"There is still oil in the storage room. Go and bring it." Yu Qian commanded.

Sami was walking out, but stopped when he heard her words: "Why don't you go?"

Yu Qian showed an unbelievable expression: "Please, I am a patient."

"I am a wounded person." Sai Mi retorted.

"But I think your condition is much better now." Yu Qian said and moved closer, "You recovered too quickly. Even if the wound is healed, you will not be able to make up for the amount of blood you lost before. .”

She stared at Sami curiously: "Your physical fitness is really a mystery."

Sammy bypassed her and went to find engine oil.

They all dug out the engine oil in the fortress, poured it on the ground along the corridor, and poured it into the showroom.

Standing at the exit——

Yu Qian held up the lighter: "Get ready! I'm going to light it up! This is a small step for us, but this is humankind..."

"There's so much nonsense, you'll be burned to death." Sai Mi snatched the lighter from her hand, lit the oil on the ground, then turned around and ran away.

"You committed murder!" Yu Qian took a step slower. The heat wave from the fortress almost knocked her over. She quickly turned around and ran out towards the rock path.

After running out of the rock path, the stairs in front of me lead to the top, which is the nearest exit.

After walking up for a while, before reaching the light, the smell of wind and snow from above came in from afar.

Yu Qian shuddered: "It's really cold. When I become the chairman of the Federation, I will make the North feel like spring all year round and maintain a suitable temperature forever."

Sai Mi glanced at her. She didn't know when she took out the mask and put it on again: "I'm sick. Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."

"This is my election manifesto. Please vote for me!" Yu Qian ignored her.

Only then did Sai Mi realize that it was strange, and he moved closer and raised his hand to take off her mask: "What the fuck! You're done!"

Yu Qian snatched the mask back and put it back on his face: "You don't want to be a security guard anymore, do you?"

Her eyes were in a trance, and she looked like she was about to become mentally retarded.

Sai Mi: "Do you have any medicine? The healing technique can't be used?"

Yu Qian stopped and calmed down: "Damn it, you idiot, don't you know how to control my mouth?"

She took out two fever-reducing injections: "I hope they can still be effective after so many years."

Although the effect of these two powerful injections is average, it has some effect.

Finally leaving through the exit, the nearest base was only a few hundred meters away.

The two entered the base.

"Holy shit! What a coincidence!" The pink head who was counting weapons in the main control room raised his head, and Mu Buwan looked surprised, "You are actually here too!"

She turned her head and shouted to one side: "Lao Qi, they are back!"

Yu Qian looked at them both: "Where are Bai and Xiaochuan?"

She sensed the puppet line, and wow, it was beyond the distance.

Mu Buwan said: "Xiaochuan was sleeping inside. He was bitten. Bai didn't act with us. He likes to be a lone wolf just like your friend."

Sammy ignored her words.

Yu Qian said, "Then I'll take a nap too."

"That's right." She stopped, "We don't have to rush to find monsters and kill them."

She briefly explained what happened in the underground fortress: "So we just need to destroy all the corpses in the fortress next."

Mu Buwan's eyes widened: "It's so simple! Why didn't we find out earlier!"

"Okay." Yu Qian waved his hand, "I'll lie down for a while, I'm a little tired."

She found a storage room, leaned back in a chair and closed her eyes.


The cold wrapped around me tightly, like a nightmare that couldn't be shaken off.

As her consciousness drifted, many bizarre images seemed to flash through her mind - birds flying under the vast clouds and mist, holographic projections rolling under the neon lights of the city, large-screen advertisements circulating on the airship, tentacles at the wastewater plant, blond hair shining under the sun. , the crash of the sky rail, the puppet master's thread, a deep and lush emerald...

In the end, everything turned into a cold wind.

There seemed to be something tugging at her.

Yu Qian frowned and opened his eyes: "What are you doing? So what..."

Before she finished speaking, she raised her hand and fired.

It turned out to be a little water monkey tugging at the military coat covering her body.

She stood up and kicked the little monkey corpse away: "It's annoying."

Get out of the pantry.

"You're awake!" Mu Buwan sat on the chair, "Want to have a drink?"

The table and floor were covered with wine bottles, and empty bottles were lying on the ground.

Mu Buwan was holding the wine, Hai Jianchuan had already been drunk under the table, Qi You was swaying and couldn't sit still, and Sai Mi didn't know where he was.

Yu Qian walked over: "How long has this expired and you still dare to drink it? Where did you find it?"

The wine did not evaporate and settle. She picked up one bottle, opened the cap, and took a sip.

The cold wine rolled through the esophagus leaving a burning sensation.

"Huh -" Yu Qian breathed a long sigh of relief, "I feel comfortable."

Mu Buwan chuckled: "I found it in the storage room. I didn't expect them to go to war and bring so much wine. I really enjoy it!"

Yu Qian rolled his eyes: "Wine can not only be used for drinking, but also for disinfection and heating. More importantly, it can also strengthen courage. It's not surprising that they bring wine."

Mu Buwan and his brother put their arms around her shoulders nicely: "What the hell! Celebrate that we finally don't have to look for monsters everywhere like dogs! Cheers!"

The bottles collided with a crisp sound.

There are fewer and fewer wine bottles on the table, and more and more empty bottles are lying on the ground.

Mu Buwan was also a little drunk. He lay on the table and continued shouting vaguely: "Whoever runs away will be the grandson!"

The world was spinning in Yu Qian's vision. He held on to the wall and walked outside to wake up with the cold wind.

Just walked out of the gate——

The endless night sky seems to be swallowing up the pure white snow, and the abyss-like black sky rises with brilliant aurora, like a winding band of light.

"It's beautiful." Qi You sat on the snow at the entrance of the base.

Yu Qian responded and sat down in the snow. She regretted not bringing another bottle of wine out: "You can't see such a beautiful scene in the Federation."

"Hahaha." Qi You laughed twice, "The light pollution in the Federation made it impossible to see the stars many years ago, and the geographical location is also restricted."

He raised his head: "The Federation is a fucking garbage dump!"

Yu Qian couldn't help but laugh: "Why are you so excited? Who doesn't know that the Federation is like a garbage dump?"

"Ha, after drinking some wine, I felt quite emotional." Qi Youyou said.

Yu Qian glanced at him: "What are you doing? What are you feeling? A special scene triggered a hidden plot? Is this NPC going to start telling a story?"

Qi You shook his head and smiled helplessly: "You have such a poisonous mouth."

"There's no way." Yu Qian said, "I'm just a mean person."

Qi You looked at the aurora in the distance: "But you are right."

"What's right?" Yu Qian asked.

"You said I am an NPC." He looked at the aurora in the distance. "Aren't we just like NPCs in this world? If not NPCs, what else could we be? Is it a program? Is it a code? Is it a number? Why? Some people are happy for the rest of their lives as soon as they are born? And some people can't even survive?"

Yu Qian was stunned.

Damn, this is level A triggering a combo.

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