Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 115 Under the Ice Cave

The impact knocked her directly into the snowdrift.

The falling snow was like waves, layer after layer, leaving no time for anyone to react. She was instantly wrapped in the snow. The large white area in front of her blocked her sight. She inhaled cold ice crystals in her nose, and her internal organs seemed to be frozen. Living.

She rolled down the avalanche in a daze, occasionally bumping into protruding rocks, as if she had been thrown into an old-fashioned drum washing machine.

When her back hit an unknown rock again, and Yu Qian felt that she was about to black out and faint, this state finally ended, and she changed from rolling to falling straight down.

Fell off a cliff? ? ?
When she opened her eyes, they were full of snow and couldn't see clearly. She could only hold on and reach out to try to grab something to steady her body.

But there was nothing to catch until it finally landed on the ground with a plop.

Fortunately, she was hit a few times by the surrounding rocks before landing, which gave her some cushioning.

Below is a cave-like grotto, perhaps dug by some animal a long time ago, but when Yu Qian got up and saw clearly inside, he gave up this idea——

There was a strong smell of blood. In addition to the wounds on her own body, there was also a large pool of unfrozen blood on the ground. More than a dozen corpses lay in a small space.

There are other unlucky people here besides her?
She squatted down and looked at the wounds on the body. Most of the fatal injuries were on the neck, as if some wild beast had bitten off the throat.

But why are they here?
She accidentally fell into the ice cave because of an avalanche. What about these people? How did they find this place? Did you accidentally fall into the ice cave while hunting the snow wolf?
But the wounds on their necks did not look like bites from snow wolves. The edges of the wounds did not match the size.

"Huh?" Yu Qian suddenly looked at several corpses stacked on top of each other. Their postures still maintained their last movements before death, and they all crawled out in unison.

Only then did she notice that half of the body that was pressed underneath was covered.

Is there anything else down here?

She moved the body away, revealing a stone staircase.

There was no light and it was pitch black. She squinted and looked down. The stone steps seemed to have no end and she didn't know where they were leading.

Yu Qian hesitated for a moment.

There are passages underneath military bases that are usually used for transporting supplies or emergency evacuation. She knew that the military sometimes built shelters or storage rooms underground.

So down here is a shelter built by the military hundreds of years ago?

If that's the case, it would make sense why the water monkey appears in a military base.

But why did they build the shelter so far away? It's even built under a snow-capped mountain, so don't you worry about avalanches and the like?

She walked down the steps. If what she just thought was right, she could return to the previous military base just by following here.

I don’t know how long I walked, but Yu Qian almost felt dizzy when he looked at the stone steps below.

Finally, after stepping down the remaining steps, she stepped on level ground.

Perhaps because it is inside the snow-capped mountains, the air here is humid and cold, and the surrounding rock walls are cold.

The road is about two meters wide and indeed looks like a passage for transporting supplies.

She walked forward along the road, the cold air filled with a faint smell of blood.

Ahead were a dozen more corpses.

Like the previous ones, the fresh corpses were all wearing military coats from the base, and they should all be candidates.

Yu Qian's steps became cautious. What kind of monster would be underneath? To be able to kill so many people.

Going further, Yu Qian saw several corpses almost every few hundred meters along the way. She suddenly realized that she might have made a wrong decision——

What could have caused so many people to die tragically here was either a very powerful alien creature or they relied on numbers to win. But her current condition was obviously not very good. Maybe she shouldn't have come down in the first place and should have been in the ice cave above. Wait for the avalanche to end before leaving.

Continuing to move forward, there are many forks in the road.

Yu Qian guessed that they should lead to military bases with different coordinates.

"I wonder where Fanny and the others fell?"

There were faint voices coming from other passages. Yu Qian held his breath and stopped in place.

"It's very strange here." The familiar voice was Secchia!
They actually entered the underground passage!

Even if they were still in front of her, they must have come in through the entrance under the other ice cave.

Yu Qian listened attentively for a while. There were only two footsteps, Saiqiya and Song Yuanxing.

The footsteps are approaching here.

She looked at the corpses lying on the ground beside her, and immediately took off her coat and hooded sweatshirt, took off the mask and stuffed it into the storage ring.

She was even worried that the military coat on her body had some tracking charm on it, so she directly took one off the corpse on the ground and put it on.

Pushing the unfortunate corpse to the bottom, she lay directly into the pile of corpses.

The smell of blood hit her nose, and she felt even more dizzy. She couldn't tell whether it was due to excessive blood loss or fever.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, accompanied by conversations——

"There are too many corpses here, and there may be some dangerous creatures underneath." Song Yuanxing said.

Seciya's tone was very calm: "Maybe."

"We are still in the passage now. We have neither walked to the base nor discovered the shelter or storage area that should have been built below." He continued, "And the masked weirdo you want to capture is not there either. Maybe He fell on Fanny's side."

Secchia hummed: "The space here is in a state of isolation, and there is no way to contact them for the time being."

Yu Qian made a slight coughing sound at the right time.

As expected, the other party's communication was interrupted——

Song Yuanxing exclaimed: "There are still people alive here!"

The two of them strode over.

A look of surprise appeared on Seciya's face, she knelt down and the healing spell lit up in her palm: "Wake up, are you okay?"

Yu Qian opened his eyes in cooperation, and confusion flashed in his eyes: "Seciya?"


The federal live broadcast network was almost paralyzed.

Starting at 8 o'clock in the morning, after the "Xiuzhen Live Broadcast" started again after being dormant for some time, countless viewers flocked to the live broadcast platform.

"Wow! The nun is still as beautiful as ever!"

"Where are you going this time? It's snowing so heavily? Where is this?"

"It must be a secret realm, right?"

"No, this is the Northern Continent. I just heard them discussing in other live broadcast rooms that the Northern Continent is so icy and snowy."

"Am I late? Who are they chasing? Isn't this masked guy the rabbit that was so popular before? The scene they had in the underground palace was so exciting! Why did he fight with the nun?"

"If there's a fight, it's obvious that you're being chased."

"What the hell! There's an avalanche! What happened to the rabbit? Don't you know you can't shoot with explosives in snow-capped mountains? You made such a stupid mistake?"

"Wow, this looks like an ice cave, huh? Why is the screen black?"

"Me too. Why does it show that I'm disconnected? Are they all dead? Why did I disconnect after falling into a snowdrift?"

"Isn't it? Are all the people I care most about dead?"

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