Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 118 Peeping

The footsteps were light and messy.

Yu Qian immediately thought of the large water monkey he had encountered before.

She hid sideways behind the door, holding her breath, listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer.

The moment she approached the door, she pushed it open and aimed her gun—

? !
She paused, her finger almost pressed the trigger and then stopped almost, the gun was pointed at the head of the person in front of her.

The other party's reaction was also very quick. The moment she appeared, he grabbed her shoulders and put a sharp weapon against her neck with his other hand, pressing her whole body against the door.

Yu Qian hit the door from behind with a bang.

What was right in front of her was a face she was familiar with and couldn't be more familiar with.

Sai Mi's expression was gloomy. After seeing the person clearly, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then returned to his cold look: "You're still alive and well. I thought you couldn't come back after you died, but I didn't expect you were still alive and kicking." .”

Yu Qian pointed the gun at her head and pointed at the sword on his neck.

Sammy put down her hand first.

"Why are you here?" Yu Qian then put away his gun.

Sai Mi looked at her like she was an idiot: "You disappeared for two days and one night, and everyone came out to look for you. You ask me why I am here?"

Oh, forgot about them.

Yu Qian didn't feel any guilt at all: "You don't look like you are worried about me."

She smelled blood on Sai Mi's body: "Are you injured? Are you coming to the snow mountains to hunt snow wolves?"

After asking this, Yu Qian remembered that he hadn't had time to look at the scoreboard today.

Sami didn't seem to want to talk to her, so he walked around her and walked in: "What's here?"

Yu Qian replied casually: "There is a giant water monkey."

Open the scoreboard -

Some of the student numbers above have turned gray, which are the candidates who have died. The statistics in small letters on the upper right say that 823 people died and 8189 people remained.

One day has passed, and the points have reached hundreds no matter how slowly they are added. The top three hundred lists on the home page have been greatly changed, and the points have already exceeded a thousand. This progress should be due to hunting snow wolves.

She turned back to her page and saw that she was ranked 8172nd, and her single-digit points looked particularly shabby at the end.


The reservation quota for the Secret Realm of Punishment will be increased by one.

Moving his eyes upward, he immediately saw Sai Mi's student ID number, which had also changed to the top of the list. Yesterday she was still in the top 300.


"You haven't gained any points?" Yu Qian gave her a strange look, "Snow wolves are not that strong, so they can't kill even one. What kind of monster did you encounter?"

"I met an idiot." Sammy said.

Yu Qian:? It seemed like he was scolding her, but it didn't seem like he was scolding her.

Not sure, ask again.

She asked again: "You're not here to hunt? Then why are you here? Are you really so kind to come to me?"

"I came to see if you were dead so that I could conduct an autopsy." Sai Mi's tone became even worse.

No need to ask, just scolding her.

Yu Qian was about to retaliate, but she suddenly felt like she was being spied on. She subconsciously looked towards the opposite window. Under the light of the flashlight, she happened to meet a pair of black eyes hidden in the darkness, staring here, and a chill ran down her spine. .

She pushed Sammy away and rushed into the room.

"What are you doing?" Sami followed up and asked.

Yu Qian pointed his flashlight at the jar filled with blue liquid in front of him: "He was looking at me just now."

Sai Mi turned to look at the abnormal blush on her face: "Are you burned out? There are corpses here, the kind that have been dead for hundreds of years." Is it really an illusion?

Yu Qian knew that her current condition was not good, and they had only looked at each other for a moment in a daze, so was she wrong?

The light of the flashlight is not that bright, and it is normal to have illusions under the refraction of dim light...

She frowned, then suddenly raised her hand and fired a few shots, breaking the jar, and the liquid inside instantly poured out and flowed to the floor.

Use the handle of the gun to smash the remaining glass, and the body instantly lost its support and rolled to the ground.

Yu Qian directly opened the corpse's eyelids with his hands, illuminated it with a flashlight, and then looked at several spots on the pale corpse.

"We all said it was a corpse." Sai Mi waved his hand directly, a white stream of light flashed past, and the corpse's head rolled to the side. "Are you relieved now?"

"Forget it." Yu Qian stood up, his head feeling dizzy, "Maybe I really saw it wrong, let's go."

"What's wrong!?" Song Yuanxing's voice came from the other end of the corridor. He heard the crackling sound and asked loudly.

Sammy looked at her with questioning eyes.

Yu Qian: "I met him on the road."

After saying that, he shouted to the other end of the corridor: "It's okay!"

But after a while, footsteps came from the other side, and Song Yuanxing came directly.

No, it's two people walking together. Secchia is also awake?

Yu Qian suddenly felt as if she had overlooked some important information, and her subconscious told her that something was wrong.

But the brain, which had become sluggish due to high fever, could not react so quickly.

It wasn't until she saw two human silhouettes with flashlights walking out of the dark corridor over there that she remembered that she had overlooked an important issue -

In the live broadcast of the last game, Sami had always acted with "Rabbit", so what does it mean for her to appear next to him?
But the two people on the opposite side have already come out.

Seciya's condition seemed a little better, and she had a shocked expression on her face the moment she saw Sammy.

Yu Qian couldn't tell whether the shock was because she "saw someone who looked exactly like herself" or because "the person I wanted to kill was actually next to me."

Just when she was ready to break up and take action.

Song Yuanxing cried out in even more shock: "Exactly the same! I've never heard of the captain having twin sisters!"

This sentence gave Yu Qian a great sense of security. For the first time, she felt that it was a good habit to make noises.

Grass! I’ve long said that people in the Holy See are just rubes who don’t watch live broadcasts or surf the Internet!
They should have known that the bracelet was just a simple way of sending messages to them.

"Who are you?" Secchia asked.

Seeing the face that looked like her own, Sai Mi was stunned for two seconds, then turned to look at Yu Qian, then sneered, ignored anyone, and walked away, bumping into Yu Qian hard as he passed by. on his shoulder, then passed Saiqia and Song Yuanxing and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Yu Qian wanted to strangle her to death, but what she hit was a wound that had not completely healed.

"What...what's happening?" Song Yuanxing looked at Sai Mi's back and turned to ask Yu Qian.

Secchia was still staring at the figure that was about to disappear into the dark corridor.

Yu Qian explained: "It was like this, and then that, so it became what it is now, you understand."

"Ah?" Song Yuanxing looked at her blankly, "I don't quite understand."

"She may be Seciya's sister who lives abroad." Yu Qian said casually, but it would not make sense no matter how he made it up.

Secchia followed Sami’s back.

Song Yuanxing also followed immediately.

Yu Qian had no choice but to follow.

In the corridor where their footsteps disappeared, a freshly severed head rolled around on the ground in the room next to it. It opened its eyes and stared at the open door with its black pupils.

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