This series of questions really confused her.

She is not a person who likes to communicate with others about the spiritual world, because she has no spiritual world, and there are very few things left in her barren life.

So Yu Qian could only say dryly: "Well, there's nothing we can do about it."

Qi You has already fallen into his own emotions: "Why is this?"

Yu Qian wanted to pry open his head to see if it was filled with water, and where and why there were so many. She said speechlessly: "Brother, don't think so much. The watershed in life is amniotic fluid. If you think about it, it's just farts. "

"What do you mean by living for?" Qi You asked.


Has the problem escalated?

Yu Qian said sarcastically: "It's really up to you to explore the mysteries of life at the mission location in the Northern Continent."

But Qi You has already turned on the NPC mode on his own: "We are all from Xiacheng District, and you know what a bad place it is."

"Don't make it sound like we are in the same group. I don't know. For me, the Inner Ring City is already paradise." Yu Qian said honestly, "My ideal job when I was a child was to work as a dishwasher in the Inner Ring City. Stealing customers’ leftover meals.”

Qi You asked: "Then why did you go astray instead of going? Is it because the federal government prohibits child labor?"

"Get out of here, that's because I later learned that those damn guys don't have to wash the dishes manually anymore." Yu Qian said, "They don't leave any way for us poor guys to survive."

"Hahahahahahaha." Qi You laughed, "I forgot that the popularity of smart phones in the outer ring city is not as good as that in the inner ring city. You are the one who has been living in hell."

Yu Qian waved his hand: "No, the Outer Ring City is not a hell. It is a good place for money laundering and a gold sales cave for capital. You can enjoy all the medicinal powders, entertainment, and transactions strictly prohibited by federal laws here. .”

She wrapped herself in clothes, shrank her neck, and let out a breath: "It is not hell, I am hell."

Qi You patted the snow on his shoulder: "You are right, life for us is hell."

"I was born in the Inner Ring City, but in fact, in the Federation, the people in the entire lower city are considered by the powerful to be trash from the bottom. In fact, this is indeed the case."

"But I should be luckier than you." He said, "At least the Inner Ring City occasionally has big shots inspecting it, so the security is pretty passable. There aren't that many gangs fighting, and I won't be shot by stray bullets for no apparent reason while walking on the street. .”

Yu Qian resisted the urge to interrupt him and listened patiently to what he had to say for a while.

He chattered a lot, but mainly about his childhood.

Yu Qian summarized it, it was very simple and could be summed up in one sentence - a domestically violent father, a mother who ran away, a broken home and the wronged person.

She didn't understand why she could say so much about this little thing. No matter how full of emotions or rhetoric, it couldn't cover up the mess of her life.

But alcohol makes people emotional, like now.

Qi You continued: "I was the only one left at that time. The house was taken away and I was kicked out. I was only ten years old. I couldn't find a job or a place to stay. I wanted to find a place to stay. One night, the little money I had left on me was robbed by gangsters."

Yu Qian felt like yawning after hearing this. She fumbled around and took out half a pack of damp cigarettes: "Want one?"

"I know, you think these are boring, don't you?" He took a cigarette and lit it, "Are you thinking, what's so sad about this nonsense?"

Darling, he can read minds, right?
Yu Qian lit a cigarette: "It's okay, this has nothing to do with me." She doesn't comment on other people's lives, and her attitude is to ignore it if it doesn't concern her.

Of course, except for the damn upper class, even if she stepped on chewing gum on the road, she would scold the idiot chaebol for why they didn't research a chewing gum that would automatically decompose when spitted out.

Qi You asked: "If it were you, what would you do?"

She said nonchalantly: "Maybe I'll beat up the person who robbed me of my money, or find a way to kill them? I can't say, it depends on my mood at the time."

She is actually very annoyed by this kind of problem. If it were her, it wouldn't be such a big deal at all. She would just send these gangsters to the hospital to get VIP cards, or even the funeral parlor.

"Hahahaha, it's something you would do." He said, "Do you know what I did then?"

Yu Qian guessed: "Crying all night like a loser?"

"Damn, you guessed it right!" Qi You couldn't help laughing a few times as if he thought of something funny, "Why was I so stupid back then?"

"But I couldn't do anything at the time." He said, "I had no family or friends. I really felt every day that I might starve to death the next day. At that time, I really couldn't understand why I was so miserable. , why am I living this unfortunate life?"

"Isn't it stupid? Every day when you open your eyes and look at other people walking by on the street, you always wonder why they are so happy, but you have to face this."

Yu Qian couldn't help but yawned and said perfunctorily: "It's okay."

Qi You looked at her: "Are you secretly scolding me for being stupid?"

"You idiot." Yu Qian rolled his eyes, "Do you need to curse people secretly in your mind?"

"That's true." He shook his head helplessly. "In fact, it was just such a small thing, but at the time it felt like the sky was falling. Now that I think about it, it's not a big deal. It was not worth the pain at the time."

Yu Qian exhaled a puff of smoke: "Is there any comparative level of pain? What kind of world can a child see?"

Qi You looked at the sky: "Later, after I came into contact with hackers, I realized that I was quite talented. Then my life began to get better. I also met my wife. Of course, she was not my wife at that time, and the result was not much. The year turned bad again, she died, and her daughter was lost.”

He took a deep drag on the cigarette, almost to the end, spit it out, and after a while, he finally spoke, with a bit of vicissitude in his tone: "Forget it, it's all over. You have to look forward."

Yu Qian laughed: "Looking forward? That's true. If you continue to be weak, you will only become a stinking corpse in the garbage dump. You have done a good job in this regard. You can get up, so keep on climbing forward. "

Qi You turned around and said, "Sometimes you really surprise me. I always thought you were a particularly cold and ruthless person."

"Am I not?" Yu Qian said, "You don't think I'm encouraging you, do you?"

Qi You smiled helplessly and changed the subject: "What about you? I haven't heard anything about you yet."

Yu Qian threw the cigarette butt into the snow: "Our relationship is not good enough to talk about anything."

She stood up and said, "I'm going to find out where Bai went. You can continue to stay here as a snow sculpture."

She shook off the snow from her body, wrapped her general coat tightly, and walked along the snow in the direction sensed by the puppet line, leaving a series of footprints behind her.

Qi You shouted: "Don't run too far. He is an android and can't freeze. You, a patient, just save it."

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