It had every chance to launch a surprise attack just now, and even if it couldn't kill her it could seriously injure her.

Is it because it feels that it is no match for the three of them? How can it be? It has killed so many people.

No, it should be a social creature. It has other companions, so is it going to find its accomplices now?
The expressions of the three of them were no longer as relaxed as before.

"We should be more careful." Song Yuanxing said, "If it attacked us just now, there is a high probability that it would have succeeded. The danger here is far more than superficial. Their inherent physical advantages are very effective in hiding."

Secchia frowned: "Maybe we have seen the so-called murderous creatures on the way here."

But no one noticed it at that time.

Now you really have to pay close attention. No one can be 100% sure whether there is such a monster on the next rock wall.

But then moving forward, the three of them carefully inspected the surrounding rock walls, and no such monster appeared within a few hundred meters.

Yu Qian even looked up to the top, but still found nothing.

The underground corridor is longer than expected.

A few hours later——

Song Yuanxing, who was walking at the front, stopped and looked at the rock wall carefully: "We did not circle. The temperature of the rock wall here is lower than before. It seems that we have reached the bottom of another snow mountain."

Yu Qian checked the remaining blood stains on the ground: "The blood is frozen. There should be fewer corpses on this road."

Song Yuanxing was confused: "Is that monster really gone?"

Secchia looked at the time: "It's early morning, it's already the next day."

Time will not slow down and leave them no room just because they have gained nothing.

With teammates separated and slow to gain points, they may face a punishing secret realm, and there is no trace of the person who needs to be hunted down. The Seciya team inevitably falls into an urgent stalemate.

Yu Qian found that Saiqia's face was not very good, but she would not jump out and say that the person you are looking for is right in front of you.

But when the flashlight light shone on Saikia's face, Yu Qian realized that it was not what he thought.

Secchia's face did not become anxious because of the seriousness of the situation, but it seemed that there was something wrong with her body. Her face showed an abnormal paleness.

But she wasn't losing blood or getting sick, not to mention that these were all treatable for her.

"Is your spiritual power overdrawn?" Yu Qian asked, "There is no need to use healing techniques for me anymore."

There seems to be nothing else besides this guess. Secchia would use healing techniques to cool her down from time to time when her fever rose.

But Secchia shook her head: "No, my spiritual power is enough. It's just some physical problems. It started to happen occasionally a few days ago. I don't know the specific reason. The healing technique is useless for this situation."

Song Yuanxing suggested: "Why don't you take a rest?"

"No need." Seciya forced a smile, "Resting can't improve this situation. Keep walking. If we haven't harvested anything from the next fort, we will leave from the nearest exit."


The next fort is different from the previous one.

After opening the door, the device inside could not be started after disconnecting from the base like last time, but they found some paper materials here.

"Are these experimental data for drug development?" Song Yuanxing turned over the data curiously, "This is a powerful medicine for trauma, this is specifically for gunshot wounds, this is for bone injuries..."

Saekiya: "That's even more strange. Why did the scientific researchers come to the battlefield?" Song Yuanxing also said: "Did the war situation at that time become so urgent?"

But before they had time to think about this issue, the scene in the translucent glass window behind the table attracted everyone's attention——

It was a spacious room with cylindrical storage tanks filled with light blue liquid. Inside the tanks were corpses.

The three walked in.

Yu Qian turned on a flashlight and shined the light on the jar. The liquid inside showed a faint fluorescence under the light: "The corpse is well preserved. The liquid has a good antiseptic effect. There are wounds of varying degrees on the corpse, and the muscles have atrophied." But the traces of training can be seen, and there are injection needle holes on the surface of the skin.”

Some of these corpses were missing limbs, some were shot, and some had severely deformed heads.

She guessed: "These should be soldiers who were in the war before. Before they died, they participated in drug experiments and achieved the final 'make the best use of everything'."

War has always been cruel, and death seems so insignificant in front of it.

Song Yuanxing turned the light of the flashlight to the innermost side: "That seems to be the result of their experiment."

The light fell on the work table, and neatly arranged medicines were placed on the table.

When I walked over and took a look, I saw that there were labels on the medicine bottles, most of which were medicines to promote wound recovery. However, a few bottles in the middle had no labels on them and the lids were opened.

Yu Qian picked up one of the bottles. There was only a shallow layer of the potion left in it, and it had almost evaporated in the unopened state.

Song Yuanxing said with some emotion: "It's a pity that even if they have developed a special medicine, it is useless. The Northern Continent is still defeated."

He seemed a little sentimental, which was one of Yu Qian's most annoying traits. He added, "They must not have thought of it when they made the medicine."

"Here's a list..." Seciya suddenly fell to the ground with a plop before she could finish her words.

Song Yuanxing ran over in shock.

Yu Qian touched her carotid artery: "She just fainted. What happened to her?"

"I don't know." Song Yuanxing shook his head, "She has occasionally become very weak since the Vatican asked us to form a team, but she has never fainted like she did today."

He picked up Secchia and placed her on a chair nearby.

Yu Qian held Sekiya's wrist and inserted a trace of spiritual power into it. It was indeed as Sekiya said, her spiritual power was not overdrawn, on the contrary, it was still abundant.

"Let's wait for a while. If the captain doesn't wake up, I'll carry her and we can leave here directly." Song Yuanxing said, "We have other teammates outside."

Yu Qian responded: "Okay, I'll go check out other places first."

Song Yuanxing warned: "Your condition is not very good either. It's best not to act alone."

"It's okay." Yu Qian didn't want to waste time waiting, so he opened the door and left the pharmaceutical room.

She walked softly through the corridor.

Most of the rooms here contained similar corpses in storage tanks. Yu sneaked into a few of them and took a look. Without exception, they were all used for experimental medicine.

Walking through a dark corridor with corpses on both sides of the room can easily give people a sense of horror.

"Da da da……"

The next second, this terrifying atmosphere intensified, because there were faint footsteps from the end of the distant corridor.

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