Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 105 It’s really you who is naive

About half an hour passed.

"All right."

Jing Chi's voice came from the earphones. He was panting heavily, and from time to time there was the sound of strong wind. Yu Qian guessed that he had already started fighting with the body cultivator.

"Copy that." She simply replied, then nimbly crossed the wall.

Jingchi took the initiative to cut off contact to avoid distraction.

Yu Qian jumped off the wall and landed lightly on the ground.

Most of the lines in the manor have been cut off, so there is no need to worry about surveillance or laser networks.

The bright moonlight fell on her body, and the quiet path was filled with the fragrance of plants. She seemed to be wandering in her own back garden, but her steps were extremely fast.

It's getting closer and closer to the red dot on the map.

She finally stopped in front of a garden.

There are two figures in the milky white pavilion.

The man sitting at the table saw her figure and raised his head: "I thought it was that guy, but here comes a little girl. He spent so much effort to send away all the men around me, and there is only one Is the little girl in the foundation-building stage here to die?"

Yu Qian has never been shy when it comes to quarreling: "What's wrong with the foundation period? Oh, it turns out to be a golden elixir. That's such a high level of cultivation. It scared me to death."

Xi En was tricked by Jing Chi, and now he only has the strength of Jin Dan. This sentence suddenly hit his sore foot.

"Hahahaha." Sean smiled instead of getting angry, "You will be formidable in life."

He raised his hand and waved, and the middle-aged man standing behind him took a step forward: "In this case, let's solve it quickly. That kid from the Jing family can't even beat Raymond now. I still have to go see the joke." .”

Yu Qian also laughed: "Hey, why is he a kid? He is over two hundred years old, ah! I forgot, you are over two hundred years old too! Why are you still arguing with a kid like me when you are over two hundred years old? ah?"

Sean was smiling, but his eyes were calm, and he didn't notice her at all: "Children who are ignorant always need education, but not every child has the chance to change his ways, like you."

"call out--"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of breaking through the air followed closely.

The familiar sense of crisis was exactly the same as that of Feng Ren in the car at that time.

Several wind blades that cut through the air flew toward Yu Qian's fatal spot with a faint light.

Yu Qian dodged.

"Good skills." Sean commented. He had no sense of urgency to seek revenge. It was as if he was watching a show that was not boring but not that interesting either.

"It's okay." Yu Qian looked at the cultivator who came out.

The next second—


A one-legged bird bathed in fire appeared next to her, spitting out a large ball of flame from its beak and flying towards the other side.

The flames were blown away by a strong wind as they approached the pavilion, and scattered sparks fell to the ground and were quickly extinguished, without even burning the grass.

Sean became more interested: "Oh? Beast master? There are spiritual beasts to protect you. No wonder you dare to come alone. Is this Bifang? Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is an ancient spirit beast in ancient books. It's a pity that I follow you as my master. I am destined to end up here today."

Yu Qian touched Bifang's wings, comforting him for being suddenly summoned here from his master's side: "You sound like I'm a circus, are you ready for your reward? I'm not rewarded. I can’t perform.”

Although she said this, her movements did not slow down at all.

After dodging several wind blades thrown by the cultivator one after another, she had several wounds on her body.

"Tsk, it's bulletproof but not wind-proof?" Yu Qian took out a few bombs, held them between his fingers and threw them over.


After the explosion——

The pavilion was torn apart. The micro bombs improved by Qi You were indeed much more powerful, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

The two figures originally in the pavilion disappeared. "Do the elderly also like to hide and seek?" Yu Qian said as he walked forward.

After the smoke, two figures standing opposite were revealed.

Fa Xiu stood in front of Sean.

"You dare to throw yourself into a trap with this little firepower?" Sean shook his head, as if he really felt sorry for her, "If you practice hard for another hundred and eighty years, you will be able to catch up with me very quickly with the speed of your practice. Pity."

"call out--"

More wind blades flew.

This was followed by a small hurricane that rose from the ground.

This method is different from what she has encountered before. The control and power of wind are simply not on the same level.

Even though Yu Qian quickly dodged the oncoming wind, he was still shaken by the blow. The wind blade found an opportunity to pass through her shoulder, causing blood to flow out immediately.

"It's a pity that it was originally aimed at your neck," Sean said.

Yu Qian wiped the blood spattered on his face and covered the wound: "You are really a person who likes to feel sorry."

She took out her pistol and fired a few false shots, allowing the other cultivator to concentrate on blocking the bullets.

He immediately rushed towards the two people on the opposite side.

Sean was stunned by her almost death-defying attitude.

The small hurricane summoned by Fa Xiu raised his hand to block her path, as well as the sharp wind blade hidden in it.

Yu Qian only focused on avoiding the hurricane that blocked his way. The speed of the wind blade was too fast. If he was distracted to avoid it, he would be sucked into the hurricane together.

She did not miss the entangled flowers, plants and branches, all of which were divided into several sections.

She could still distinguish between being injured and being dismembered.

There were more than a dozen wounds on her body, the most serious of which were two that almost penetrated her heart.

In her intense concentration she felt almost no pain.

Her blood surged, and she could only see the two people standing opposite her.

"Hahahaha." Sean's laughter was sarcastic, "What are you doing? Want to die together? How naive."

Fifty meters!

In an array of light, her figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The sweeping wind blades could not find their target, and all flew towards the trees in the distance, and more than a dozen trees fell suddenly.

"It's you who is naive."

A ghostly voice came from behind, and as soon as Fa Xiu turned around, a dagger stabbed him to the core.

"It's not a good habit to underestimate the enemy." Yu Qian smiled and turned the dagger in a circle.

Fa Xiu's face was ferocious, and when he was struggling to death, he used all his spiritual power to fly towards her with a wind blade.

The distance was too close, and she couldn't dodge, so she could only miss the fatal part.

The force was so powerful that it passed through her abdomen and took her flying for more than ten meters. She hit a tree hard and fell to the ground along with the trees behind her.

"Poof!" Yu Qian spit out a large mouthful of blood and got up by holding on to the ground.

Faxiu's body also fell to the ground, blood spread under him, and there was another corpse on the ground.

[You have obtained Kevin's heart. Since Kevin is in a dead state, you cannot obtain his spiritual power]

[Kevin is a Dharma cultivator, and you gain his wind elemental power, which lasts for 1 minutes and has a strength of %. The remaining number of uses in his death state is: ]

Sean's expression was astonished: "Array cultivator? Aren't you a beast master? Isn't this your contracted beast? How did you order Bifang?"

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