Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 102 Revenge

Penglai is filled with clouds and mist.

The coordinates of a certain place hidden in the sea of ​​clouds——

Yu Qian was lying on the sofa: "Can you give it to me after you finish it? Don't let me try."

She was lying in a pile of pillows as if she had no bones: "I'm so tired, I'm really tired. I'm as tired as if I worked hard to earn money to be a dog for the capital, and was oppressed by my boss for a month, only to find out that half of my salary was deducted." , I went to the boss to ask for my salary and was beaten. When I got home, I found that my son had starved to death. The landlord threw all my things out and asked me to pay the rent. "

Qi You looked at the two guns brought back by Mu Buwan with great interest: "The liquid inside is all spiritual power! I didn't expect that the federation would not announce the cultivators on the surface, but secretly it had begun to put spiritual power into the weapons. developed!"

Both Yuqian Umikawa and Sammy have seen this gun. She had seen the third Rin use it when she participated in the ranking match and played against the Operations Department.

But Qi You acted like a country bumpkin who had never been to the city before and said, "Let me think about how to reform."

He raised his head and said, "What a pity. I just brought back two handfuls."

Mu Buwan raised his head: "It's easy for you to think that I am! I risked my life to steal it from a military supply truck. I had to rush to pick up this idiot, and I almost got caught on the way!"

Yu Qian, who was scolded even while lying down, said, "Please, that's because you are incompetent, what does it have to do with me?"

Mu Buwan sat on the other end of the sofa: "What does the director of the operations department have to do with you? You have become a waste and fell into his hands, but he didn't kill you?"

"Of course it's because I have more information and more value." Yu Qian said lazily, "Do you think everyone has the same brain capacity as you and can only hold what to eat today?"

"Stop farting!" Mu Buwan kicked her, "You are pretending to have amnesia. You can have the value and information of the fart. Why did he call him brother..."

"It's done!" Qi You said suddenly.

In an instant, everyone’s attention was drawn——

Qi You held two guns: "Actually, the research and development of these two guns has been very perfect, whether it is the recycling of spiritual energy or the additional gain damage, but I made some adjustments."

"You can think of it as an enchantment in the game." He raised his gun, "I added the range damage of the explosion after hitting it. The power is about equivalent to half a small bomb. It can blow people up directly, but if you encounter Physical training may not be that powerful, their physical fitness is too strong.”

He fired a shot and hit the target.

With a sound of "Bang!", the wooden sign exploded into pieces and flew far away.

Yu Qian whistled: "A gun is equivalent to carrying a bunch of explosives with you."

"You two brought it back, you two can take it." Qi You threw the gun to her and Mu Buwan.

Mu Buwan said: "What about the two of us? I brought this back alone!"

She said this, but threw the gun back in her hand: "I have Bifang, you can just hold it if you don't have the means to attack."

Yu Qian accepted one of them without ceremony.

Then under Hai Jianchuan's longing eyes, Mu Buwan handed the other gun to Qi You: "Give it to Lao Qi, you can run without a weapon, but he will die without a weapon."

Qi You put away the gun happily: "Then I won't be polite."

In addition to these two guns, I brought back some small explosives this time.

These explosives were also improved by Qi You: "Then I'll give you the bomb."

"Do you want to leave some for Brother Jing?" Umikawa asked as the only person in the team who maintained a conscience.

"Is he still alive?" Yu Qian raised his eyebrows, "I thought he got into trouble and was taken back by the Jing family and dealt with secretly."

Qi You shook his head: "That's not the case, but it seems that he ran into the revenge seeker again when he went back. That guy seemed to be a puppet master, and he also had two legal cultivators and physical cultivators under him. Jing Chi was hijacked again at that time Yes, but there are people from the Jing family in the car, so neither side can get anything good."

"Puppet Master?" Yu Qian sat up straight, "You said the revenge seeker is the Puppet Master? Are you sure?"

Qi You was startled by her sudden serious expression: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Yu Qian touched his chin: "It's okay."

She stood up and grabbed a few bombs from the table: "Jingchi also contributed to these goods. I will send him some condolences."

After saying that, he walked through the spirit gate and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Mu Buwan and Qi You looked at each other. Qi You: "Is she such a kind person?"

Mu Buwan: "Impossible, Jingchi is in danger!"


"Boom boom boom!"

A quick knock on the door.

Jingchi opened the door: "What's the matter?"

Yu Qian pushed the bomb to him: "You're welcome to deliver it to your door."

He looked very weak, but there were no obvious wounds on his body. He could tell at a glance that they were internal injuries: "Then I thank you."

Saying that, he was about to close the door.

Yu Qian pushed the door panel: "Wait!"

Jing Chi gave her a look that said she was about to fart.

"The person who is chasing you is also a monk. Is he also in Penglai?" Yu Qian asked.

"Not here." He said, "He can't find my place here. It's better to stay down there to recuperate and wait for opportunities to act."

In Penglai, if it were not for the wishes of the owner of the house, no one else would be able to find the precise coordinates of the other party. All the spiritual gates and houses here seem to be within sight, but without permission, they would not be able to reach them anyway. of.

Jing Chi pinched his eyebrows: "And this guy seems to have defected to the Holy See, which is really annoying."

"The Holy See?" Yu Qian was a little surprised, "Then you are not miserable?"

No wonder the Holy See didn't come to get her. It turned out that the enemy she faced was the more valuable Nascent Soul monk.

Comparing the two, her small foundation seemed insignificant.

"Who says it's not the case?" He snorted coldly, "Otherwise I would hide here?"

Yu Qian sighed and shook his head: "It's so miserable. I'll wait until you recover from your injuries before going down. Then this scene will repeat again. I feel tired just thinking about it."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Jingchi looked at her.

Yu Qian said directly: "Do you want revenge?"

She said: "He made us all suffer once. Is this how to settle the debt? Let's settle the old and new grudges together. Kill him directly. You will no longer be chased and bitten by dogs in the future."

Jing Chi raised his eyebrows, as if he was unfamiliar with her: "Old grudges? What if I was the one who harmed others in the first place?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Yu Qian said, "Anyway, it was him who harmed us this time."

He stared into her eyes for several seconds: "Is it such a simple reason?"

of course not.

But Yu Qian would not tell him: "Yes, but I am also thinking about myself. In his eyes, we are probably two grasshoppers on the same rope. There is no chance that he will cause trouble for me in the future."

She looked at Jingchi and said, "You haven't gotten any favors, so his current condition is probably no better than yours. Why don't we take action while he's injured now?"

"It's not as easy as you think." Jingchi thought for a while and said, "You are Zhuji and I am Jindan. Together, we are no match for him alone, let alone he has subordinates around him."

"So there's no chance at all?" Yu Qian asked.

Jing Chi lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then touched his chin: "Yes."

He said a little proudly: "I gave him a hard blow before I ran back. His spiritual veins were eaten away by my poison. His current strength is at most the Golden Elixir Perfection. If I can get rid of him, We both still have a chance."

Yu Qian got a satisfactory answer: "Send me his information."

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