Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 137 Dry glory

Chapter 137 Dry glory
The girl opened her eyes wide: "Surveillance? How can you call things about students surveillance? I am monitoring you. It is the teacher's responsibility to pay attention to the safety of every student at all times."

Safety? This is ridiculous, what's the difference between the word coming out of her mouth and farting?
So many people die in every exam, from the initial 10,000 to less than 3,000 now. Now we are here to be safe and tell lies with our eyes open.

"Observe me? Twenty-four hours a day?" Yu Qian smiled half-heartedly, "Then will you peek at me taking a shower?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, not expecting her answer to be so out of the blue.

"Hahahahahaha." The girl was also amused, "You are more interesting than I thought, no wonder..."

The words came to an abrupt end and she stopped talking.

The girl changed the subject: "This kind of flower is called Kurong, which means life and death."

"Kerong will wither if it is left in a specific environment." She said, "And it has very strict requirements on the growing environment. So far, there is only one place that has successfully grown it, and you know where that is."

"The Holy See." Yu Qian said.

The girl nodded: "Yes, I want you to bring Ronghua back."

Yu Qian was confused: "You want it to live? Wouldn't it wither if it is left in a certain environment?"

"No," the girl said, "It won't happen within three days. It will wither after three days."

Yu Qian asked: "What is its effect?"

The girl showed a mysterious smile: "They are two extremes. The floral fragrance of the blooming flower will make people feel peaceful and tranquil, and has a soothing and calming effect on the human soul. But when it withers, the effect is completely opposite, it will make people feel relaxed and relaxed." Restless, nightmares abound.”

I just want to get some flowers, it’s not difficult at all.

She looked like a girl, but Yu Qian knew very well that a harmless appearance was just a way to gain trust. The girl was far from as weak as she looked. As an elder of Penglai, she must have terrifying power. She thought Wanting a flower is as easy as breathing.

But if you have to designate one person to go, it will be thought-provoking.

"Can't you leave here?" Yu Qian asked.

The girl pursed her lips and smiled: "Why do you think so? Just because I can't leave casually doesn't mean I can't leave."

Yu Qian nodded: "Then why me?"

Why does this person have to be me?

The girl put her hands behind her back, with a flash of interest in her eyes: "Because I'm very optimistic about you."

She took two steps back, the short hair on her cheeks swaying slightly with her steps: "And you should have unexpected gains from this trip."

Unexpected gain? In the Holy See?
Yu Qian agreed readily: "Okay, can I ask a question?"

"Uh-huh." The girl raised her chin.

"If I go to get the dry flower, does that count as stealing?" Yu Qian asked.

The girl quickly realized her true intention: "Hmph, you are very smart. I want to test the relationship between Penglai and the Holy See. I can tell you, even if it doesn't count, it doesn't count."

"If you only take away the flowers, it doesn't count. The glory doesn't just belong to the Holy See, it's just more suitable to grow there." The girl's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, "But if you want to take other things, it's stealing. The Holy See will not let you go, you won’t take that risk, right?”

Not just belong.

Yu Qian recited it several times in his mind, and then blinked: "As a teacher, how can you wrongly accuse a student of stealing things? The teacher's morality is corrupt. It seems that you would peek at me taking a shower."

The girl's figure retreated to the bookshelf, already somewhat translucent: "You are not a good student if you slander the teacher."

The next second, her figure disappeared.

Only Yu Qian was left in the huge library.

Her smile faded, and instead of rushing to run errands, she found a random place to sit down, looked around, and with a slight thought in her mind, a book with "Introductory Techniques" written on the cover floated in front of her.

The book is not thick, and the content is not much. Most of it talks about principles. However, it is not easy to use it. First of all, all the techniques require very high spiritual power. Secondly, the writing is too general, like a heavenly book.

The foundations of magic are creation, change and destruction.

Use spiritual power to create anything you need, or use spiritual power to change, reorganize, or destroy it.

This will be easier for magic cultivators, who need to learn to control more corresponding spells, while it is not so strict for other monks.

Just like alchemy cultivation requires pill prescriptions, weapon cultivation requires mental techniques, formation cultivation requires memorizing formation diagrams, sword cultivation requires using sword manuals in combination with actual combat, etc., each path has its own direction.

Yu Qian held his chin, put the book back to its original position, and left the library.

Reading your book is like reading a book.

Learned nothing.

Another few hours of life wasted.

After leaving the library, Yu Qian opened his bracelet after a few days. After a series of messages, a voice message came in without authorization——

"Hi, are you still alive?" Qi You's voice was leisurely.

Yu Qian was stunned for a moment, then remembered that her private network had no firewall after Bai left.

Grass! What's the difference between that and a public bathhouse?
"Is something wrong?" she asked.

Qi You: "It's okay, Xiaochuan is a little worried about you."

"I'm fine, thank you." She was about to hang up when she suddenly thought, "By the way, is there a map of the Holy See?"

Qi You asked: "Internal map?"


"Do you think I am a wishing tree? Who can get the internal map? Ask Secchia and ask her to hand-draw one for you. By the way, I haven't heard from her for a long time."

Yu Qian said: "If I can contact her, do I still need to ask you? Forget it, let's not talk about it, I have something else to do."

Qi You stopped her: "Wait! Are you going to the Holy See?"

He sounded surprised.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Yu Qian asked.

He hesitated for a few seconds: "Well... before you have any news, it seems that Sami went to the Holy See the day before yesterday."

Yu Qian was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Ahem." Qi You cleared his throat, "It's just an occupational disease. There's nothing you can do about it. You should understand, everyone is working. Who doesn't have some problems with going to work..."

Yu Qian laughed: "Stop farting, have you positioned us all?"

"Yeah." He admitted and quickly defended, "You really can't blame me. I'm used to it, you know. Before I could think of anything, my hands went over my head and secretly added information to your private network. You have established a position. Speaking of which, what is going on with your private network? Anyone can take a look at it and open it up to socialize? "

"It's a long story. I'd like to do you a favor. Can I hire you as a private network supervisor temporarily?" Yu Qian said, "By the way, give me two more road maps. If you want to go to the Holy See, one should be the normal route, and the other should be a summary. There are few surveillance and road guards.”

"Okay." Qi You readily agreed, "five hundred thousand."

Yu Qian gritted his teeth: "Profiteer, one hundred thousand."

"Is there anyone who bargains like this? Then don't burp on the road, otherwise I will really lose money." He said and sent a map, "There is another one that I will send to you later. I have to look at it. Look at the patrol route in the upper city today."

"it is good."

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