Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 103 Preparations

A page of information unfolded on the light screen, and the name column read Sean Reed. The man in the photo had regular features, looked reserved and silent, and was wearing a suit. He looked like a company elite.

"You guys from aristocratic families all look... quite human-like." Yu Qian gave a fair comment.

Jing Chi sat on the sofa and retorted: "Praise, reward, you are not bad either."

"Didn't you say his surname was Feng En before?"

"That's just a family under the name of the Red family. Sean is the current head of the family, and the Red family is a family of puppet masters. It is the big tree behind the Feng En family."

He sent messages to two more people: "These two are his puppets. They have been trained by the Red family since childhood. One is a physical practitioner in the early stage of the Golden Elixir, and the other is a Dharma practitioner in the Golden Elixir Dzogchen."

"Xian was originally a Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and he was almost able to break through, but before I came back, I also tricked him with my natal spiritual Gu. His true strength now is probably also the golden elixir."

So the one who took action on the sky rail before was actually Sean's subordinate.

Yu Qian nodded: "So our opponent is three golden elixirs?"

Jing Chi hummed and unfolded the other pages on the light screen: "And we have to lure away these low-level doglegs. Their strength varies greatly, ranging from ordinary bodyguards with no cultivation to bastards in the Qi training stage. ."

"Well..." Yu Qian thought for a while, "In your current state, can you go back down there?"

"You want me to be your bait?" he asked.

"Can't you?" Yu Qian glanced at him, "Are you seriously injured? I see you are alive and kicking."

Jing Chi laughed angrily: "I think you were alive and well in the hospital. Why can't you run out on your own? Do you not want to?"

"Yes, I don't want to," she said. "I enjoy VIP treatment. What do you, a tortured prisoner, know?"

Jing Chi was shocked by her shamelessness, so he had to compromise: "I'll give in to you, I can be used as bait, but in my current state, I may not be able to last long against Sean. In the meantime, you have to……"

Yu Qian said: "No, I'll go find him, and you'll be responsible for luring the other miscellaneous fish away."

Jing Chi frowned: "Are you kidding? Don't you know that puppets usually don't leave the puppet master? There is absolutely no way that Sean can be alone. Even if he is alone, you may not be his opponent."

"I know." Her target was Sean from the beginning. The puppet master must die in her hands, not anyone else, not even Jing Chi.

Yu Qian clicked on the identity page of the physical cultivator: "I have a plan, but you'd better get rid of this guy. My physical fitness is average, and it's hard to deal with multiple physical cultivators."

Jing Chi asked again: "Are you sure? Do you want to go alone? Even if there is no physical cultivation, there is a Dharma cultivator beside Sean. He is the Golden Elixir Great Perfection, and you are only at the intermediate level of Foundation Establishment."

Yu Qian nodded again: "Yes, you just need to get rid of these guys."

She added: "And I am no longer at the intermediate level of foundation building. I have reached the great perfection of foundation building now. I broke through when I came back from the Lower City."

Jing Chi glanced at her speechlessly: "What's the difference? Let's make a deal first. If you die, I won't care about you. I'll just withdraw."

Yu Qian made an OK gesture: "Ten o'clock in the evening."

"Tonight? So urgent?"

"What? Do you want to wait? Wait until he recovers from his injuries and returns to his peak level, so that he can have a fair duel with us?"



After leaving Jingchi's residence, Yu Qian looked at the time. It was four o'clock, and there were still six hours left.

Jingchi returned to Central City ahead of schedule.

According to what he said, it was very difficult to get rid of all the bodyguards around Sean. He had to use the Jing family's manpower to make it look like he was going to take revenge and go back in anger, so he went back in advance to make arrangements.

Before leaving, he sent Yu Qian a map - a map of Sean's current manor.

Yu Qian closed the map after roughly jotting down the houses and paths. There are more important things now.

She stood in front of a closed door.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the knock on the door, the door was quickly opened, revealing Umikawa's dull face: "Xirin, why are you here?"

Yu Qian showed a big smile: "I want to discuss something with you." He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man.

Umikawa scratched his head: "Then you come in first." He said and got out of the way.

His room was as messy as a doghouse, with all kinds of unnamed gadgets scattered on the floor. The only thing Yu Qian recognized were a few compasses.

"Hey, drink water." He smiled sheepishly and poured a glass of water. "I didn't know there would be guests. The house is a bit messy."

Yu Qian waved his hand and said directly: "I'm here to help you."

"Say it." Hai Jianchuan said generously, "Anyone who can help will definitely help!"

She also directly took out a contract: "Sign it."


He was stunned for a moment, then took the contract and glanced at it. It was a very simple contract with very few words: "What the hell is this? This contract...is this a contract of sale? Are you mistaken? Pindao is an educated person. Man, Sister Mu is illiterate, you should cheat her."

Yu Qian summarized it: "She has been tricked by me. This is equivalent to me being your boss and you working for me."

Although there is no reward, as he said, it is almost like a contract of sale.

"Is there anything special about this paper?" Umikawa's focus was strange. He rubbed the paper curiously, "Is it the kind of magic paper in the movie that works when you sign a contract?"

Yu Qian nodded: "Absolutely."

"Who else has signed an agreement with you? Sammy? No wonder she listens to you so much." He muttered, took out a pen from the trash, and signed his name on the paper elegantly: "Okay Got it! Here it is, boss!"

[You have won the heart of student No. 67, you can use the other person’s spiritual power, upper limit: 24%, cooling time: hours]

[Candidate 67 is a formation cultivator, and you will obtain his learned formation, which lasts for one hour, maximum usage: 3 times, cooling time: 12 hours]

Yu Qian was a little surprised that he sold himself out so casually.

Hai Mikawa met her eyes: "Hahaha, I'm not really stupid. In fact, I knew you must have some secret that everyone doesn't know."

"Anyway, others have signed it, so Pindao will follow suit. The contract of selling oneself is the contract of selling oneself." His eyes were magnanimous and his tone was free and cheerful, "However, I feel that you should be a good boss."

Yu Qian was amused: "What if I am a capitalist?"

Hai Jianchuan spread his hands: "Then you have seen that the poor man is poor and has nothing to exploit, and you have nothing to exploit."

She put away the paper and threw the ectoplasm gun that he had been coveting for a long time into his arms: "Okay, this is the salary the boss gave you. Since you are very knowledgeable, you are the first person to get the salary."

Yu Qian thought about it briefly before he came. Qi You is a veteran, hard to cheat or fool, and Jing Chi has a complicated background and high cultivation. In short, neither of them is easy to deal with.

In comparison, it was much easier for Hai Mikawa. At worst, he would be beaten up, arrested and forced to sign.

Although he is a formation cultivator and is good at running away, his cultivation level is lower than hers, so he can still be caught.

What Yu Qian didn't expect was that this guy could be taken care of so easily. She had also reserved an hour in advance for a run-and-gun session, but it was better to omit it now.

"Give it to me!" Hai Michuan held the gun and his eyes lit up.

"Well, let's go." Yu Qian waved his hand, opened the door and left.

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