Chapter 128 Day 6
They carried the body here and placed it on the ground.

Yu Qian discovered that they were actually carrying sealed buckets on their backs, and they poured the water from the lake onto the corpses. The water quickly froze when it came into contact with the cold air from the outside, and these fresh corpses were also frozen. stand up.

Wait until they put all the bodies on the ground and leave.

Sai Mi then spoke: "Now we know why the candidates' corpses appear here, but why did they bring all the corpses back? Is it their food?"

"Please, can you eat so much?" Yu Qian said, "And why should you eat frozen food? Isn't fresh food more delicious?"

"Your metaphor is disgusting." Sai Mi walked to the corpses they had just brought back and confirmed, "They are indeed the corpses of candidates. This guy must have died not long ago. Look at the wounds."

Yu Qian: "They killed them. It's really strange. Do they regard themselves as the guardians of the North, so they want to kill every outsider. In their eyes, we are also invaders."

"Then the question is back to the original point." Sai Mi looked around, "Why did they bring back the bodies of the 'invaders'? This should be the resting place of their comrades."

Yu Qian shrugged: "You know what the monster is thinking."

She stood up: "Go back, there is nothing down there."

"Wait!" Sai Mi suddenly stopped her, "Do you think it's possible that they moved the corpses back to prevent them from mutating?"

"You see, the corpses placed in the jars and these frozen corpses will not be alienated, so they may have become transporters to avoid the alienation of the corpses."

Yu Qian turned to look at her: "It is possible that it is similar to the obsession before death? So they still remember the alienation after becoming like this ghost."

She walked up to a corpse and said, "Then they are really miserable. They still have to work after they die."

Sai Mi added: "The reason why they want to kill the people who come here is because as long as ordinary people set foot on this land, they will be at risk of mutation."

"So they are trying to eliminate the danger from the source." Yu Qian snorted and said lightly, "That's really great."

Sai Mi was confused: "Is their behavior caused by obsession? But everyone is dead, how can they still have such a reaction?"

Yu Qian didn't speak, just knocked on the ice. She didn't know what she was thinking. Her eyes were tired under the mask. She coughed twice. She felt cold subjectively, but her body was very hot.

She said a little tiredly: "Never mind them. Although there are a lot of points at the bottom, we can't eat them. Let's go back to the ground."

She said and walked back.

"Do you think they are still conscious?" Sai Mi suddenly asked.

"What do you think?" Yu Qian stopped for a moment and asked.

Sai Mi said: "If they were conscious, it would be really miserable for them to live like this for hundreds of years."

She said sympathetic words, but there was not much sympathy in her eyes. The doubtful questions were answered, which was enough. She didn't feel much about the Northland: "Oh, you killed a lot of monsters, if they are still conscious Yes, then you are no different from killing someone directly."

Yu Qian snorted softly: "I don't know how many large parties can be held by the people who have died in my hands over the years. Is it important whether they are conscious? Why should I care about a group of dead ghosts from hundreds of years ago? They are dead. After death, the body is nothing but garbage.”

"I killed them, and they should thank me," she said. "I ended their long torture and let them truly rest in peace."

"Let's go."


The walk back would take several hours, but digging up from the ground would only take longer.

So we returned the same way.

Over and over again, the sixth day came quietly.

When he was far near the entrance of the cave, Yu Qian heard vague noises and hums coming from the outside.

Sai Mi approached warily, looked up from below, and cursed: "It's a drone!"

Yu Qian leaned over and said, "It's the logo of the Ministry of Military Affairs. What's going on?"

"Federal order, everyone in the Northern Continent must be inspected in accordance with the law and leave immediately!"

"Repeat! Federal order, everyone in the Northern Continent must be inspected in accordance with the law and leave immediately!"


The drones overhead broadcast the report over and over again.

Sai Mi clicked his tongue: "Isn't this going back on one's word? Didn't all the links have been taken care of when issuing the pass when I came here? Isn't it only the sixth day?" Yu Qian was also annoyed to death: "What bad luck, first of all Go back and burn all the corpses in the fortress, otherwise we won’t even be able to cover the bottom.”

They climbed out from below, and as soon as their figures appeared on the snow——

"Two young women have been located, please stop immediately and get checked!"

Sai Mi paused: "If I read correctly, this kind of drone should not have attack capabilities."

Yu Qian strode into a run: "Let's go! The dog is coming soon!"

The two ran wildly on the snow.

The drone behind me is in hot pursuit——

"Requesting support, positioning is being uploaded, for..."

"Bang!" There was a huge explosion.

Yu Qian shot it on its external engine: "I still want to inform you."

She turned around and said, "This way."

Sammy quickly overtook her.

Finally ran to the nearest base.

"Fortunately, someone has been here and the door has been cracked." Sammy patted the snow on his body unhappily.

Yu Qian looked at the main control room: "Bai."

A familiar face appeared behind the lit screen: "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay." She shook her head, "Sammy, go check the engine oil in the storage room and take it to the underground fortress."

Sai Mi raised his eyebrows: "What about you? Lying down and watching me work?"

Yu Qian said: "I'm not feeling well, let's take a rest first."

Sai Mi was blocked. This was the first time she saw Yu Qian showing weakness. It was like seeing Godzilla dancing in the Swan Lake. She couldn't adapt to it for a while: "...Oh."

She turned and headed toward the storeroom to mail it.

Until Sami's figure disappeared into the shadows.

"Let's talk, Bai." Yu Qian turned his head, "Why are you here?"

"I came out to look for you at first, but then..." he said.

Yu Qian interrupted him: "You know my location, and the puppet string will guide you, so why are you so far away?"


Below the guard tower at the entrance to Northland.

Temporary camp.

People in military uniforms came and went in a hurry, and everyone stayed far away from the innermost office.

Arguing sounds came from inside.

"So if ordinary soldiers from the Military Department can't go in, then fucking transfer people from the Operations Department! Transfer all of you superpowers here!" The middle-aged man slammed the documents on the table.

"Wyckoff, are you kidding? Why should I let my men risk their lives to clean up your mess?" Third Lin did not give in.

Wyckoff's beard trembled angrily: "So why didn't they tell such important information earlier? Just hide it from the civilians! Even we have to hide it!"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow is the deadline." Third Lin took a deep breath, "Those who don't come out tomorrow don't have to come out."

"Are you crazy? The chairman said these people will live!" Wyckoff was shocked.

"He said he should live if he wants to live?" Sanlin sneered, "Then who will die, the military department or the operations department?"

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