Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 110 Mutation

From time to time, a few big black fish would swim under the lake, the same kind of fish that Mu Buwan kicked away just now. Their silhouettes looked particularly huge across the distant lake.

He dipped his hands in the lake water, stared at his fingers, and countless data flashed across his eyes: "The water here is very polluted, the radioactivity seriously exceeds the standard, and there are some undetectable substances that cause the aquatic life under the glacial lake to produce mutated."

The weather was so cold that a layer of ice formed on his hand as soon as he took it out of the water. Fortunately, the simulated skin was very tolerant. He clenched his fist and the thin ice covering his skin shattered and fell.

Mu Buwan was a little disappointed: "It's a pity, otherwise we could just go to the lake to fish and collect points after we find the base."

But these fish are just mutated, not alien creatures that need to be cleaned up in the exam content.

"Pfft!" was the sound of the blade being inserted.

When he turned around, Yu Qian had already nailed another fish that came up to the ice.

It fluttered and struggled, turbid dark red blood flowed from the wound, and an unpleasant stench filled the air.

"No." Yu Qian suddenly raised his head, "This counts as points."

Her tone was a little unbelievable. She believed that Bai's data analysis was correct, so there was only one possibility left: "These fish are indeed no longer living creatures."

She stood up and clicked on her points panel, which clearly showed a 2, two points for a fish.

It's not long since the exam started, and almost everyone is still rushing. Among the large number of 0 points, only the top few rankings have single-digit points.

Yu Qian kicked the dead fish back into the water, and a long line of blood was drawn on the ice: "Those substances that cannot be detected should be alien substances. After being assimilated, these fish can indeed be called alien creatures. .”

Mu Buwan's eyes lit up: "Is this the content of our exam? Is it so simple? Who can catch more fish?"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" A sharp cry sounded.

She turned around——

Bai didn't know when he caught a water monkey.

It looks like a baby monkey, but it has no hair on its body. It has smooth gray skin, webbed hands and feet, and sharp nails sticking out. It looks like a mammal, but it has long hair on its neck. With fish gills, this is an amphibious creature that has never been seen before.

Yu Qian saw a cut on Bai's arm, and then looked at the water monkey's broken limbs hanging down.

Its nails looked extremely sharp, but its hands and feet were broken in vain, and its struggle at this time was only to open its mouth and scream twice.

Mu Buwan looked at it carefully: "It doesn't look like this."

Bai tightened his palms, broke its neck with a click, and threw its body back into the lake.

"Five points added." Yu Qian looked at the scoreboard, "Its score is higher than the fish."

Mu Buwan was distressed: "Oh my God! You are cheating! Why! The monsters he defeated are your points!"

"My puppet kills monsters, and the points are of course mine." Yu Qian said confidently.

Just when she was thinking about whether to "catch fish" here first, the scoreboard suddenly jumped, and the 100 points that suddenly flew up suddenly became the first place.

This is a one-time bonus, indicating that there is a single creature with a score of 100.

She looked at the familiar number: "Let's go, no need to waste time here, someone has already found a more efficient way."

The communicator was restored briefly for a while.

What was rare this time was Semi's voice: "Did you die there? Why didn't you move?"

Only then did Yu Qian see that in just a short while, Sammy's red dot on the map had moved a considerable distance this way.

Mu Buwan glanced at Yu Qian's red eyes under the mask: "Not yet, but soon."

Sai Mi paused for a moment, as if she didn't expect this answer: "..." She didn't know what she said and couldn't hear clearly, and then the communicator lost connection again.

After this short phone call, the red dot where they were moved started to move again.

Cross the lake and keep walking. Acting in such a single environment, the passage of time becomes meaningless.


"Hey! Here!" Mu Buwan jumped and waved.

There is a figure on the snowy slope in the distance, with long blond hair and a black coat.

Sammy's face looked as bad as ever. She seemed not to be affected by the severe cold. She stood stretched out on the windward side, as if she couldn't feel the cold.

This direction happened to be very close to a star mark on the map, so there was no need to discuss it, and several people hurried towards the star mark.

On the way, Sai Mi seemed surprised that Yu Qian was particularly silent today, and couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Mu Buwan explained: "She is a plague bird now."

"No one will treat you as mute if you don't speak." Yu Qian's voice was so hoarse that even a voice changer couldn't cover it up.

I don’t know how long I’ve been gone——

"Over there." Yu Qian looked into the distance, and the star mark was already very close.

There is a large area of ​​fortress-like buildings over there, all covered in ice and snow, which looks very spectacular from a distance.

"Is this the former military base?" Mu Buwan squinted his eyes and looked over there, "It's pretty close."


After walking to the base, I realized that it was bigger than it looked from a distance.

Even though it has not been maintained or repaired for many years, the programs here still run as they were set hundreds of years ago.

The communicator was completely unusable. The use of the Internet was originally prohibited during the exam. This time the communicator was used by Qi You to cheat with some tricks, but it was obvious that this trick was not enough.

"Fortunately, I have memorized the map before." Mu Buwan complained, "We should really go to the library to find some communication methods between cultivators, such as sound transmission and so on. I see the White Pigeon Communication on the Holy See. fine."

Yu Qian said: "You can do it too, like Bifang Communication?"

"Dip-it's on."

Bai deciphered the password of the entrance: "As a security lock from hundreds of years ago, it has reached its peak."

The door opened for the first time after being blocked for hundreds of years, and a strange smell hit me.

It doesn't smell bad, it's not any kind of fragrance or odor that you think of, but a very thick and astringent smell, slightly choking. If you insist on saying so, it can barely be regarded as the smell of history.

When you walk into the door, you will see a pure white passage, with a checkpoint at the end of the passage.

The air-conditioning was blocked out, making it slightly warmer inside.

"Please provide identity verification." The electronic voice broadcast on the locked door.

After deciphering the lock again, there is still the same level ahead.

After passing five such levels in a row, the password became more difficult to decipher each time and the time it took became longer and longer.

Mu Buwan sighed: "It's really troublesome."


The white door in front of him opened to both sides, revealing a vast space.

Documents are cluttered on the workbench, and old-era machines that have been disconnected are not powered on.

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