Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 148 Take the initiative

Chapter 148 Take the initiative
The moment the live broadcast started, the federal network was boiling again, and some areas were even paralyzed. At the beginning, no one expected that this live broadcast show, which was like a spoof, would cause such a big stir.

Everyone underestimates the enthusiasm for unknown and exciting adventures in this era of entertainment to death.

"Ahhhh! Did I read that right? The live broadcast is on!"

"I actually went to the Northland last time. I thought they were all dead! You all have seen the news! There was an explosion in the Northland and all the glaciers collapsed!"

"Wow! My nun sister is still alive. I'm so happy."

"Damn-faced dog! Get out of here!"

"Ah! The rabbit is not dead! I thought she was dead too! She fell down before and the screen went black. I thought her body was stinky!"

"What happened last time?"

"Maybe it's some kind of blocking setting? After all, the Northland has been sealed off for so many years. There may be some secrets inside that we ordinary people can't know."

"The secret of the hammer, it's now like this, cultivators have appeared, what else can we not know! I don't believe there is anything else that can scare me!"

"That's right, show it out and scare me to death if you can!"



The night is like water.

Yu Qian checked the coordinates on the back of the card again.

Werewolf No. 2 was still some distance away from her at this time. This guy seemed to want to confirm the identity of each werewolf together. This really seemed like a stupid thing Mu Buwan would do.

Mu Buwan was probably looking for her, so in the morning after overlapping with another red dot, he found that the other person was a stranger, so he quickly separated and acted.

But in addition to No. 2, what is puzzling is that there is also a white light spot labeled No. 3 moving in her direction, but it is too far away, almost diagonally, so she cannot determine the other party. Is it moving towards itself or just happens to be moving in this direction.

Yu Qian felt that the latter was more likely. After all, it was clearly stipulated that only werewolves could know the location of other people at night.

The white camp is the good guys, and they have no way of confirming the werewolf's location at night.

She withdrew her gaze and ignored the werewolf approaching her, instead focusing on the villagers closest to her.

Tonight is the first night. If the prophet happens to be checking for werewolves tonight, the guy being checked may face eight people chasing and intercepting him.

In order to prevent herself from being the unlucky one, she has to deal with the No. 5 who is closest to her tonight. Even if she is found to be a werewolf tomorrow, she can change her identity and become a villager.

Since the distance is very far, there is no need to worry about making any noise for the other party to notice.

So Yu Qian drove away from a car on the side of the road. The advantage of no one on the road came to light at this time. She didn't have to worry about the traffic lights and didn't have to worry about rear-end collisions. She quickly headed towards her destination.

When they were almost there, about two kilometers away, Yu Qian got out of the car and started walking.

Looking around, there were commercial and residential areas nearby, and she chose a route - the shopping mall passage that was still open.

She was already very close, so in order to avoid alerting the enemy, she decided to start from the ventilation duct.

The surveillance along the way was not strict. Due to the clearance, most of the surveillance left behind were left in a hurry and did not have time to be closed.

But after approaching this area, Yu Qian keenly discovered that all the surveillance cameras around the residential area were in operation, especially the surveillance cameras at the door. In addition to the original surveillance cameras, there were several faint red dots hidden in the trees. between gaps. She knows a lot about surveillance, but she knows all the types of monitors commonly used on the market.

Obviously, the surveillance at the gate is not the same type as the surveillance hidden among the trees.

The monitors in the tree gaps are more advanced, have their own locks and can be uploaded to the network for comprehensive analysis at the first time. They are generally used in places like jewelry counters in shopping malls.

Yu Qian guessed that these monitors were brought from the mall on the 5th.

It's just that this guy's consciousness is not that good, and he still has a blind spot for monitoring.

He is not good at investigation and does not understand the surrounding environment. The first step he took was not to find a way to join the same camp or to fight against the werewolves but to avoid them.

She probably had a cautious and conservative image in her mind, and the other person's former living area was most likely uptown, so there were few safety hazards, so although she was vigilant, she was not rigorous.

There is no doubt that No. 5 must be in the control room now, which is very consistent with his current situation of not wanting to take the initiative but wanting to observe the situation.

And there is another important point - from the perspective of avoiding combat, No. 5 should not be an offensive candidate. He is most likely an auxiliary monk such as alchemy, medicine, and weapon repair.

Yu Qian walked through the alley to avoid surveillance. Generally, in residential areas like this, the surveillance rooms are on the security floor.

She remembered that there were two levels of security here, one on the top floor and one on the first floor.

Yu Qian prefers the first floor - if No. 5 just wants to hide, it is obvious that the first floor is more convenient for escaping and leaving even if he is found, but not the top floor.

Turning in through the window, she was even more certain that the other party was on the first floor - infrared scanning and micro-touch explosives were placed on the only way below. The other party was very cautious, and the ventilation duct exits and sewer exits on the entire first floor were all covered. Full of traps.

However, his actual combat experience was obviously insufficient, and he did not even correlate these set-up scanning devices with each other. Yu Qian carefully avoided the infrared scanning of the window and then dismantled it neatly. If there was no correlation, it would not be triggered at all. alarm.

She still chose to go through the ventilation duct.

Sometimes she felt that the pipes on every floor of these high-rise buildings were for the convenience of lawless people like her.

The small space was cold and dark.

She could only crawl inside.

Climb all the way to the top of the control room. Under the grid-shaped patio is the control room with the door locked.

Yu lurks on the ground, looking down from above through the gap——

All the light screens are shining with a faint blue light. Sitting in the middle is a woman with short hair. She is fair and delicate, and her movements reveal a good upbringing. It can be seen at a glance that she is a well-educated upper class woman from Shangcheng District. people.

The woman stared at the surveillance camera with a serious face and nervousness. She turned her head from time to time, kept moving her hands, and changed the screen after a while. She was extremely vigilant, not knowing that the biggest threat was already lying on top of her head.

Yu Qian's eyes rolled, and his eyes fell on the door and the talismans attached to the table and floor around the woman.

oh? Fu Xiu?

She raised her eyebrows and paused with her hand on the lock.

The talismans of the talisman cultivators have all kinds of strange effects, just like the formations of the talisman cultivators, there are too many types.

And Yu Qian couldn't recognize what kind of talismans were posted below.

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