Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 145 Cannibalism

Chapter 145 Cannibalism

What I saw this time was not the familiar face of a girl. The elder had changed her appearance again. She was a serious middle-aged woman with silver-rimmed glasses on her nose. At first glance, she looked like the kind of dean who liked to be called "parent."

"How's the harvest this time?" She pushed up her glasses.

Yu Qian put fresh withered flowers on the table: "The harvest is quite fruitful."

"Oh? Really?" The elder waved, and the flowers floated towards her.

Yu Qian sat at the table and asked: "Do people really have a soul? What does it look like? Is it a translucent human form like in movies and books? Why have I never seen it before?"

"It's not that subtle. Do you smoke? Most souls are just like the smoke you exhale. They are clouds of white smoke, chaotic and confused. Only souls with a certain level of spiritual power can condense into human form."

Is that so?
Yu Qian nodded: "So the reason why monks live long is because of the tenacity of their souls?"

"Absolutely, but while you are practicing, your physical body has also been improved. Have you never read basic books?" The elder said, "Friendly reminder, if you have time to get to the bottom of these trivial matters, why not study them carefully? In cultivation, you are about to make a breakthrough. Take this time to consolidate. The next exam will be very difficult. Even if I am optimistic about you, I will not open a back door for you.

"That's really bad news." Yu Qian said regretfully, "I really like the feeling of privilege."

"Try to survive." The woman finally said, and then disappeared from the table.


Return to the room.

Yu Qian sat cross-legged on the sofa.

She was indeed about to break through, and there were already signs of pill formation after returning from the North.

Unexpectedly, she had already spent more than a year as a cultivator in the blink of an eye.

She sighed, leaned back, turned on the bracelet again, and made a voice call.

"Hello." Qi You's voice came from over there.

"Didn't you position us all? Do you know where Sami is?" she asked.

"Her signal was lost. I don't know what happened." He asked, "Have you met her?"

Yu Qian: "Yes, there was a conflict, and I don't know where she went."

After hanging up.

Yu Qian's mind was a little confused after a long time. She didn't often feel this dizzy. Unexpected things happened one after another, which made people overwhelmed.

Forget it, it’s still important to improve your own strength.

Just when she was about to turn off the bracelet——

"Ding! You have new mail."

Familiar bird icon.

When I clicked it and took a look, it turned out to be the arrangements for the next exam.

"The final exam will start in 15 days. This exam is in group mode. There are 3120 grade students in total, and there are 260 large groups, a total of 26 groups. Location: Shangcheng and Xiacheng District. 7 sub-areas are randomly selected. Mode: Werewolf. Deadline: days. At that time, the door to the other world will open again. To overcome the danger and eliminate the enemy camp within the time limit, you will pass the exam. The identity card will be issued two weeks later and the day before the exam.”


Yu Qian's eyes scanned the content: Eliminating the enemy camp is the pass.

The content of this test is too obvious - let everyone kill each other.

But why?

The exam had been like this from the beginning. People kept dying, and people died. She suspected that Penglai was the federal family planning branch.

Why? Why do people need to die?

Because there are too many people.

Under what circumstances will there be many people?
When resources are insufficient.

A small ball of spiritual energy condensed in her palm - its regeneration speed is too slow. Although it is possible to obtain faith and convert it into spiritual energy through live broadcast, the audience is also limited, and there will always be people who distract attention.

If you want to climb up, you must either hoard as many resources as possible or eliminate as many opponents as possible.

So this exam is a headcount elimination exam. This is also the first time that cannibalism is brought to the forefront - "You must kill your opponent to pass."

This will be more dangerous than ever before, not only from threats from unknown creatures, but also from similar black hands.

The law of the jungle applies everywhere.

Yu Qian pinched his eyebrows, something was wrong.

She took out a card from the storage ring - a black gold-gilded card.

Camp, camp again. The initial exam was also in camp mode, but the "camp" in that exam was like an unimportant, whimsical setting.

This card never disappeared after the exam.

It wasn't that she was paranoid, but she always felt that Penglai wouldn't do anything meaningless.

The last grouping must have some meaning that has not yet been revealed. This is Yu Qian's intuition. She has always believed in her intuition.

Will black cards and white cards affect this grouping?

For example, the black card is a werewolf, and the white card is a priest or villager?

This possibility is very high.

In the public mind, black often symbolizes mystery, unknownness, and suppression of evil, while white symbolizes purity, brightness, integrity and selflessness.

The possibility of grouping with this idea is great.

Four clergy, four villagers, and four werewolves.

Gee, in this case, it might be possible to group them according to the black cards and white cards at the beginning, so that the number of people can be matched.

The number of white cards was originally much greater than that of black cards. As the smaller number of black cards, they could just correspond to werewolves.

But isn’t this unfriendly to the werewolf camp?
The rule is to eliminate the enemy camp, so aren't there eight enemies of the werewolf?
It shouldn't be.

The number of people is twice as large, the disparity is huge.

That’s not right. There is no right or wrong. Wasn’t it the same with the previous camp? The disparity in numbers is even greater than this time.

But I didn’t say before that I wanted to eliminate the enemy camp.

Yu Qian was even more confused. Could it be that her thinking was too complicated and the two camp assignments were actually not related?
She has always had bad luck in the matter of distribution - she was assigned as a soul to be born in the shitty lower city, she was given rotten vegetable leaves as relief food when she was four or five years old, and she worked the hardest work in the Bounty Association for several years. Minimal money.

Why the fuck?
She has already acquiesced that she will be assigned to the werewolf camp.

"Tsk." She ignored the prompts that popped up from the network firewall and ignored those IP addresses that tried to locate her. Anyway, no one could find her current location and catch her if they could.

His eyes swept across the contacts and stopped at Sammy's message. She was offline, not replying to messages, and not answering calls.

If he hadn't met her not long ago, Yu Qian would have doubted whether she was dead.

She pinched two pieces of "mouse droppings" she took from Jing Chi - Semi was the most reliable person she could think of to bind.

And when the interests are consistent, Sami will not do anything stupid that will lead to the same death.

But judging from the current situation, unless she met during the exam, she probably wouldn't be able to contact Sami.

She turned off the bracelet, forget it, just take it one step at a time, she doesn't need teammates.

"Boom boom boom——"

There was a knock on the door.


Hasn't she already revoked her permission? Who else could come to her?
Yu Qian walked to the door and opened it.

"Boss!" It was Umikawa.

Damn it, his presence is too weak and I forgot to cancel his authority.

Um? wrong.

Having a weak sense of presence is a good thing.

Yu Qian's eyes suddenly focused on him.

She does need a strong binder, but it doesn't mean that he is not strong - as long as the other party is always in a safe state and can be the tool to bear the injuries.

She can go it alone.

"You look so scary to me, I have goosebumps." Umi Chuan rubbed his arms, "I received the letter and wanted to ask you, but no one responded to the message I sent you. Lao Qi said that Sai Mi also disappeared. What's going on? The next exam seems to be very dangerous. If we are not in the same camp, we will kill each other..."

"Stop it." Yu Qian made a gesture to interrupt. His words were too confidential as soon as he opened his mouth. "As for Sai Mi, just treat her as dead for now. I have something to give you."

"What? To save your life?"


Umikawa said movedly: "I knew I was right with the wrong boss."

Yu Qian looked at his stupid look and patted his shoulder without saying anything: "You're right."

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