Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 126 The so-called truth

Chapter 126 The so-called truth

"Do you remember the corpses in the laboratory?" Sami asked, "Do you want to defrost one and see if they can..."

She didn't finish her sentence.

But Yu Qian understood what she meant: "Okay, but I guess it's the same."

They thawed the nearest corpse, and after a while, as expected, the corpse opened its eyes.

Yu Qian watched the corpses get up from the ground: "Sure enough, these corpses can be 'resurrected'."

Sammy burned the awakened body and said, "I choked to death. Did you get extra points?"

"Added." Yu Qian looked at the points panel and said.

"Fuck!" Sai Mi cursed, "This is outrageous, don't you think? These corpses are not offensive at all. Anyone can burn them."

"But such a useless mutated corpse is actually worth 50 points. A snow wolf is only worth 100 points. Do you know how many idiots died in the ambush of snow wolves?"

Yu Qian said in a relaxed tone: "Ha, of course I know. I suffered a lot from the snow wolf when I was in the snow mountain. If those guys who died in the snow wolf's mouth knew that points could be obtained so easily, they would definitely be angry. The body is rising from the snow."

"You know what I'm going to say." Sai Mi looked at her, a little impatiently.

"OKok." Yu Qian said, "I know you think this is too abnormal, so what?"

Semi asked: "So you don't have anything to say? What clues did you get when you were in the underground fortress?"

"Underground fortress? You still remember that place." Yu Qian thought about it for a moment, "There are no special clues there."

Sai Mi frowned: "Impossible, there are so many corpses of candidates there, and you know so much about the monsters hiding in the rock formations, you won't find nothing."

Yu Qian looked at her: "What do you think I should say? Sami, don't trust me too much. Is it because we have been acting together for the past two days that you really regard me as a teammate? Or is this because you have learned from the Holy See?" This is the first time you have a companion to act with after your defection, okay?

Sai Mi's frown faded, and she returned to her cold look, as if she didn't care about what she just said: "You think too much, I'm just..."

"Curious about this place? Don't pretend to be so careless. I guess you are almost pissed off." Yu Qian laughed inexplicably, "If you have so much curiosity, it would be better to convert it into brain cells. "

"Don't be so weird with me." Sai Mi sneered, "Aren't you just out of curiosity as to why you came down here?"

"you guess."

"I guess your mother."

Yu Qian stood up and moved away from the corpse that was filled with the unpleasant smell of burning: "Don't you know who I am? I might sell you at some point. Do you expect me to tell anything to a person who wants to kill me?" My people? It’s better to hope that the Federation will be destroyed soon. Don’t really think of me as a partner who can be trusted to support you.”

Sai Mi was silent for two seconds, as if he thought of something: "You know everything?"

"Of course." A trace of elusive malice flashed in Yu Qian's black eyes, and his gaze swept across her fair neck, "How about it, is the new technology titanium wire sharp? Did it almost cut off the aorta?"

"Are you pretending to be faint?"

"That's not true, I just didn't expect you to turn back."

Sai Mi also stood up and stood face to face with her: "So are we going to settle old scores now?"

"Not yet." Yu Qian shrugged, "No need, let's talk about it next time."

"If you're not curious, then what are you doing here?" Sami asked, "Is there what you want here?"

Yu Qian nodded: "Yes."


"the truth."

As if hearing some funny joke, Sami couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, the truth? Are you telling a bad joke? What truth? The truth about the Northern Continent? The truth about the war? Does any of this have anything to do with you? Are you someone who does useless things?" Yu Qian asked, "Why am I not? I am now."

She pointed to the other corpse lying on the side: "Thaw him, you will know soon."

The tone of her giving orders made Sammy's teeth itch, but he still obeyed.

Many times information gaps can easily put one person in a dominant position.

When the body is thawed——

"What now?" Sai Mi looked at her, "Can you tell me your so-called 'truth'?"

"Don't worry." Yu Qian said, "Wait a little longer."

After a few minutes, the corpse "awakened" and did not attack them. Instead, it wandered among several frozen corpses like wandering ghosts.

Another ten minutes passed.

half an hour.

One hour.

Just when Sai Mi's patience was about to run out, the corpse turned around and looked at them.

Sai Mi's words were instantly stuck in her throat. She watched the corpse's muscles grow rapidly, filling the withered body. The skin was cracked. The green-gray corpse seemed to be dyed, gradually turning into dark brown. The nails and teeth Grows rapidly.

In just a few seconds, the corpse turned into the monster in the underground fortress that they had seen before, the "large water monkey" in Yu Qian's mouth.

"I have been wondering where the monsters in the fortress passages came from," Yu Qian said, "until I confirmed that all fortresses have no other passages."

The alienated monster rushed towards them, its blood-red eyes were like wild beasts, completely different from the dumb bodies just now.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and the modified ectoplasm gun easily blew off its head. Its tall body fell to the ground, knocking over a large number of corpses.

Yu Qian continued: "So I thought they had been in the fortress and rock passage from the beginning. I also thought about where they were hiding, but after reading the research report, I determined that they could not stay there for hundreds of years. Locked up inside the fortress, the lifespan of this gene is nowhere near as long as a few hundred years."

"So there is only one possibility. After we came here, they 'awakened', and the only living bodies in the fortress, or perhaps the former living bodies, were only those corpses."

"The extremely cold environment is a natural storage container for them to preserve genes and keep them frozen in a 'sleeping' state for a long time."

She approached the monster's stump: "When the corpse comes into contact with the outside air, it will start to mutate, so some jars will be empty."

After listening to her words.

Sai Mi said: "This monster is very similar to the water monkey we saw at the beginning."

"Yes, it is an amphibian." Yu Qian pointed to the gills on the monster's neck, "It also has gills."

Sai Mi's face showed a kind of numbness caused by too much information. After a while, she suddenly thought: "That little water monkey, it is..."

"Child." Yu Qian said, "Child, or dwarf, but the former is more likely."

"Why are you so sure?" Sammy asked.

Yu Qian pointed to a short, mostly obscured corpse among the many corpses in the distance: "Because there is one right there. Do you want to try thawing it?"

"No need." Sai Mi shook his head, "But this is a battlefield, how can there be children?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Yu Qian put away his gun, "If even children go to the battlefield, it means that they no longer have adults."

"This is not a war," she said. "This is a massacre."

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