Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 114 Avalanche

Yu Qian glanced back - the five people behind him were temporarily disrupted. Then the woman who shot the ice arrow gathered her spiritual power and wanted to refreeze the cracked ice, but she misjudged the strength of the ice surface. The speed of fragmentation caused the condensed ice surface to crack again before it could come together.

The practice of ice element.

Gee, the Holy See is really good at choosing people. This woman has the right time, place and people in the North, just like returning to her hometown.

The staff appeared in Seciya's hand, and the powerful white light actually had the same effect as that of the woman.

Yu Qian couldn't help but pause in his steps——

what's the situation?
Why can Secchia also control the ice element?
No, there may still be a difference. Seciya cannot directly control the production of ice elements, but allows the originally broken ice to begin to "heal" on the original basis.

If the situation hadn't allowed it, Yu Qian would have really wanted to rush up and ask what was going on.

But time was running out, the ice behind her had miraculously "healed", and they soon caught up. She could only suppress the doubts in her heart and run towards the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

There are large areas of dead woods on the snowy mountains.

Yu Qian estimated that the Northern Continent was not originally completely covered with snow like this. It was originally a place for people to live, with green plants and a vibrant scene, but it was destroyed in the war that year.

She got into the dry forest covered with snow and shuttled through it, trying to get rid of the pursuers behind her.

Why did Secchia kill her?
You don't need to think about it to know that this is an order from the Holy See. Secchia has always been a machine that strictly executes orders. She has been trained and assimilated from birth to become the most loyal devotee and chess piece of the Holy See.

Yu Qianshao's dizzy head turned rapidly——

Why did the Holy See want to kill her? Whose interests did she touch?

Yes, she killed Sean.

No, it was Yu Qian who killed Sean, and the Vatican wanted to kill "Rabbit".

She had been prepared to make enemies from the day she entered the Cultivation Academy. Not to mention that her disguise was impeccable, at least it was rigorous and would not be seen through at a glance.

She has also seen the replay of the live broadcast. She wears contact lenses from head to toe, including her pupils, so there is no possibility of locking her identity through her irises.

That means that the person the Holy See wants to kill is the damn cultivator "Rabbit", not the wanted criminal Yu Qian.

Grass! Why?
What did the rabbit do wrong? The rabbit is just a little animal who loves to eat carrots...ah, she is just a poor little girl who worked hard and risked her life during the exam and still had a fever in the snow!
As soon as these messy thoughts emerged, Yu Qian felt that his condition seemed to be not good.

Although she fled calmly, her mind was already talking nonsense.

Her body was silent, but her brain could still speak nonsense and hinder her thinking, which was really scary.

After passing through this forest, the snow appeared in front of me again.

She was halfway up the mountain, and the figure chasing behind her was temporarily thrown away.

Yu Qian slowed down her progress. It was very dangerous to run on the snow because she didn't know which foot would step into a deep hole and be buried in the snow. It would be very difficult to climb out of the soft snow. The ground has no stress points unless someone pulls her out like a carrot.

But there is no need to say who else is there besides her in this snow-capped mountain. When the time comes, this piece of white snow will become her wordless epitaph.

I don't know how many hundreds of years later, when the Northern Continent finally opens up, the first group of people who come to explore will find a rabbit covered by heavy snow on the snowy mountains, oh no, the body of a woman, and then they will find the body of this woman. With strange equipment, funny masks, and ancient storage rings——

Stop it, stop thinking about it!

What a stupid idea!

Yu Qian rarely gets sick, or people rarely notice that she is sick. She can remain calm on the surface, but in fact she has a fever so bad that she almost turns into a fool.

She really needs healing right now, but her healing is still on cooldown.

Antipyretics didn't work for her at all. If I had known she would have tried those expired antipyretics at the base.

What should I do?
She could feel that her condition was getting worse.

The only wet nurse closest to her now is Secchia, who is hunting her down. Does she have a way to get rid of all the other four doglegs around Seciya, and then capture Seciya and force her to treat herself?
There seems to be no way.

Can playing the emotional card be useful? After all, Secchia is a bit silly and very holy. If it were normal, she would have come to help him heal.

But today is different from the past. Can this pitiful thing between them that can barely be called friendship really have a higher priority than the orders of the Holy See?

Um? wrong!

It's not impossible - Secchia doesn't act like she knows her true identity.

Yu Qian slowed down and looked back. They didn't catch up with her. They might still be looking for her in the woods.

She was about to take off her mask, but then she thought of Penglai's live broadcast, and her movements stopped.

A little confused.

Although I don't really want to blow myself up in front of my enemies so early, it seems that there is no better way now.


In addition to her own footsteps, there seemed to be a slight rubbing sound, but there was no one else around.

She became alert and walked very slowly.

The next second, a snow-white figure jumped up - it was a snow wolf!
It has been hiding behind the snow-covered rocks in front of it. Its hair is also pure white, so it is difficult to find it hidden in the snow.

She turned sideways to avoid the snow wolf's bite, and a deep wound was scratched on her shoulder just by looking at him.

Yu Qian now knew where Seciya could add a hundred points at a time!
They had hunted this kind of snow wolf in the snow-capped mountains before!

Its movements are astonishingly fast, with the agility of snow-capped mountain creatures in the snow. Its size is more than twice that of an ordinary snow wolf, and its abdomen, head and neck are not covered with fur, but with scales as hard as armor. , providing the most solid protection for the soft fatal parts.

Yu Qian fired twice, and Qi You's enhanced weapon hit it so hard that its scales rolled back.

She thought for a moment that its scales were far inferior to those of Zhu Jiuyin, and the enhanced firearms were still effective.

The snow wolf was enraged, bared his teeth and flew towards her again.

Yu Qian rolled on the spot and dodged, taking advantage of the moment it landed -

"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots hit its tail and ears.

It moved so fast that the two shots were almost useless, and instead angered it.

The snow wolf let out a long howl and pounced more quickly. Yu Qian was bitten on the arm before he could dodge.

Her forearm was almost bitten off, and with her other hand, she hit its gums and eyeballs hard with the gun handle. Then she quickly took out a bomb and stuffed it into its mouth, and rolled and crawled the moment it let go. Exit ten meters.


Its head was blown to pieces, leaving a large pool of bright red blood on the snow.

Yu Qian fell far away, clutching his wound. The bones of his forearm were cracked and his shoulder was bleeding. It was really over now. If a few people behind him caught up at this time, they could take care of the funeral.

She gritted her teeth and was about to get up when she was suddenly startled.

She remembered a very serious problem——

no! This is a snow mountain!
She raised her head, and sure enough, the snow above her slid down quickly like flowing butter, rolling down along with the gravel in the snow.

There's an avalanche!

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