Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 143 1 divided into 2

Chapter 143 Split into two

As night falls, the inky night sky is brilliantly dyed with neon.

After coming out of the amusement park, Secchia was still a little unfinished.

The chick who had just flown out of the cage was highly curious about everything in the outside world. She even liked the childish ornaments in the window that only children liked.

At this time, she was holding a palm-sized ceramic rabbit that Yu Qian stole silently: "Is the rabbit really so round?"

Yu Qian has only eaten rabbits, never raised them: "I guess so, they are all very fat."

Secchia tapped the tail of the ceramic rabbit in her palm with her fingertips: "It's so cute, even the tail is round."

"Their tails are not round." Yu Qian said, "It's just curled up. In fact, their tails are strip-shaped."

"Really?" Seciya opened her eyes in surprise, "Then they must be very weak creatures to be so shrinking."

She suddenly thought of something and asked curiously: "What does a rabbit sound like? Is it as soft as a cat?"

Yu Qian thought for a while: "Never heard of it."

Most of the rabbits she saw were on the dining table. Occasionally, when she went to the kitchen, she only saw them huddled in rusty cages, quietly waiting for death.

The cook would sometimes give her an extra rabbit leg because he said that many of these rabbits cost nothing and were collected from near the garbage dump. They were pet rabbits that were bought back and then abandoned.

Yu Qian remembered that she went to the kitchen to order food and saw that their toes were worn out by the iron cage. They just curled up and chewed rotten vegetable leaves quietly without making any sounds.

Is it considered a pet, food or garbage?

I don’t know, but it’s delicious anyway.

Secchia reluctantly looked back at the brightly lit playground.

Yu Qian glanced at her: "This amusement park is very old and there are few projects. Next time you have the chance, you can go to a larger one."

She just said it casually, knowing in her heart that such an opportunity would probably never happen again.

There are more tails behind you. Does the Holy See have any special positioning method?
The tails didn't seem to have any ill intentions, they were just following them.

Or to be precise, following Seciya.

"No one has ever been so kind to me." Secchia suddenly said, "You gave me gifts twice, and you even took me out to play. I wish I could have known you earlier."

Yu Qian hesitated for a moment, why did the truth-telling session begin so quickly? This made her prepared follow-up useless: "If you had known me earlier, I would have deceived you out of everything."

Secchia said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. I have no home and no property. These jewelry, except for the offerings from believers and the bishop's rewards, are not my property."

She walked quickly to Yu Qian, turned around, and raised the ceramic rabbit on her hand: "This is, this is my first property."

Yu Qian was curious about her brain circuit: "Why, aren't the gifts given by others the same as those given by me?"

"It's different," Secchia said.

Yu Qian thought she was going to say something more cliché, "You are my friend, they are not" and "Their purpose is not pure."

But Secchia said: "You stole this for me, and we didn't spend any money!"


Is there any necessary connection between the two?
So what you prostitute for free is yours, right?

It seems somewhat reasonable.

Saekiya stopped and looked behind Yu Qian: "I shouldn't be able to go to the bar with you. I've been away for too long and I'm going back. Can you buy me the sweet water from last time? "

Yu Qian knew without looking back that the tail behind her was getting closer. She pointed to the small square in the residential area across the road: "Then wait for me here."

She turned around and walked towards the convenience store, touched her pockets, and almost laughed angrily. The last two bills were gone. Someone took them away at some point. You often walk on the roadside without getting your shoes wet. If you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts.

This is really a special activity in the outer ring city. Walk for ten minutes and empty all your pockets.

She turned around and walked towards a few gangsters holding hands on the side of the road: "Hand over the money."

Huang Mao, the leader, didn't react for a moment, and then everyone burst into laughter and taunted him with obscene words.

There was a sense of chaos in time and space, and Yu Qian felt as if he was back to crawling around on this street again.

Two minutes later——

Yu Qian grabbed a handful of banknotes, left a few gangsters lying on the ground clutching their wounds and groaning, and turned towards the convenience store.

When she came out with two bottles of wine, the gangsters had all run away.

She walked towards the small square opposite.

The swing was swinging leisurely, and Secchia was sitting on it. A group of people in black not far away stared at this side.

She threw a bottle of wine to Secchia and took out a popsicle herself.

Secchia took a sip of the orange-flavored fruit wine and narrowed her eyes happily: "It tastes really good."

Yu Qian bit his popsicle: "Did you get the wounds on your body from fighting with Sai Mi, or was it punished by the Holy See?"

"The Holy See will not use corporal punishment now," Secchia said.

That is the former.

"Why can't the wounds she caused to you heal?" Yu Qian asked, "Is it because you are twins? Is there some kind of setting where both prosper and the other suffers? For example, if she is injured, you will also be injured?"

Secchia shook her head: "No, we are not twins."


Yu Qian turned to look at her.

How can it be?

They looked exactly the same, except for the mole on the corner of Sammy's eye, there was almost no difference in other places.

Not twins? Are there really two identical people in the world?

Seeing her doubts, Sammy took another sip of wine: "Let me think about what to say. In fact, I didn't know about it not long ago."

She thought for a while: "Actually, we are the same person. I am her and she is me?"

Is this some new rhetorical device?

Yu Qian: "What do you mean?"

"We were the same soul at the beginning," said Secchia, "but we were split in two."

"But you all obviously have your own body." Yu Qian said.

Seciya smiled: "Nothing is impossible in this world. With a body, who can be sure that it is the original one?"

Yu Qian bit into the popsicle and asked vaguely: "Did the Holy See do it? Is Semi the one who was given up? You stayed in the Holy See, so you are the chosen one?"

"I don't know." Secchia looked at the open space in front of her without focus. "There are no such clear instructions. I am very strictly guarded because I have never escaped from this control, but she did it a long time ago. He ran away, so I don’t know what will happen next.”

She turned her head, her eyes confused: "Do you think our souls will still be fused together? If so, then who am I?"

"I've never thought about this before, or who I am, but now that I know it, I can't help but think about it."

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