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Chapter 133 Just living an ignoble existence

Chapter 133 Just living an ignoble existence
She couldn't steal food. At that time, she would tremble when the wind blew, and she couldn't run fast enough to roll, so there was no chance she could steal some food.

A kid saw a rat in the trash can and burst out laughing loudly and said, "You are just like a rat. Go ahead and eat a rat. It's only two bites for the whole family."

She did eat it later.

Because these bastards seemed to be on a collision course with her, and every time she wanted to dig through the trash heap to see what food was left, they would come and cause damage, trampling those life-saving vegetables and rice into a ball of mud.

No one would stop them, and some of them had their parents spit on them, telling them to stay away and not to come back with the virus and harm others.

Everyone is watching jokes, watching the few gray humors in their miserable lives. It's a damn coincidence that Yu Qian is the star of this brain-dead comedy.

There's no food left.

At that time, she was still at an age where she didn't know what death was. She only knew that she had to eat when she was hungry.

Moreover, humans’ subconscious desire to survive is often higher than imagined.

In addition to rats, there were also bugs. Bugs she couldn't name, but they tasted disgusting anyway. Their crispy shells would move in the mouth, and the barbs on their feet would catch the flesh of the tongue and cheeks.

"That's why you later... hate insects." Bai said.

Yu Qian glanced at him: "Can you please stop interrupting? It's really annoying. I don't want to talk anymore."

He raised his hands in surrender and turned to the memory that she was slightly more interested in: "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't have interrupted you, but I guess you must have taken revenge later, right?"

"Humph, of course." Yu Qian made a shooting gesture and showed a sly smile, "There is only one end for opposing me."

Her face was very hot and red, and her eyes were watery due to fever, but her eyes were cold, so her smile revealed an innocent yet ferocious cruelty in her cunning look.

She lowered her eyes and met his silver eyes: "Don't look at me with this expression. What's there to sympathize with? I don't need such useless things."

"The reason why I can tell you all this without caring today is because these past events are no longer worth mentioning to me. Do you understand?" She said with a smile, "Only the winner is qualified to bring up the past. Guys who can't talk about it because they're still struggling, and I'll never have to face that again."

Bai squeezed her hand: "Yes, you are the winner."

He asked: "Then why did you go to the garbage dump later? Why did Sweet Sister go to the garbage dump to find you?"

Yu Qian said: "Before Sister Tian came to me, another dead woman came to me first when I was in the slums."

At that time, she thought she was lucky that someone was willing to pick up the stray dog.

She thought that this woman's child had died, and she wanted to pick up a child as a sustenance. At that time, she also thought that although it was indeed bad here, she had to admit that some people were not that bad.

But in the end, the facts gave her two big blows.

People in rotten places are rotten to the core, and there will be no diamonds in stinking ditches.

She paid the price for her youthful ignorance, and it was this price that made her embark on a completely different path.

The other road was bloody and cruel, with countless corpses and bones lying under the thorns.

After her first two years, she wasn't dead yet.

Whether it was her body covered in sores from the winter cold or the disgusting insects she ate as food, none of these could make her die in that dirty and twisted slum.

Then a middle-aged woman appeared. She looked very ordinary. She had no memory points on her body. She was wearing an ordinary jacket and pants. Her hair was messily tied up with white hair on her head. The expression on her face was the same as everyone here. Apathy and numbness.

Yu Qian was still napping in the garbage dump when she appeared.

The middle-aged woman said her name was Lucy and asked Yu Qian if he would go with her. Lucy said that she could give her food, a place to live, and clothes to keep out the cold, so Yu Qian nodded.

The place he lived in was an old building on the first floor at the junction of the slums and the street. The place was very small, with only one room, and could only accommodate one person. Yu Qian was placed in the basement, but at least he was out of the slums. .

In Yu Qian's eyes at that time, Lucy was already the richest person she had ever seen. She wanted to hug this thigh tightly, so she was extra docile and obedient.

Although the basement is small and dark, there is no threat to life, so it is still a good place.

She thought Lucy might not have a lot of money to rent a bigger house.

Lucy said: "You can survive in an environment like a slum by catching rats and bugs. This is the first time I have seen someone with such a strong desire to survive."

Yu Qian didn't quite understand what she meant.

Lucy continued: "I will teach you a good way to survive. If you can't do it, there is no need to live."

This so-called good way is to "steal", but it is not a small matter of stealing food and money.

Lucy asked her to get close to a noble lady named Lillian, sneak into her home, and steal a priceless piece of jewelry, as well as a list of business cooperation and the villa pass code for her residence.

So Lucy arranged a reasonable orphan status for her and taught her how to take advantage of other people's psychology, sympathy, pity, suspicion, etc.

She was not allowed to show her true emotions, not even unintentionally.

Lucy will ask her to keep the sweetest smile even when her skin is ripped open, to remain calm among a bunch of snakes, and to cry with the most sympathetic expression at any time.

People with a certain wealth and status often need to decorate their homes with charity. It just so happened that Lillian's daughter died in a terrorist attack six months ago.

So Lucy gave Yu Qian the videos and photos of Lilian's daughter during her lifetime and asked her to imitate the girl who died young.

The results of a few months of training are impressive.

"You did a good job." Lucy said, "Don't make any mistakes then, otherwise you won't want to know what will happen."

Yu Qian knew what would happen. She found many skeletons in the sewer in the basement last month, all of which were children about her age.

Only then did she discover the devil's true appearance beneath Lucy's ordinary appearance - this dead woman was a psychopath.

Yu Qian understood at that time that Lucy had not given her a chance to survive when she brought her back. Her fate should have been the same as the bones in the sewer, dying after being tortured.

But Lucy is a member of this gang, and the gang happened to have such a high-paying task, so Lucy took over the task.

Yu Qian is the most suitable chess piece, and through a series of coincidences, she has a glimmer of hope.

Lucy sent her to the operating table, removed countless scars on her body, and ordered the gang doctor to implant a chip in her heart.

The day the mission begins.

Lucy said: "You have learned well, do a good job."

Yu Qian knew that she had learned well and she was simply a genius. She looked at Lucy timidly with a cowering expression: "I will do it."

Lucy patted her on the back: "Go in."

Yu Qian looked at the door of the orphanage. The sunlight made her squint in discomfort, blocking the flash of surliness in her black abyss-like pupils.

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