Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 142 Shake off the tail

Chapter 142 Shake off the tail
Yu Qian took advantage of her relaxation to break free, but he didn't expect this development.

Sai Mi turned her face sideways, her expression was a little strange, confused and a little distorted.

"Are you really crying?" Yu Qian leaned his head closer.

Sai Mi took a breath, and the expression on his face turned into extremely angry. He seemed to feel embarrassed, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Get out, I can't fucking control myself."

She seems to have regained some sense.

Yu Qian tried to communicate with her: "You came to the Holy See two days ago? Come to see Seciya?"

"You asked knowingly." The blood from Sai Mi's forehead flowed into her eyes, turning the whole white of her eyes red, making her look a bit ferocious. She wiped the blood and said, "You're not here to find her?"

Yu Qian rolled his eyes and said half-seriously: "Of course not, what else can I do in the archives? Of course I'm looking for files. You smashed the fucking computer and I didn't even have time to back up the data. "

"Liar." Sai Mi looked at her for a while and said, "She was here just now."

Is there any strange feeling between them? Humanoid positioning?

"Is there any problem with finding someone to lead the way?" Yu Qian took out the withered flower from the storage ring and threw it into Sai Mi's arms. "Actually, someone asked me to come to the Holy See to bring this kind of flower back. It is said to calm the nerves."

"But now it seems you need it more, so I'll give it to you."

The fragrant floral fragrance briefly diluted the smell of blood.


The archives room suddenly lit up with red light.

"Detecting intrusion! Security personnel are being assembled!"

A series of alarm sounds sounded one after another.


On purpose?

Why didn't it make any noise when we started fighting just now? Stuck?
Sai Mi glanced outside: "Since you choose to side with her, then we are enemies."

"That's wrong." Yu Qian corrected, "We have an employment relationship. I am the boss and you are the employee."

Sai Mi sneered: "What about my reward?" After saying that, he did not waste time waiting for Yu Qian's answer, but quickly left the scene before the security arrived.

Yu Qian looked at the broken wooden boards and book pages on the ground, and simply turned out of the window, not even bothering to open the door.

She walked hurriedly through the corridor, and the white light slowly healed her wounds.

By the way, I used the cleaning technique I had just learned to clean up the blood on my body. Unfortunately, the several torn holes in my clothes could not be restored as before.

Back at the church, Secchia waited quietly at the door.

"Let's go." Yu Qian gathered a few more withered flowers in the flower garden, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do business when he went back.

The sound of the siren was heavy with thunder and light rain, and no security personnel were seen after it sounded for a long time. It was more of a deterrent effect.

"Where to go?" Seciya followed her step by step.

"Of course he went out." Yu Qian said matter-of-factly, "Have you ever seen anyone who skipped class and stayed in school? Everyone goes out to fool around, okay? I'll take you out to play."

She still had many questions to ask, so let the Holy See handle this mess on its own.

Seciya nodded in understanding: "Okay."

Yu Qian felt that he now looked like a street gangster who kidnapped good students.

Exiting the Holy See from the small door at the back of the garden, the familiar forest appears in front of you.

Yu Qian led Sekiya through the woods with ease.

An hour later, on the streets of Shangcheng District——

Yu Qian found a shopping mall on the street, bought two sets of clothes and put them on Secchia under the strange and wary look of the clerk.

She looked at the numbers on the bill and her heart was bleeding.

Damn the prices in uptown!

Out of the mall gate.

She asked: "You don't have any electronic devices on you, right?" Secchia shook her head: "No."

That's fine, so you don't get tracked.

Although it went smoothly all the way out, there were always a few tails following behind.

Yu Qian's counter-detection ability was good and he spotted them when they entered the street, but the key was that his tail just followed them without any action.

She is really confused now about what the Holy See wants to do.

Just let someone destroy the archives, take away an important nun, and then suffer the consequences of being dumb?

This is not the way of the Holy See.

She thought for a while and connected to Qi You's voice: "Temporary Network Supervisor, you can get off work." After saying that, she disconnected the connection and turned off the bracelet directly. If the bracelet is on, there will always be tail tracking.

"Where are we going?" Secchia asked.

Yu Qian thought for a while: "Why don't we go to the lower city area? There are too many electronic police in the upper city area."

In addition to the tail behind him, there are also small black dots passing by from time to time in the sky. They are drones that are constantly scanning the vehicles and pedestrians below.

The feeling of being constantly under surveillance made her uneasy.

Secchia nodded: "Okay."

"Do you have money?" Yu Qian asked.

"no, what happened."

"I do not have either."

After looking at each other for two seconds, Yu Qian explained: "Our status cannot allow us to take the Skytrain. Only if we have money can we go to the night market and find a black car to take us down."

She had locked the bracelet just now, and it would automatically connect to the Internet when she turned it on again.

Qi You was already "off duty", and she didn't dare to think how many hooks would be hanging on her network trying to locate her whereabouts in the few seconds she paid.

The disadvantage of not having electronic equipment is that online payment is not possible. The terrible thing is that Yu Qian basically does not carry cash or cards.

So after a long absence, money has become an issue again.

Yu Qian stopped at the intersection and looked at the people coming and going in front of the company door.

"Forget it, wait for me here." She said to Secchia, then turned and walked forward.

She pretended to be in a hurry to check the bracelet. Halfway there, she suddenly turned around and walked back. As a result, she bumped into a man in a suit and tie. She quickly raised her head and said, "Sorry."

The man looked in a hurry, waved his hands indifferently, and strode into the company door.

Yu Qian walked towards Seciya, raised his chin to her, and motioned for her to follow.

After turning a corner and reaching a deserted corner, she took out a wallet from her waist, raised it, and said with a proud smile: "Now we have money."

There wasn't a lot of cash inside, but there were several cards.

When you go to the night market, there will naturally be people who can crack the card. No one will ask where the money came from. Anyway, the money will be transferred several times when it comes here. By then, every link will be unable to find the person afterwards.

I bought two "tickets" to go to Xiacheng District.

Two hours later, Yu Qian and Sekiya stood on this smoky land again.

She stretched and asked Secchia: "It's still early. Is there anywhere you want to go?"

Secchia hesitated for a moment: "I want to drink the water you gave me last time."

"Drink?" Yu Qian glanced at the dusk sky, with the orange-red sunset spreading on the horizon. "Then why don't you go to the bar? I'll take you to play when the bar opens."

"Can we go to the amusement park?" Secchia asked again, "I've heard it said before. It seems very interesting."

Yu Qian touched his chin: "Yes, yes, but we have to sneak in."


"Do you still need to ask? Which of us can pass the security check?" Yu Qian said funnyly, "But you are asking the right person. I know the password of the playground employee in the sixth branch. Let's go through the back door."

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