity for Mu Buwan to take advantage of the opportunity of distributing weapons.

But she actually showed up at the amusement park, which meant that the plan was aborted.

"Miss! This way!" Mu Buwan stood in front of the rabbit doll that distributed balloons and waved.

Yu Qian followed Sanlin and said in surprise: "It's you!"

Mu Buwan and Third Lin were both wearing regular clothes and looked like tourists at the amusement park in their spare time. But Yu Qian knew that the earphones in their ears were reporting the enemy's movements and the latest situation at any time.

"That's right!" Mu Buwan said with a smile, "I am quite familiar with Xiacheng District, and I will be your tour guide today!"

"Although most of the facilities in the amusement park in the inner ring city are similar to those in the upper city, there are still some more down-to-earth places to play!" Mu Buwan kept talking, pointing to various entertainment equipment.

As Yu Qian listened, he realized that she was really introducing those places without any extra information, and it became a little boring.

"What's wrong?" Sanlin noticed her lack of interest and squeezed her palm.

Yu Qian shook his head: "The carousel and the building block kingdom are so boring."

Mu Buwan immediately answered: "Then do you want to go to the haunted house?"

"Hmm... would it be scary?" Yu Qian thought for a while and asked.

"Don't worry!" Mu Buwan patted his chest, "When the time comes, sir and I... ah no, boss! The boss and I will protect you!" Her identity today is that of a bodyguard, and the third Lin is naturally the boss.

The light in the haunted house is dim, and faint light seeps from the corners, creating a spooky atmosphere.

Yu Qian felt that the greater degree of coldness was not the terrifying creatures projected by holographic imaging technology or the grotesque robots disguised as monsters with realistic makeup, but the excessive air conditioning.

Damn, it's so cold. I should have known better not to wear a skirt.

Put a jacket over your shoulders.

"Is it cold?" Third Lin asked.

She sniffed: "It's okay."

The person on the left, using the cover of his coat, suddenly hooked her palm, and then quickly retracted it.

Yu Qian walked across the bridge in front, and was suddenly startled by the bloody head that suddenly hung from above: "Ah!" Then he subconsciously hid aside.

Mu Buwan put his arms around her shoulders, held her head and comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay! It's retracted again!"

She made a few quick strokes on Yu Qian's palm.

Yu Qian pinched her forearm knowingly, indicating that he understood.

Third Lin looked at her.

She happened to raise her panicked face and looked at him: "Let's go out, I'm afraid."

"From this way!" Mu Buwan walked in front of them, "I remember this way is closer to the exit."

Out of the haunted house.

Yu Qian clutched his coat, his cheeks flushed: "It's so exciting!" - Shit! Her evaluation was not as good as her daily efforts in the Outer Ring City.

In the following time, they really experienced all the facilities in the amusement park like ordinary tourists.

"Look! I've caught it now!" A goldfish jumped twice in Mu Buwan's small net, and then she put it into a small water tank, "Give it to you!"

——I’ll fish you out immediately.

"Thank you, sister!" Yu Qian smiled sweetly.

——Do it quickly.

Mu Buwan's hand holding the goldfish suddenly stopped, and then he stood up: "Boss... boss, what did I receive, uh, the manager? He asked me to go back, saying that there were not enough manpower at the end of the process."

Third Lin nodded, obviously he also received the report from the other side.

"Then I'll go first, you two have fun!" Mu Buwan waved to Yu Qian.

Yu Qian instantly understood that she was going to be transferred back, and immediately looked at her: "Sister has to work overtime."

——Work overtime to get some weapons.

Mu Buwan smiled and said, "Yes, I'm leaving!"

——Okay, try your best.

After saying that, he turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

"Brother, are we going back too?" Yu Qian asked knowingly.

Third Lin looked at her: "Do you still want to play for a while? We don't have to go back in a hurry."

Now all the guys looking for trouble are flocking to the Uptown area like moths to a flame, and of course she should stay in a safe place as bait.

She said: "Let's go ride the Ferris wheel!"

"it is good."


At dusk, there is only a thin line between day and night.

The Ferris wheel rises slowly, and the buildings below gradually shrink from sight.

Third Lin looked out the window, a little absent-minded.

Yu Qian's eyes fell on his ear. At this time, the fighting there was probably at its most intense. His expression was very calm. It was expected that he had it under control so far.


There was a loud bang.

Yu Qian raised his head, and a flash of fire lit up in the distant sky. Then the sparks of the explosion scattered in all directions. It was the sky rail that had been blown up.

"What is that?" she asked in surprise.

Third Lin smiled: "Those are fireworks."

It's fireworks, it's the fireworks of this successful fishing. The report in the communication has entered the final stage. All the enemies in ambush have been fished out, and they have won a great victory.

Yu Qian blinked: "Shouldn't fireworks be set off in amusement parks? How can tourists see clearly from such a distance?"

She originally just chimed in casually.

But Third Lin asked: "Do you want to see the fireworks up close?"

She turned back in confusion: "Huh?"

Third Lin stood behind her, tapped his fingertips on the light screen twice, and looked at her again, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Yu Qian actually saw a hint of tenderness in his dark green eyes.

"Look out the window," he said.

Yu Qian turned his head and looked out the window again.

"call out--"

A sharp sound breaking through the air.


"Bang! Bang!" The fireworks that shot up into the sky from below bloomed in the sky. They were so splendid at the end of dusk and the night was about to approach that they suppressed the last trace of the blood-red sunset.

The crowd below burst into noisy exclamations——

"Ah! Why set off fireworks!"

"So beautiful!"

"Are there any fireworks projects today? I didn't hear about it before coming here!"

"Is it an amusement park Easter egg?"

"I haven't seen fireworks in a long time! It's so beautiful!"


Yu Qian lay on the window, concentrating on watching the blossoming fireworks.

Third Rin stood behind her and looked at her back.

"You are not my sister," he said suddenly.

Yu Qian turned his back to him and felt a chill on his neck.

Did she reveal her secret somewhere? ? ?

But she turned her head and saw Sanlin's calm face, pretending not to hear clearly: "Huh? What did brother just say?"

"It's nothing." He smiled, as if he suddenly came back to his senses. He didn't know whether what he just said was for himself or for her.

Even he didn't understand it himself.

Yu Qian let out a soft oh, and a noisy sound came from her ears under her long hair.

Qi You kept urging Mu Buwan to move faster. Mu Buwan couldn't help it anymore and would curse him in a low voice. Then Hai Jianchuan immediately acted as peacemaker and started to make peace.

There was a mini communicator in Yu Qian's ear, which Mu Buwan secretly inserted while holding her head in the haunted house.

Her curled fingers moved, and the small cocoon held in her palm seemed to be about to break out, and there was a vibration in her palm.

This feeling made her feel a little nauseous, so she loosened her fingers slightly.

Mu Buwan's voice came from the earphones - "Yu Qian, I've sent out your location. Someone will come after you if they slip through the net. Seize the opportunity and get out of there, and I'll pick you up!"

The Ferris wheel rises to its highest point.

Yu Qian stood at the window, the gorgeous fireworks reflected in her eyes.

The tallest Ferris wheel in the downtown area, when it reaches the highest point, it almost feels like you can reach the stars.

Of all the fireworks in front of her, one had the brightest color.

She suddenly turned her head: "Look over there."

Third Lin looked in the direction of her finger - fireworks like fireballs rose into the air.

At this time, a report of news leaks came from the earphones.

He looked out the window at the fireworks that were flying towards this direction instead of blooming. The girl standing in front of the window seemed to know nothing, pointing at the fireworks with bright eyes.

He pulled Yu Qian away: "Be careful!"

Yu Qian used his strength to avoid the explosion.


After the loud sound, the feet trembled, the Ferris wheel stopped in mid-air, several carriages fell, and the sound of heavy objects falling and people screaming came from the ground.

The transparent glass behind him shattered, and it was sharper than a knife blade under the impact of the explosion. It was flying towards the car, but it was suspended in the air the moment Sanlin raised his hand, as if time had been frozen, leaving only the smell of gunpowder smoke and the hanging Broken glass suspended in the air.

The entire carriage behind was blown open, and as long as you took two steps back, you would fall from the gap.

Yu Qian loosened her fingers and felt a slight itch in her palm, as if something's wings were brushing against her palm.

A butterfly with blue wings escaped from her palm.

Timing completed.

The hatching is complete and the cocoon emerges as a butterfly.

The plan is completed and reinforcements are on standby.

Yu Qian leaned against Sanlin's chest and saw that the flames in the explosion were particularly conspicuous. They were Bifang's fire.

She curled up the corners of her mouth, and as soon as she raised her feet, Sanlin held her wrist: "Don't move, it's dangerous."

His heavy eyes looked at the enemy speeding towards him in the distance, and he completely failed to notice that the expression on the face of the girl in front of him who raised her head no longer looked panicked.

"Officer." Yu Qian called him.

This title that had not appeared for a long time instantly brought back some bad memories.

Third Lin lowered his head and met those smiling black eyes.

Yu Qian blinked: "You can't trust others casually, people are very bad."

She said with a deeper smile: "You are so easy to deceive.

The strength of Sanlin's hold on her wrist almost broke her wrist bone: "You have not lost your memory from the beginning."

Yu Qian raised his eyebrows: "Don't doubt the hospital's machines and doctors. I did suffer a severe brain injury. You saw it when I was first rescued. My cerebral spinal fluid was almost flowing out."

"But I haven't lost my memory." She said slyly, "Am I very powerful?"

She took two steps back.

The butterfly sitting on her shoulder flapped its wings, and blue fluorescent powder dispersed in the air, exuding a drowsy atmosphere regardless of friend or foe.

"Let go." Her voice was very soft, as if it contained some kind of inducement.

Supplemented by the fluorescent powder on butterfly wings, it is surprisingly effective.

The force on the wrist was lighter.

Yu Qian took two steps back and stood in front of the broken car. The glass and door frame behind her were blown up. The space behind her was empty and dangerous.

The Ferris wheel standing at the highest point is frozen in the vast night.

The girl with long wind-blown hair smiled maliciously: "I'll give you another piece of advice. Don't believe anyone in the future."

The tail note has a playful upward twist, and then is blown away in the evening breeze.

She fell backwards, her body falling rapidly, her white skirt flying like petals falling from the branches.

Third Lin immediately came to his senses and reached out to grab her.

Just a little bit, his fingers brushed the ends of her hair, but he didn't grab her arm. Her figure turned into a small white dot in his emerald eyes.

The moment San Rin jumped down to catch her——


Flames soaring into the sky.

A one-legged bird soared up from below, and two figures sat surrounded by flames.

The two parties flying upward and falling looked at each other briefly for a second.

Yu Qian opened his mouth, but his voice was muffled by the explosion.

But Sanlin saw the shape of her lips clearly.

What she said was - Goodbye, officer.

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