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Chapter 127 New Discovery

Chapter 127 New Discovery
From the beginning, this was a crushing battle with huge differences.

Along the way, all the weapons Yu Qian saw could not be considered advanced at the time, not even now. They could only be said to have barely kept up with the pace of technological development.

Moreover, the Northern Continent is the smallest among the four borders. How can such a continent that is neither developed nor powerful dare to challenge other forces?
So of course it was not the Northern Continent that started the war. The Northern Continent was the one being attacked.

So they accidentally started researching after discovering organisms infected by alien substances, and then discovered the fusion of biological genes, followed by human experiments.

After the results of the human experiment were obtained, they put this imperfect experiment directly into use, causing a large number of soldiers to be infected and turned into monsters.

The final result has not been changed - the Northern Continent was defeated.

Then the enemy discovered this secret and would not allow such a huge threat to exist, so they killed everyone and buried them together with the secret under the ice and snow forever.

This is also the reason why there is no record of the Northern Continent in the history of the Federation.

As Yu Qian walked forward, he connected these clues to form a complete story.

After hearing this, Sammy asked: "Where are we going now?"

"you guess."

"Are you sick?"

This cave was so huge that they couldn't reach the edge even after spending several hours.

The corpses he saw along the way were still densely packed, and he no longer knew how many he passed by. Yu Qian couldn't believe how many points he would get if he could destroy all the corpses below. How many people are there in the Northern Continent? Hundreds of millions? More than a billion? Billions?

There is no clear record, no clear number.

They are just walking in the most inconspicuous corner of this continent.

"What you said is indeed right." Sai Mi now fully believed the expected words. "It seems that all the people in the Northern Continent have died here. I don't know how far ahead there is. Maybe there is no head at all. The entire Northern Continent has The ice has been hollowed out for corpses, so we might as well go back the way we came.”

Yu Qian just wanted to nod. She originally wanted to see if there would be any experimental data left here, but obviously, there was nothing here except corpses.

But the next second, his peripheral vision glanced at a body in the corner.

"Wait!" she called to Sammy, "look at that corpse."

"What's wrong?" Sai Mi looked over, "Which one?"

Yu Qian strode over and stood in front of the body placed in the corner of the cave against the icicles: "This."

Sai Mi took a closer look: "What's wrong? Mutation? He was frozen, and there are no mutated parts, no! This corpse is too fresh, not rotten, and the color is different from other corpses, just like It wasn’t long after I was frozen…”

The expression on her face was blank for a moment, and then she reacted and looked at Yu Qian: "We are not the first people to come under the ice!"

Yu Qian stared at the corpse without saying a word.

Sai Mi: "His wound was on his neck. It should have been bitten to death by a giant water monkey. Is there that kind of monster here too?"

Yu Qian shook his head: "I don't know, at least we haven't met him."

"And there are no signs of fighting here." Sai Mi added.

Yu Qian suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Fuck! That's not right!" "What's wrong?" Sai Mi looked at her.

"We are the first batch of people to come down here!" Yu Qian saw Sai Mi's confused look and said, "No, there is something wrong with my expression. I mean, we are the first batch of living people to come down here! This guy is not Died down there!”

"I said he looked familiar. I just remembered that I saw this guy's body in the cave. The military coat I was wearing was ripped off from him. He died in the underground fortress."

Sai Mi hesitated for a moment: "Then why does his body appear here? He was not completely dead when you saw him before?"

"It must be dead." Yu Qian said with certainty, "I checked it at the time."

"Then why is he here?" Sammy thought, "His external limbs show no alienation..."

Yu Qian pursed her lips. This sudden discovery cast a haze over her original thoughts, as if there was another layer of gray gauze covering the answer.

Did she overlook something along the way?

Sai Mi thought for a while: "It's unlikely. Even if the alien material in the North has a serious impact, we've all been here for several days. Why hasn't anyone been alienated?"

Yu Qian: "Because we are still alive, spiritual power will wash away this 'dirt' while flowing through the meridians, which is equivalent to a kind of protection."

"It's possible, so they will be alienated after they die." Sai Mi agreed.

"But this doesn't explain why the examinee's body appears here." She analyzed, "First of all, the water monkeys we saw are the products of secondary alienation, and the primary alienation is these soldiers."

"Soldiers mutated due to human experiments and fusion and assimilation with alienated biological genes. Just like the armor plates on their bodies and the sutured alien limbs, when they died and turned into corpses, the mutated genes in their bodies still remained. , so there is secondary alienation, which is the water monkey we see. "

Yu Qian agreed: "Yes."

As if being encouraged, Sai Mi continued: "So logically speaking, even if these candidates are dead and affected by otherworldly substances, the effect should not be so strong, and their corpses should not have the ability to move freely, because their There is no such gene in the body.”

"So how do you explain that his body appears here?" Yu Qian touched his chin.

Sammy asked her: "Do you have any ideas?"

Yu Qian said honestly: "No, I can only guess that this mutation may have a particularly great impact on the corpse, so it affected this guy's corpse."

She changed the topic: "But in this case, the problem arises again. He has mutated. If he doesn't kill some people, what is he doing here? Is he going to find other corpses to 'acknowledge his ancestors' and return to his family?"

The appearance of this corpse left her with no clue: "Forget it, leave him alone, go back, anyway..."

Before she could finish her words, Sami made a gesture of silence.

Yu Qian quickly understood what she meant and shut up. Then the two of them squatted down and hid behind the corpse.

The sound of friction and footsteps grew closer and clearer from far away.

Then, an unforgettable and bizarre scene appeared in front of them——

A group of monsters came over from the other side carrying the corpse, and behind them were small water monkeys. They were relatively small, so several of them carried the corpse together.

At this time, Yu Qian suddenly remembered a small thing that he had not paid attention to before. When she was at the base, the little water monkey that collapsed pulled her clothes and woke her up. It was probably that she would be lying there at that time. She also regarded it as a corpse.

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