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Chapter 136 You spy on me

Chapter 136 You spy on me
Return to Penglai.

After canceling everyone's access rights and no one could find her in the sea of ​​clouds, Yu Qian fell on the bed and slept hard for three full days.

On the fourth day, she finally opened her eyes.

My whole body was sore and weak, and my head was still feeling dizzy even after the fever subsided.

She got up and took a shower. She felt that it was time to go to the library to learn those messy spells, such as cleaning techniques, which were quite useful in daily life.

One of Yu Qian's greatest strengths is that she is a very capable person.

She walked out of the bathroom without wiping her hair.

When walking on the road, she had a very unreal and illusive feeling. She was clearly stepping on clouds, but yet she was steady, as if the ground beneath her feet was made of some special material.

But when she reached out to fish it, she could easily penetrate the clouds and couldn't hold the mist in her hands. However, she could actually step on it, which was very inconsistent with common sense.

When she came here for the first time, she didn't have any extra attention to think about this. Most of her attention was on the shocking scene and what she would face next.

Then even if she went out, she wouldn't have time to pay attention to these. She had more important secret realms and trials to complete.

Now it was a rare free time, and she was wandering slowly on the road, feeling more and more strange here——

What kind of place is this?
in the sky? The answer seems to be yes.

How high is it approximately?
Yu Qian looked at the city below his feet, which was like a star point. If he looked at it this way, it would not have passed through the atmosphere, but even the federal satellites could not detect this place.

No, no, no, maybe it is possible, but it is impossible for the Federation to announce these unstable factors to the outside world.

Based on this premise, we have to go back to the starting point again - the Federation, Penglai and the Holy See. What is the relationship between the three parties.

But Yu Qian was too lazy to think about this now, so she shook her head and continued walking forward.

The road was very quiet, and she could see a small black dot moving far away, which was other people.

This distance seems far, but it is actually out of reach.

Just like a private residence, that is, a dormitory, if you don't have permission, you will never reach the place even if you follow the map, as if it is another space.


This is one of Yu Qian's biggest doubts since arriving here.

The space here is like a matryoshka doll. You never know how many independent areas there will be in a building, such as the Tower of Babel, the weapon refining room, and of course, the library.

Yu Qian was standing in front of the library——

It was impossible for her to believe that she was the only one here, but this was exactly what was unfolding before her eyes.

The huge venue is about a dozen stories high. The corridor has no stress points and floats in thin air together with the ladders. There are endless wooden bookshelves with books densely placed on them.

She is alone here.

But she shouldn't be the only one, assuming there is only one library.

Another matryoshka doll.

She is the only one in this "library", where is the other one? What about the thousands of others?

There is a library inside the library.

Outside the space is another layer of space.

Oh no, it could be parallel.

But anyway, it's weird.

It shouldn't be like this, at least according to common sense, it shouldn't be.

Someone has changed the common sense, or this "common sense" was only set up for most people who can't reach the threshold from the beginning. The real world has always been in the hands of those who have the right to speak, and only those who have passed the threshold can glimpse.

Someone controls the "rules."

"Why don't you come in?" A gentle question came from above, "What are you doing standing there at the door?"

The door behind Yu Qian closed. She raised her head and saw a girl sitting on the railing on the seventh floor above. She looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, with short hair that reached her bangs. She was wearing a white skirt and had delicate and childish features. She looked very unfamiliar. He had a face, but his tone was so familiar that she recognized it immediately. "Is this your original appearance?" Yu Qian asked.

The girl tilted her head and looked down. Her fair legs under her skirt were dangling outside the railing. She touched her face: "Original? Maybe."

She jumped down from above.

On the seventh floor, ordinary people would have been splashed with blood on the spot, but the girl was like a light feather, falling to the ground without even needing a buffer and making no sound.

Yu Qian frowned and looked at her: "What should I call you? Elder?"

It is currently known that there are three elders in Penglai, and the only one who has shown up from beginning to end is the girl in front of him.

It is said that as long as you can clear the Babel Tower to the top, you can see another one.

At the secret entrance of the watchtower, there is a chance that you will encounter the remaining one.

This woman who appeared in the hall with the same face as her at the beginning not only changed her face, but also her figure became smaller and more in line with the figure of a girl.

Is a cultivator actually a creature that can reorganize and change its body?

This realization gave her some new understanding, and the idea of ​​materialism disappeared at this moment.

According to this situation, "person" is essentially consciousness, which can be placed in any skin, or more accurately, container.

The girl walked around Yu Qian: "Why are you looking so serious? Why don't you smile? I remember that you like to laugh very much. Is it because you don't like this face? I don't look very convincing like this. No, what about this?”

As she spoke, her appearance changed in the blink of an eye, becoming a kind old lady with white hair and reading glasses: "Don't you like this too?"

"What about this?" - A mature and steady elegant middle-aged man.

"Is this so?"——A capable woman with long hair tied up meticulously.

Yu Qian watched her change her appearance several times quickly and interrupted: "Stop, are you waiting for me here just to show me this? Is this some kind of makeup party? Do you need me to go back and change clothes?"

There is no doubt that the girl was waiting for her when she appeared here.

This space is similar to a matryoshka doll. For the sake of privacy, there is no chance for subsequent people to meet other people before being allowed by the previous entrant.

She returned to her original girlish appearance and smiled coquettishly: "Do you know what your score was in the last exam?"

"Min?" Yu Qian said nonchalantly, "I forgot to read. Is it very high? Hundreds of millions? More than a billion? Several billions?"

The girl bent her eyes: "Of course! All the people combined don't have as much as you."

She said straight to the point: "This is the first time that someone has got all the points in the North. You have saved countless trapped souls. To reward you, I want you to help me get something."

Yu Qian wondered if she heard it wrong, and she couldn't help laughing: "Do you want to listen to what you are saying? Reward me? Is it to order me?"

"And me? Save them? Hahahahahaha." She laughed. "Since you know about the last exam, you should know that it has nothing to do with me. I won on my own."

She thought the girl was waiting here to find out whether the last exam was cheating.

But the girl didn't care at all: "No matter what your original intention is, but the result is this, that's enough."

She stretched out her hand, and a shadow appeared above her palm: "Look, does it look familiar?"

It was a flower, with light purple filamentous petals and pure white stamens.

"I don't know him." Yu Qian said, "I've never seen him before."

The girl nodded in understanding: "What about this?"

In the blink of an eye, the virtual image of the flower is like a scene shot in a documentary fast-forwarding. It withers quickly, the petals wither, and only the dry pole is left, like withered grass.

The girl stretched out her hand in front of her eyes: "So we know each other, right?"

Yu Qian's pupils shrank. Of course she knew it. This withered grass was still lying in her storage ring - it was the time when the plane crashed in the Federation and she fell outside the Holy See. It was a piece of grass she threw away from Seciya. Picked from a pile of dead grass.

Yu Qian reached out to grab it, but his fingertips passed through the air. They were phantoms and could not be touched: "Why do you know?"

She stared at the girl: "Are you spying on me?"

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