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Chapter 144 Live and die together Gu

Chapter 144 Live and die together Gu

Yu Qian thought this was a bit magical.

Is the soul considered the manifestation of consciousness?

Nowadays, cultivators are springing up like mushrooms after a rain, and it is not impossible for such things as souls to exist.

Her eyes couldn't help but fall on Seciya: "Then you only have half a soul in your body?"

Secchia smiled helplessly: "You can say that."

She added: "What you said before is that one will be prosperous and one will suffer, and both will suffer. We are similar, but it is the other way around. She and I are one who is prosperous and the other suffers, and one who suffers is the other's glory."

This is somewhat novel.

Yu Qian asked: "Is this related to the fact that you only have half of your soul? When Sami's soul is strong, you will be squeezed out of your living space, is that right?"

"Yes." Secchia said.

Yu Qian suddenly thought of the time in the North Continent: "Is it because of this that you fainted when we were in the North Continent? Later, Sai Mi was injured and you woke up."

Secchia nodded: "Yes, I didn't know about it at the time. I found out the truth later, so I think it should be like this."

A bottle of wine quickly bottomed out.

"I'm leaving." Seciya stood up and said goodbye.

Yu Qian looked at her, then at the conspicuous group of men in black: "Goodbye then?"

"Goodbye." Secchia waved her hand and walked over there.

She walked over there and had an unknown conversation with the man in black. She turned back, smiled and waved, and then left with a group of people.

Yu Qian also waved his hand and looked at Saekiya's back as she turned and left. Her long, golden and rich hair was very conspicuous in the night.

Until the dazzling golden color completely disappeared into the night, only the swing that was still swinging slightly did not stop.

Yu Qian kicked the ground, the swing began to swing slowly, and she opened a bottle of wine.

Is it because the Holy See values ​​Secchia so much because she only has half of her soul?
Doesn't disability represent the weakening of strength?
So the Holy See wants them to integrate?
But now they all have their own independent consciousness. If they merge, will the remaining consciousness be Semi or Seciya?
"If one day, an unprecedented conflict breaks out between the two of them, and only one of them can survive, if the choice is given to you, who will you choose to live? You can't lie." - Wu Yun said so.

"If it were you..." - I seem to have answered many such questions recently.

Why should she answer these questions?

Yu Qian originally thought that he was just an inconspicuous little shrimp being pushed away by the torrent of the times in this world change where spiritual energy was reviving.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

Every question that was thought of as a single move before seems to have a special meaning now that I think about it.

There are many people who want to get some kind of answer from her, important or unimportant, objective or subjective.

It made her feel like she was taking a test, but she didn't know whether her answers were consistent with the reference answers.

Yu Qian lowered his eyes and saw two crystal heart-shaped gems in his palm - could they be the key to all this?
"Boss! It's her!"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of footsteps in the quiet small square - the beaten gangsters found their boss and led a group of people over in a mighty manner, several of them seemed to be from nearby A gangster.

Yu Qian chuckled, exhaled a suffocated breath, and moved his wrist.

ten minutes later--

She stepped over the boss who was lying on the ground and covering his head, humming a tune, and walked leisurely along the path.

I looked up at the sky without a single star, and my mood became much smoother after I finished breathing.

...Return to Penglai.

Her eyes suddenly lit up. There was no sun or moon here, no day or night, it was always bright. She could see the night sky below the clouds, but it was actually separated from the night.

When she walked back, she saw that the light door in the direction of the watchtower was still on.

After so long, the secret realm is not over yet.

She couldn't help but sympathize with those "seniors".

This time, the secret realm that belonged to Laosheng was much longer than what she had experienced before.

The secret realm ends only when the light of the light gate goes out. If you have not come out of the secret realm by then, you will stay there until the next time the secret realm is opened.

She remembered that an unlucky guy had been trapped inside for two hundred years.

Yu Qian's footsteps paused as he walked past the watchtower - blood stains?
There are actually traces of blood left here?
It was strange. She had always thought that the scenery in Penglai had its own cleaning function. Why was there so much blood on the railings?

But she soon found out.

The blood stain was so fresh that it was almost left a few minutes ago.

She looked forward, and sure enough she vaguely saw a small black dot in the distance.

Then she walked forward and saw the owner of the blood stains - Jing Chi leaning on the railing like a dead dog.

She walked over: "You actually came out? I thought you were going to be trapped in there until you died like last time."

"Forget it, you old hapless guy. This time the secret realm has made it clear that you don't want people to live. Aren't you a medical practitioner? Help me." His whole body seemed to be soaked in blood.

Yu Qian squatted down and looked curiously at the wound on his shoulder - the entire skin and muscle tissue were gone, exposing the bloody bones, as if they had been corroded by something.

Seeing that she didn't move, Jingchi added, "I won't let your work go to waste."

"Oh?" Yu Qian was just curious at first, but after hearing what he said, he suddenly became interested, "Did you get something good?"

Jing Chi stretched out his hand, and there were two small balls lying in his palm.

Yu Qian frowned in disgust: "It looks like mouse droppings, so disgusting."

"Idiot, you really don't know anything." He said weakly.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Same life and death Gu, don't ask. If you ask again, you will faint due to excessive blood loss." Jing Chi closed his eyes.

Yu Qian lamented that he was really lucky, because the twelve-hour cooldown time of her healing technique had just expired.

A bright white light covered him.

She took the "mouse droppings" and asked, "Stop the bleeding first, can you tell me its efficacy now?"

"Literally." Jing Chi said, "The two people who ate them shared each other's injuries. However, these two Gu worms can only survive for twenty-four hours after entering the human body and hatching. After this time, they will be ineffective. It's good to save your life. It took me several years to develop this thing.”

Yu Qian put them into the storage ring: "You have such a good thing and don't keep it for yourself? Does it have serious side effects?"

Jing Chi rolled his eyes: "The side effect is that you may inexplicably bear half of the opponent's injuries. Sharing the injuries does not mean that you will not die. If the person you choose to bind is a waste, it is no different than losing your life."

It turns out that it is really easy to be implicated.

If it is still in a dangerous situation, this "involvement" may be even more fatal.

"It's a bit tasteless," she said.

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