Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 134 Trading

Chapter 134 Trading
The mission was very successful.

In the end, Ms. Lillian could not believe that this little girl who looked so much like her daughter had leaked the password and attracted the killer. Before she died, her eyes were still wide open in fear, reflecting the blurry little girl in the distance. figure.

"Get out of the way and stay out of the way." Lucy kicked Yu Qian and urged her to stay out of the way.

A group of people looted all the belongings in Lilian's villa.

"Isn't it true that you have been asked to act out your feelings in the past two months?" Lucy got the most reward this time and was in a good mood.

Yu Qian shook his head in horror.

Lucy took out two bills and threw them to her: "A good meal is your reward."

Yu Qian held two bills, which could not even afford a fraction of the hairpin Lillian gave her, but she held the bills and said, "Thank you... thank you."

"Go on, go on." Lucy waved her hand like a fly, "Don't even think about running away. If you don't come back before twelve o'clock in the evening, the chip in your heart will explode. The button is in my hand. You should understand if you are not a fool. "

"Okay, I know." Yu Qian had been waiting for the opportunity for a long time, but she didn't expect it to come so quickly.

She grabbed the money and got out of the back door of the villa, heading straight to the black market without looking back.

She had only heard about the black market a few times from Lucy's mouth. It was too chaotic and there were people from all walks of life.

The largest gang force and the branch of the Bounty Association are hidden here. Even if you walk on the road, you are in danger of being hit by a stray bullet at any time. Even Lucy rarely comes here, let alone a child.

However, she quickly shuttled through the streets, and the sound of distant gunfire explosions could be heard in her ears.

She entered an alley and opened the door.

"Is Dr. Zhong here?" she asked.

A middle-aged man in front of the counter raised his head: "Hey, how could a little rich kid come to a place like this?"

She was also wearing the dress Lillian had chosen and looked like an exquisite doll.

"I'm going to have surgery." Yu Qian said.

Dr. Zhong laughed: "Go away, go away, you rich brats should go to a big hospital in the inner ring city for surgery, and then find a bunch of servants to wait on you. Get out of here. If you don't run away later, someone will kidnap you and ask your family for money." The ransom was paid.”

"You are Dr. Zhong."

"It's me, what's wrong?"

She raised her head: "I know you have a grudge against Lucy from the Iron Hand Gang. She killed your son twelve years ago, right?"

Dr. Zhong's smile disappeared.

She continued: "You help me do the surgery, and I'll help you kill her."

"Hahahahaha." Dr. Zhong laughed, "You're a little brat, you got a concussion when I slapped you, and you still kill people? Do you know who Lucy is?"

Yu Qian said quickly: "I know, I live with her, and I also know that you are the best doctor in the black market. Everyone says you are a poor and honest man with a bottom line. The two largest gangs, Bai Ye and Hei, are Chaodu can trust you."

She wrote these down while listening to people talking next to Lillian.

She continued: "There is a chip in my heart, and the controller is in the hands of the Iron Hand Gang. You have to shield the signal from being discovered to take it out, otherwise it will explode."

Dr. Zhong threw the rag: "Why should I perform surgery on you?"

Yu Qian took off all the accessories on his body and tiptoed to pile them on the counter: "These are very valuable, you can definitely tell."

"Go, go, go." Dr. Zhong swept the jewelry to the ground. The jewelry fell down and made a crisp collision sound. "You little brat, I have no interest in getting into trouble with gang members. You can find someone else..."

His words stopped in front of the black muzzle.

Yu Qian pointed the stolen gun at him: "Either help me perform the operation, or we die together." Dr. Zhong looked at her for a while and smiled: "Come in and go to the operating room."

She followed in.

"Hey, little wolf, aren't you afraid that I will kill you during the operation?"

"Don't be afraid. If you can't get the chip out, you'll die."

The lights in the operating room made her dizzy: "No general anesthesia."

Dr. Zhong glared: "Don't let my sign fall on you even if you want to die."

"No general anesthesia." She insisted, "I can do it with local anesthesia."

The operation process can be said to be long or short.

Under local anesthesia, Yu Qian held a gun in one hand and pointed it at the doctor's head, watching his chest being opened and the chip being taken out under signal shielding.

"It's still working." Dr. Zhong glanced at her face and inserted the chip into the robot prepared in advance so that it wouldn't be discovered in a short time. "Tsk, you have some backbone."

After sewing.

Dr. Zhong: "Okay, get out of here after the effect of the medicine is over."

Yu Qian got up and handed the two banknotes, which were wet with sweat and tightly held in his palm, to Dr. Zhong.

"I don't need this little money from you?" Dr. Zhong scolded, "Get out of here and just keep the jewelry. I'm going to spend this little money on the beggars."

She shook her head: "No, this is a guarantee. If you don't lock the door after twelve o'clock at night, I will bring Lucy's head to you."

Dr. Zhong stared at her for several seconds: "You little brat."

He shook his head and put away the banknotes: "Then if you can bring her head, I will teach you how to shoot."

Yu Qian tightened his grip on the gun in his hand.

"You didn't even pull the bolt, you idiot." Dr. Zhong said.

Yu Qian bit his lip, turned around and staggered out.

The anesthetic on her chest was followed by stitching pain, and she didn't even have time to lie down in the medical cabin for a while.

Speaking of which——

"You really succeeded in killing Lucy later?" Bai's tone was a bit incredible, "You were so young at the time, and you didn't know anything."

Yu Qian snorted: "You don't need to know it. She said I learned well. Indeed, she already believed that I was a coward controlled by her. How could I be so careful? People will make mistakes when they are complacent and careless. They celebrated She made a fortune and got drunk, that was enough."

She suddenly laughed, as if she thought of something very interesting: "You don't know, I cut off Lucy's head and wrapped it in a coat and brought it to the clinic. I put it in front of Lao Zhong, and his surprised expression, hahahaha, You could fit a lightbulb in your mouth. Hahahahahaha, I laughed so hard. It’s a pity that I couldn’t take a photo of it, otherwise I would hang it at the door of his clinic.”

"So you hid in the garbage dump later to avoid being chased by the Iron Hand Gang?" Bai asked.

Yu Qian nodded: "Well, the garbage dump is too messy. They won't be able to find me for a while."

"You all know what happened next. I hid there for two years and then I picked you up. Later, Sister Tian came to me. She knew I was not dead and said she was very optimistic about me and wanted to give me a way to live. ”

"I thought I met the same perverted old woman as before, but I didn't expect her to be much more reliable." She said, "It's simple and crude, just like raising a voodoo."

"A bunch of kids are trained together and go on missions. The ones who survive are eligible to be dogs for the Bounty Association. They get some reward, but not as much as the hunters outside. They have to do all the dirty work. No mission. What task?”

This is the way the Bounty Association privately trains hunting dogs. This batch of trained hunting dogs is different from the hunters who take on tasks from the outside. One side is a human and the other is a dog.

It took Yu Qian six years to transform from a dog into a human.

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