There are other entrances to the passage at the end. The space of the base is very large. Just from the outside, you can see that it is well connected inside.

"These documents." Mu Buwan walked in and picked up a document. "They are all military supplies records from that time. They are placed very casually. They seemed to have retreated in a hurry."

Yu Qian leaned over and took a look: "The Northern Continent was defeated at the beginning, so it is understandable that they have to retreat urgently."

Most of the documents on the desktop record various military equipment, and it seems that they were still being checked before retreating.

Yu Qian sat at the table. After reading several of them, he discovered that there was a gap in the time recorded in these documents. The military records from September to December were blank, and then jumped directly to January of the following year.

"Did the troops withdraw in the past three months? Did they come back in January?" She flipped through the pages, but found no record of the corresponding date.

Mu Buwan picked up a stack of thick papers on the shelf: "These are the death lists... No, this is too much."

The shelves over there are densely packed, and at a glance they are filled with such documents. The paper is yellowed and brittle, and some documents will break when touched.

"If these were all dead," Yu Qian said, "there might be millions of people on the list here alone."

She was a little confused: "Why is there no record of such a large-scale war?"

There is no such large-scale war in the modern history of the Federation, and there are not even sporadic records.

Not only that, there are also very few descriptions of the Northern Continent. Basically, there are only one or two sentences of introduction in geography books.

These dead warriors are like the most inconspicuous gravel in the universe. No one's name remains, and they are all covered up by the rolling yellow sand of history.

Under what circumstances will war be hidden?
Any secrets? Shameful? Insane means? Involving subverting Federation secrets?

Countless thoughts flashed through her mind, but she couldn't grasp them.

She seemed to have touched the huge black hole that existed many years ago, but the scattered information in front of her was far from enough to get the answer.

This is like some kind of "reality" that has been covered up. In fairy tales, there are usually warnings such as "opening Pandora's box will cause a huge disaster."

Yu Qian shook her head, feeling a little dizzy. She could hardly control her wild imagination.

She felt that she might need to find a medical cabin to lie down for a while, but belatedly realized that there were no medical cabins in that era.

"These machines are still usable." Bai suddenly said.

He adjusted the main console in front of him, and several screens lit up.

Mu Buwan walked to other passages: "These are all locked."

Yu Qian looked at the main console: "Can you directly unlock the administrator rights of the main control and open all the channels here?"

Bai's fingers flew across the keyboard: "Yes, but it may take some time."

An hour later, Qi You and Hai Jianchuan also arrived.

The permissions of the main console were cracked, and it took a long time to load and synchronize the data.

Then a map popped up on the big screen in the middle. The locations of other nearby bases were marked on the map, which was similar to the location of the star marks on the map that Qi You had just landed.

Other passages in the base have also been opened at the same time, and the base is now fully open to explorers.

Several people dispersed to look for useful information in the base.

Since we are cleaning out alien creatures in the North, we need to at least have a detailed understanding of this place.

Along the passage and passing through several medical rooms, Yu Qian curiously went in and took a look. The medical equipment at that time was completely different from what it is now.

There was also a place similar to a research room, but the research on healing drugs inside was really useless today. Yu Qian had no interest in it, so he glanced at it and left.

She could not imagine how difficult it would be to fight a war where even non-fatal gunshot wounds took two to three months to fully heal. Nowadays, as long as a person does not die, no matter how serious the injury is, after receiving treatment, he can recover almost completely after lying in the medical cabin for a few days.

Just like the backwardness of medicines, the weapons of that era were also very backward.

But what was more surprising was that most of these weapons were still usable. Yu Qian picked out a few intact standard pistols and rifles, as well as some explosives, and planned to take them back to Qi You for modification later.

It's so big here that it would take most of a day to fully explore it.

The few people agreed at the beginning to only find some simple weapons and then return to the main control room.

She was about to go back, but when she turned around, she saw the pen on the table rolling to the ground through the glass window beside her, and her footsteps suddenly stopped in place.

earthquake? No, there is no shock.

This is the polar region. If an earthquake is bound to be accompanied by snow landslides and distant snow mountain landslides, the base's danger alarm will sound.

Did she touch the pen when she came out just now?
No, the supplies and food in this warehouse had long since spoiled. Apart from picking up the cans and looking at them, she didn't touch anything else.

Who touched the desk?
Yu Qian turned around and walked back to the room, bending down to pick up the signature pen that fell on the ground.

The moment he bent down, he met a pair of eyes hiding under the desk, peering in the darkness.

Her movements froze, and the next second she used the uncapped pen tip in her hand as a weapon to stab those eyes.

The guy reacted quickly, hiding his head and getting out from under the table.

"Grass!" Yu Qian laughed and scolded, "There are no tigers or monkeys in the mountains who can be called kings."

It turned out to be a water monkey.

She pulled out her gun and shot it dead. She walked over to the body and fiddled with it, carefully examining its anatomy.

It's really strange. No one has entered this base for at least seven or eight hundred years. They are the first batch of people to return to the Northland after the war.

So where did this water monkey come from?

Are there other passages here that lead to the glacial lake?

She ignored the water monkey's body and turned towards the main control room.

Back in the main control room, no one else had returned yet, and only a few screens were lit with blue light.

Yu Qian clicked on the map of the base and looked through it completely. He couldn't find any other passages leading to the outside world besides the main road.

But all the main roads were sealed, and they were only unlocked after Bai unlocked the authority.

She leaned back on the chair, and the faint blue light shone in her eyes.

Was it locked inside when the army retreated?
It's possible, but if that's the case, its lifespan is too long. If mutation can bring about an effect close to immortality, how could this technology fail in the war back then?

No, that's not right, its mutation was affected by an undetectable alien substance, which may not have existed at that time.

After all, no one knows what happened to this snowfield during the lonely and long thousands of years.

All she could do now was guess.

Yu Qian placed the weapons he brought out on the console.

An extremely absurd and horrifying thought suddenly flashed through my dizzy mind - could it be raised here by someone?

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