Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 109 Northern Continent

Seventeen hours later, the airship landed.

The moment Yu Qian walked out of the airport, he was blown by the cold wind so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

A pair of goggles was put on his head, and Bai's voice came from his side: "The Northern Continent is the polar region, so wear goggles, otherwise you will easily become snow blind."

Mu Buwan also put on his goggles and perfectly expressed Yu Qian's thoughts: "Fuck! If I had known, I would have read all the information that Lao Qi sent me before coming here! I only read about the monsters that might appear here. Type prediction! Who knows this is the Pole!"

Yu Qian shrank his neck: "Ah sneeze!"

The sound was quickly blown away in the cold wind blowing with snow.

Snow is everywhere as far as the eye can see, with glacial lakes forming in the gaps in the ice in the distance. Farther away are snow-capped mountains hidden under clouds and snowflakes. People walking here feel as if they are in pure daylight.

The airship made an exception and crossed the blockade and entered the northern continent. It stopped on a piece of snow. The snowflakes on the surrounding ground were melted by the jet and then condensed into ice.

After everyone came down, they dispersed in different directions, looking down like sesame seeds on a huge dough.

"Let's go too." Mu Buwan's voice was blurred by the wind.

Even though Yu Qian used his spiritual power to resist the severe cold, he could not help but feel the biting cold: "Let's go."

The sound was almost trembling.

The trembling voices of Qi You and Hai Jianchuan came from the headphones——

"Wow! What a heavy snow!"

"I feel like I'm going to be frozen into a lump of ice."

"where are you?"

Yu Qian opened his mouth and felt the cold air entering his stomach, and instantly lost the desire to speak.

Mu Buwan said: "What the hell are you asking? Look at the shared map!"

Qi You: "I forgot, my brain feels like it's frozen."

"Why can't even spiritual power withstand the cold here?" Umikawa complained.

The five red dots on the map are widely scattered and far apart.

Mu Buwan scolded angrily: "What a special passage, landing thousands of miles away. If I had known, we should have taken the same airship!"

Slightly closer to them was a single red dot, that was Sammy.

The distance was too far and the temperature was too low, causing the sound in the communicator to be intermittent.

Yu Qian zipped up his jacket and said, "Let's go."

Walking on the snow, it is easy to feel lonely, as if everything between heaven and earth has disappeared, leaving only the confusion of not knowing where to go.

But this was nothing to Yu Qian. What made her most unbearable was the cold that her spiritual power could not withstand. She had no idea why it was so cold.

It is said that people feel hot before freezing to death, and then strip off their clothes to get rid of this false "heat".

She felt as if she had come this far.

After the extreme cold, Yu Qian really felt the heat. She pulled the zipper of her jacket down a little, letting the cold wind flow into her clothes.

"What are you doing, looking for demeanor instead of warmth?" Mu Buwan looked into her confused eyes and seemed to understand something. Then he stretched out his hand to feel the temperature behind her ears, "You have a fever!"

Bai Ye, who was walking in front and wanted to shield her from the wind, immediately turned around and took out a tablet of pills from his coat: "I brought anti-fever medicine, take the medicine first."

Yu Qian's eyelids were burning: "Why do you have everything? What else did you bring?"

"It's nothing. I just brought antipyretics and some equipment." He took out the pills and gave them to her. "You have a fever every winter, so I brought antipyretics."

Yu Qian's chaotic mind grasped the key point: "You know this is the Pole? Have you read all the information on Lao Qi? Then why didn't you remind me?"

"I thought you knew, and there's no point in reminding you." Bai innocently said, and he wrapped his coat around Yu Qian. He didn't have any special feeling about the cold, it just affected the flexibility of the machine. "Do you want me to carry you?"

"No need for now." She swallowed the pills, "Let's go, Sami is also walking towards us." Mu Buwan sniffed: "I didn't tell you, what's wrong with you? Ever since I knew you, So, how do you get a fever in winter? Is this your super power?"

Yu Qian rolled his eyes at her: "Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

Three small red dots were slowly moving closer. The farthest ones were Qi You and Hai Jianchuan. They seemed to be exiled to the ends of the earth by airship.

When passing through a large area of ​​ice.

Mu Buwan asked, "Do you want to take a detour?"

Yu Qian shook his head, and his thick nasal voice sounded a little strange under the voice changer: "No, the ice here is older than your grandfather and is very strong."

She looked ahead: "And it's too far. If we take a detour, we will waste at least two more hours."

"If it's strong, then why is there an ice lake there?" Mu Buwan pointed to the lake in the middle of the ice in front of him, "Isn't it because it's not strong enough that the ice lake appears?"

Yu Qian was too lazy to learn literacy skills with her: "Then take a detour."

Mu Buwan looked at her weak and sick look and deliberately said: "Don't faint. If you fall asleep here, you will sleep for the rest of your life."

But Yu Qian didn't have the extra energy to argue with her: "Be careful that there are alien creatures in the lake."

Mu Buwan's steps froze: "Then why do we still have to walk on top of the ice?"

"Because it's fast." Yu Qian said.

She was a little dizzy, and her tone was slow: "There was a war here hundreds of years ago, and there should be a war base here. We have to find it, otherwise we would really have to spend these seven days in the snow."

The communicator was disconnected, but Qi You marked several locations on the map with more than a dozen big stars.

"These coordinates should be the base at that time." Yu Qian concluded.

Mu Buwan asked: "What if Lao Qi's target is not a base, but a place where alien creatures may appear?"

"... Then consider us unlucky, okay." Not long after Yu Qian finished speaking.

[The exam has begun, and the live broadcast will begin to the federal live broadcast]

The two looked at each other and then walked forward.

Passing by glacial lake.

"What was that thing that just swam by?" Mu Buwan's eyes were attracted.

In the glacial lake not far away, a huge black shadow swam through the water.

"Do you want to go over and have a look?" Yu Qian said.

Normally, her words would have sounded strange, but this time, mixed with breath, it actually sounded like a question.

However, before Mu Buwan could reply, instead of looking at the things in the lake, something climbed up to look for them.

A pure black fish about one meter long climbed up from the lake.

It was "crawling". It really climbed up from the shore using its hands and feet. The scene was very disgusting and weird at one time.

It was obviously a fish, but it had four webbed feet. It looked neither like a crocodile nor a lizard. It had smooth scales and a round body. It climbed up and swaggered, and its big mouth opened to reveal sharp teeth.

It climbed very quickly and was in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"What a fool!" Mu Buwan subconsciously kicked it away. It slid along the ice for more than ten meters, and fell back into the lake with a splash.

Yu Qian looked at her speechlessly: "You kicked our points away."

Mu Buwan was silent for a moment and suggested: "How about going to the lake?"

"These are just ordinary mutated fish, they shouldn't count for points." Bai had already walked to the lake.

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