Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 104 Sleepless Night

on the way back.

Yu Qian thought about it carefully.

Umikawa is the fourth one. All the spiritual power extraction effects are added together. She can extract 40% of the spiritual power at one time, which is equivalent to half a foundation-building monk.

Plus herself, that's one and a half.

A half-foundation-building Dzogchen, against a golden elixir, the chance of winning is not that small.

What's more important is that she can catch the opponent by surprise.

But the premise is that the puppet master cannot be accompanied by two puppets at the same time, and Jing Chi must send the body repair away.

She went back to sort out her equipment. On the trip to Xiacheng District, Qiyou didn't go with them. She still found time to buy a few sets of protective clothing and goggles on the black market, although she also lost a lot of money.

But this guy put all the money that was cheated, including the principal and interest, on Yu Qian and Mu Buwan, and in turn, he made a lot of money.

Yu Qian changed her clothes and put on a pure black protective suit under her coat, covering her from head to toe. Although this kind of protective suit was not the latest development, its bulletproof effect could still block bullets from ordinary firearms.

Goggles are the most common style. They are better because they can connect to information networks and analyze route maps. Qi You modified the data and now they can also assist in combat and aiming.

Yu Qian turned off the redundant functions. She felt that the auxiliary aim was more suitable for Qi You's own use.


That night.

Yu Qian came to Shangcheng District again.

The checkpoints in the inner ring city are very strict, and she is waiting for the car sent by Jingchi to pick her up.

The agreed location was in front of a hotel in the Sixth Commercial District.

There was no teleportation anchor point nearby, so Yu Qian walked there two hours in advance.

She didn't even dare to take the train, even if she could use a temporary identity, but her genetic blood, including iris information, had been extracted in the last car accident.

Unless she changes completely, she will be located immediately - her wanted order was clearly on the list again on the first day she returned to Penglai.

Not only were the operations department and Third Rin tricked, but also the bounty hunter who suffered heavy casualties was also tricked.

Now she had offended both parties.

Whenever she exposes any information, she will be chased and intercepted by the two forces.

"I should have known I'd ask Jingchi to borrow a car." She put on heavy makeup and a pair of colored contacts, which could greatly reduce the risk of her irises being locked by an aircraft.

"Whoops!" She suddenly stopped and looked at the holographic projection on the screen of the tall building in disbelief.

——The scene on the screen is a scene clip from the last time in the secret realm.

The reason why Yu Qian could recognize her was because she saw her figure, and it was still in position C.

The scene where she met Zhu Jiuyin was playing on the screen. She saw that her rabbit mask was stained with blood, and she also saw Umikawa's face that was so frightened that it could be used as an emoticon after being bitten by a snake.

"Isn't it?" She quickly clicked on the bracelet and opened the web page.

She hasn't been online for the past few days, and she had no idea that her last live broadcast could have such a big impact.

"The Federation has not refuted the rumors about the Cultivation Academy so far, and it is most likely true."

"Secret Realm Highly Inflammable Editing!" The underground palace chapter! ! ! 》

"Literature Reference on Cultivation in Ancient Texts"

"Two or Three Things About My Becoming a Cultivator"


Her eyes were dazzled by the series of news.

From live clips, literature references, speculation, and even made-up stories, it's all there. "Cultivation" instantly became the most popular term at the moment, setting off an explosion about the truth about the world in this decadent era.

No wonder my spiritual power has been growing rapidly even if I don't practice it recently.


A dazzling purple sports car stopped in front of Yu Qian, and the harsh sound of brakes interrupted her thoughts.

Jing Chi raised his fingers: "Get in the car!"

Yu Qian came to his senses and got into the car: "Why are you here in person? What about the other side?"

"Don't worry." Jing Chi said confidently, "It's a mess over there. I sent people to catch Sean's men off guard. They were furious and looking for me everywhere. I just happened to lead you to fish in troubled waters into Central City. You have to start from Enter the checkpoint on the Jing family’s side.”

He didn't know what he was thinking of and suddenly laughed: "You know, Central City hasn't been this lively in hundreds of years. The fight was in full swing in the federal area a few days ago. Today it's the turn of the Red family and the Jing family in the chaebol area. Yes, hahahaha."

Vehicles were speeding.

"I'm feeling psychologically affected when I'm sitting in your car." Yu Qian took off his contact lenses, took out his goggles and put them on. He put several mini bombs he carried with him in his pocket and tied two pistols to his thighs.

Jing Chi smiled casually: "That's not because there's something wrong with my driving skills."

She adjusted the map guide of the goggles, and a map of Sean's manor appeared in front of her. The blue dots were the puppets and the red dots were Sean himself.

Yu Qian ignored the other white spots that were gathering outside - they were the bodyguards who were fighting with Jing Chi's men.

In the entire manor, except for his two puppets, there were no other bodyguards at Sean's location.

"He's really confident," Yu Qian said.

Jing Chi reminded her: "Of course he is confident that his two puppets are enough to protect him. Even if the existing puppets die, don't forget that he is the puppet master. The killer who wants to kill him can still be controlled by him." You have to be careful about becoming his puppet."

"I know." Yu Qian asked, "What does he use to control the puppet? Mental power?"

He shook his head: "No, the puppet thread, as you will see when the time comes, is black. Don't get entangled in it, otherwise you will become the next puppet."

She said with a smile: "Then be careful, Sean manipulates me to kill you after I become a puppet."

Jing Chi said disdainfully: "You can't even kill Sean and you still want to kill me? Just dream."

"Let's figure it out. He is now higher in cultivation than you." Yu Qian said.

The vehicle passed through the central city checkpoint smoothly.

As Jing Chi said, Central City has indeed not been so chaotic for many years. It has always been orderly, majestic, and luxurious, but the continuous wars during this period have broken the calm situation, making it seem like It's like the untouchables in the lower town where fighting always breaks out.

Just like now, she was sitting in the car and could vaguely hear the noisy explosion in the distance.

Yu Qian felt that the Federation must be furious.

"We're here." Jingchi stepped on the brakes, "I can only send you here. I have to go back and help you lure that physical practitioner out."

Yu Qian pushed open the car door and pointed to his headphones: "Okay, tell me when you're done."

Jingchi nodded.

She turned around and walked towards the red dot on the map.

The sports car behind her went in the opposite direction, leaving only the roar of its engines.

In the thick darkness, everyone will rush to their respective battlefields.

Everyone is a nobody, she, Jing Chi, Sean, the bodyguards, and the puppets are all no different.

The dead have no names, and the survivors look at the tombstones.

The dark clouds dispersed, revealing a crescent moon.

The struggle is inevitable, and tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

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