Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 147 Clearing the Place

Chapter 147 Clearing the Place
The day before, night.

Although the notice only said to arrive one hour in advance, Yu Qian had already arrived in the inner ring city one night in advance.

The Thirteen Domains are located in the outer circle of the Inner Ring City, and are the sub-regions closest to the Outer Ring City. The forces here are intertwined, and they are the hub between chaos and order. They are far less peaceful than the other twelve sub-regions.

But compared to her "hometown", this place is already a paradise.

After all, no ordinary person in the Outer Ring City dares to wander the streets at night.

There are many young men and women on the streets here at night.

At midnight, Yu Qian found a relatively quiet tavern. In the middle of the night, the siren suddenly sounded.

People in the tavern also looked at each other, and the folk songs on the stage stopped.

Yu Qian thought someone had committed another crime and attracted the federal police.

As a result, before I had time to watch the excitement, the bartenders started to clear the place.

"Sorry customers, we have closed early today. Please leave in an orderly manner. We are really sorry. There is nothing we can do about it according to the orders above."

A group of people wearing police uniforms walked in through the door.

Yu Qian took a closer look at the uniforms of the Inspectorate.

Passing through the open door, she saw people on the street outside.

The drone broadcast in mid-air——

"I'm very sorry. Due to special reasons, residents of the Thirteen Regions will be asked to temporarily move out of this subregion in the next week. Residences have been arranged for residents in other subregions. Any economic losses caused during this period will be borne by The Ministry of Finance distributes subsidies uniformly.”

"Again, I'm very sorry that due to special reasons, in the next week..."

Yu Qian raised his eyebrows. The exam took place in the entire sub-domain, and the venue was even "cleared."

She followed the crowd out of the tavern.

The security check is very loose. After all, there are many people here who cannot be seen, whether they are escaped killers or gangsters who have colluded with executives.

No one's identity can withstand scrutiny. It is easy for Yu Qian to get in and get out. Even if he is a wanted criminal, with such a large flow of people tonight, even if he is locked by data analysis, he will not have time to take action immediately.

She passed the security gate and looked back at the city.

There was a surging crowd behind him, many of whom were wearing pajamas. It seemed that they had been awakened by the drone in their sleep.

The moment she turned her head, she met a pair of deep eyes peeking out of the car window.

Then the window was rolled up.

She made no disguise and was instantly recognizable.

She paused, showed a meaningful smile towards the car window, and then got into the crowd, like a fish swimming into the sea, following the crowd to another area.


It wasn't until dawn, when the gray sky turned white and the faint golden-red sun peeked out from behind the clouds, that the crowds in the Thirteen Regions were evacuated.

Yu Qian was sitting in a convenience store not far away from the security checkpoint, holding a cup of coffee.

There is only one security checkpoint.

But no candidates will enter from here.

Everyone will choose to teleport directly. There are no less than ten teleportation points in each sub-domain, and the chance of encountering them is much smaller than taking the "main entrance".

But Yu Qian didn't. She waited here and stayed here with other evacuated residents. She didn't turn around and go back quietly until everyone left.

The first day, morning.

[The exam will start in ten minutes. All candidates, please be ready. The Eye of the Sky will broadcast this exam live. The audience’s faith gained during this live broadcast will be converted into spiritual power. All candidates, please take it seriously.]

Yu Qian drank the last sip of coffee, took out the mask and fastened it on his face, put on the hood of his sweatshirt, put his hands in the pockets in front of his stomach, yawned, and walked towards the security checkpoint.

Return to the Thirteen Domains again.

What a pity that she didn't meet any candidates who wanted to do the opposite like her.

After all the residents were moved out, the place became completely quiet.

There are also holographic projection advertisements scrolling in the commercial building. Most of the shops have their doors closed, and some residents have not had time to turn off the lights. There wasn't a car on the road, she was the only pedestrian.

She didn't know where the other people's chosen transmission points were.

When you turn over the card, you can only see three other red dots symbolizing werewolves.

Only at night can the white dot of the good guy camp be displayed on the back of the card.

The four red dots are very far apart, as if one person occupies a corner.

"It's so quiet." Yu Qian watched as one of the red dots began to move toward the middle.

This seems to be a signal that this mobile guy wants to join other werewolves.

Then another red dot started moving towards it.


Yu Qian frowned. Who said that a werewolf must be a teammate? The identity that can be jumped at any time brings convenience but also constraints.

This also means that people in the same camp cannot be trusted.

Today we are allies, and tomorrow we are enemies.

Whether she was ambitious and wanted to kill all the good guys, or she was pretending to be stupid to gain trust, Yu Qian didn't care. She had no intention of going there anyway.

At noon, the two red dots overlapped and they met.

But the red dot representing Yu Qian and another unsociable red dot moved in opposite directions.

In the afternoon, the two overlapping red dots dispersed again.

Parting on bad terms?

Then dusk fell, and Yu Qian had already walked around all around.

But it turns out that trying to find eight people in a huge subdivision is like finding a needle in a haystack. They can hide and ambush them anywhere. Even if they just find a random residential building and wait, Yu Qian will have difficulty finding them.

This is a great disadvantage to werewolves.

The further time goes by, the more serial numbers the prophet has to check his identity, and the more dangerous the werewolf's situation becomes.

The good guys camp can wait and see what happens, waiting for the werewolves to be exposed.

But werewolves can't. They must take the initiative and get the opportunity to jump to their identity. Only then can they jump to the camp after their identity is detected to ensure their safety during the day and avoid being hunted by most people.


First day, night.

It was completely dark, and many residential buildings had no lights on, leaving only street lights and holographic advertisements floating in the air, as well as most of the commercial areas that were always on.

The road is much darker than usual.

The city seemed to have become a dead city, deserted and extremely silent.

The full moon is in the sky.

Yu Qian held the werewolf card in her hand. The cold moonlight fell on her shoulders, and her shadow was stretched and cast on the ground. Night was the time when werewolves appeared.

The white light behind the card lights up, which is the coordinates of the good guys camp.

Everyone is so scattered that it takes more than three hours to drive to the nearest villager.

Other than that, there was only one werewolf closest to her.

If I remember correctly, this red dot was the one that moved towards the center at the beginning.

2 number.

In the short time she was looking at the map, the red dot marked No. 2 was approaching her position.


Yu Qian suddenly had an idea.

Mu Buwan?
Only then did she remember that she had forgotten to ask Mu Buwan what day it was.

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