Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 129 Reverberations of the Old Era

Chapter 129 Reverberations of the Old Era

Bai did not answer, but raised his hand to take off her mask, his eyes were deep, as if he wanted to record her appearance in detail.

Yu Qian frowned, subconsciously feeling that he was a little strange today: "Tsk..."

"Don't worry, the broadcast has been cut off a long time ago." He said, "It won't be discovered by your enemies. Everything here is confidential. Even Penglai will not let these secrets be made public."

"You know more than I thought." Yu Qian sat casually at the table, "Can you tell me what the relationship between the three parties is like? What you just said made me discover that there is a relationship between all the forces. In fact, there is still consensus, so what are the common interests that lead to consensus between them? "

"I don't know." Bai said, touching her forehead, "It's so hot. You're like a prawn that's about to be cooked. You have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Yu Qian: "Don't change the subject."

"Okay, let's start with the first question. I'm just here to check the line. Let me ask, have you reached the bottom of the ice?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"What did you see?" he asked again.

"Asking knowingly." Yu Qian sneered, "Don't you know?"

She paused: "In other words, you are the one who knows everything best, LK01, right."

Bai laughed. His gentle smile almost made people ignore that he was not actually a human being. Both his expression and every move were natural: "Have you read the documents in the fortress?"

Yu Qian hummed: "I've never figured out why the federation wants me. God knows I'm just a little shrimp. I'm wanted just for delivering goods. In the past, the policemen turned a blind eye to errands like me. Close one eye, why was it different that time?"

"But now I know, the reason why they wanted me is because I picked up the chip they were looking for, and that was you." She still remembered the conversation she heard in Tongzilou that day, and what kind of chip they were talking about. on her.

At that time, she just felt that the federal police system was really screwed up. There could be problems with any intelligence, so it was better to resign as soon as possible and replace her.

But later she found out that they were still good at collecting information, at least they figured everything out earlier than the person involved.

She had picked up that chip since she was a child and still carried it with her.

"Yes, it's me." He admitted simply, "Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

She shook her head, and really didn't think about what to do: "No, I can just throw you away, that's all."

Wouldn't it be even more costly to throw him away?
"I'm a little uncomfortable with you being so talkative all of a sudden. Let me tell you a story, just to make up for the fact that you were implicated by me." Bai stared at her.

Yu Qian: "Do you think I'm a child? Besides, we don't have much time to listen to stories now. Let's talk about it when we get back. I'm going to monitor if Semi is lazy."

Bai uncharacteristically insisted: "No, you need to hear me out first."

He pressed a button on the desktop, and all the doors in the main control room fell down and locked, creating a tight closed environment in an instant.

Yu Qian raised his eyebrows: "Forced buying and selling?"

She can't get out now, and even Sai Mi who left just now can't come back. The only one here who knows the procedures well is Bai. If he doesn't open the door, no one can do anything.

"Go ahead," she said.

He first asked her another question: "Did you find anything under the ice?"

"Is it okay to find out your true identity?" she asked. He smiled: "No, I'm talking about under the ice."

Yu Qian thought for a while and told him the scene where he saw the monster carrying the corpse and some conjectures.

"It's close," he said.

"So my guess is not completely correct? You want to tell me the truth?" Yu Qian became more curious. She felt that her guess was almost accurate. Is there anything else besides?

"A long time ago……"

"Pretty standard story start."

"Do you have to interrupt?" Bai said helplessly, "A long time ago, well, eight hundred and sixty-four years ago, I think you would rather hear the exact number."

"Eight hundred and sixty-four years ago, there was a researcher named Wall. He developed a new type of robot. The LK chip in it exceeded the technological level at the time. You know, there are always a few in every era. Geniuses, they either rewrite and create history, or they disappear into oblivion.”

Yu Qian nodded: "So he rewrote history and then disappeared from the public?"

"Yes, this research and development did create a sensation at the beginning. It can be regarded as the opening of a new historical chapter, taking human beings' research and development of intelligence to a whole new level." He continued, "You can probably guess what happens next. After that, the first war between humans and intelligence broke out, and this history was covered up along with the history of the Northern Continent.”

"When history is covered up, there are several common premises. It is disgraceful, no one knows it, or those who know it cannot tell, it affects the world view of the general public, and it causes panic. It just so happens that the war in the Northern Continent and the mechanical revolution are combined. , these are all accounted for.”

Yu Qian asked: "You said that my guess was very close, so what is the remaining part of the truth about the Northern Continent?"

Bai glanced at her: "Have you ever carefully looked at the corpse under the ice?"

She nodded: "I've seen it, men, women, old and young, everything. Are all the people in the Northern Continent really killed? Not a single person left alive? Because these alien substances spread very quickly like a virus? Everyone was killed Infected?"

"No, there are still some people who survived. Very few of them were not infected. After so many years, they have long since integrated into other areas." Bai was silent for a moment, "As for the corpses you saw underground, they were not Killed."

Yu Qian was stunned and took more than ten seconds to digest the meaning behind this sentence: "Instead of being killed, how could they die inexplicably... Did they commit suicide?"

The change in her voice as she spoke the last question was so unexpected that she had never imagined it possible.

Bai just looked at her quietly: "Remember carefully the corpses you saw and the wounds on their bodies."

Being reminded like this, the scene of walking under the ice reappeared in front of his eyes, and fragments of it flashed through Yu Qian's mind.

She suddenly realized: "They were all killed with one shot, and there were no unnecessary wounds."

How come war keeps breaking arms and legs?
Because the cause of their death was not war, nor was they defeated and massacred.

The corpses under the ice were all intact. Except for some soldiers who had external injuries or broken limbs that had been sutured, the rest of the civilian corpses were extremely complete and had extremely calm expressions.

At this time, Yu Qian suddenly realized where the sense of disobedience came from when he was walking among a pile of corpses under the ice.

They were not killed by others, they chose to die themselves.

Her face, which was red due to fever, showed a dazed expression, and her eyes were blank, which made her look a little stupid: "So they committed suicide because..."

"To protect more people."

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