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Chapter 151 Double-edged Sword

Chapter 151 Double-edged Sword

Seciya's skills are much better than Yu Qian imagined.

The powerful weapon specially cultivated by the Holy See cannot be an embroidered pillow.

When I first met her, the only prerequisite for her being passively beaten was that she didn't want to do anything, so she didn't fight back at all when facing her companions.

But that doesn't mean she really doesn't know anything.

Yu Qian's stereotype of medical practitioners was completely reversed.

When she looked at Seciya who nimbly avoided the attack and turned her staff to shoot out a beam of light that made a hole in the ground, Yu Qian suddenly understood the difference between Seciya and traditional medical practitioners——

Most of the time, medical practitioners serve as wet nurses and are protected in the team, providing the team with continuous combat capabilities.

But Seciya is obviously different. She can have teammates or not.

When she has teammates, she can serve as a support player, but when her teammates are unreliable or there are no teammates, she is also very effective against the enemy.

and so--

Why can she only use Psychia's healing technique?
Obviously the damage of the beam is also very high!

Yu Qian's eyes fell on Seciya's staff. The ability of the exclusive weapon obtained in the trial cannot be copied.

The worst part is that Sammy is getting closer too.

The red dot representing Sammy's coordinates on the back of the card will arrive soon.

Yu Qian immediately jumped into the car again, turned around and drove in the direction of Sai Mi.

Thank you for the excellent quality of the cars in Shangcheng District, otherwise this car would have been destroyed.

The car sped off.

Yu Qian deliberately led them in the same direction.

She now feels that being chased by two people is not all bad.

For example, now - two cars behind her collided. In the rearview mirror, Yu Qian saw someone getting out of the car in the smoke. She didn't know whether it was Saiqiya or Saimi.

But after hearing the explosion from behind, Yu Qian left with peace of mind.

Since everyone is chasing her, let's have a fight. Only the winner will be eligible to continue to participate in the chase.

She stepped on the accelerator and flew out.

She slammed on the brakes and her eyes fell on the billboard of the commercial building in the distance.

Did you see it wrong?

She seemed to see something flying past.

The rules of the exam suddenly popped into my mind - during this period, the door to another world will be opened.

So what was that just now?
She slowed down and looked in the direction of the billboard, but she didn't see anything strange.

But was caught by another...unidentified object? attracted attention.

It's a bit far away and can't be seen very clearly.

That seems... to be a person, right? ? ?
The man poked his head out from behind the sign and took a look. When he saw her rolling down the window, she stood up and danced very excitedly. She seemed to be holding something in her hand.

No matter how good her eyesight is now, she still can't see clearly the ant-sized guy on the upper floor of a commercial building so far away.

But this vague sense of familiarity...

She looked down at the card and saw that the location was a white coordinate. She stepped on the accelerator and decided to go and have a look.

[It’s dawn, werewolves, please close your eyes]

The white dot on the back of the card disappears, and the coordinates of the good guys' camp are hidden during the day.

[Prophet, please open your eyes. The prophet checked No. 5 yesterday. The identity of No. 5 is a villager. No. 5 was attacked by werewolf No. 12 last night. The witch did not choose to rescue. Villager No. 5 has died. No. 12 obtained the identity card of villager No. 5. , since the prophet did not check the werewolf yesterday, the coordinates of the werewolf will not be announced during the day today] [Remaining number of people: 4 werewolves, 3 villagers, 4 priests]

The broadcast ends.

I don’t know what kind of shock this report will cause to other people, but for Yu Qian, this is a good start and good news.

Ten minutes later, she stopped downstairs of the commercial building.

I took the elevator upstairs and climbed out from the balcony. There was a billboard on the rooftop, and there was a sleeping bag and tent in the corner.

It was Umikawa. He didn't know where he got the telescope. This was the thing he was holding in his hand just now.

He saw three cars chasing each other in the center of the city from a distance, and after taking a closer look, he found that they were all acquaintances.

So when Yu Qian threw the other two people away, he noticed Yu Qian looking this way, and then got out from behind the sign to attract her attention.

"I was planning to hide here," Umikawa said, "but I happened to see you."

Yu Qian asked: "Then what do you want from me?"

"It's okay, I just wanted to say hello to you."

"……"are you crazy.

After a moment of silence, Yu Qian said: "You are..." The villager is still a priest.

She couldn't ask this question at all, and she couldn't say what she wanted to say. It seemed that this restriction was stronger than she imagined.

"Forget it," she said, "This is for you."

He is somewhat stupid, yet he still maintains a high degree of trust in werewolves.

However, Yu Qian estimated that Mu Buwan would not attack him. She was a bit like Hai Jichuan, and it was difficult to attack someone she knew.

But that's not necessarily the case for Sammy.

And the most terrible thing is that if he meets Sammy, it will be for nothing.

He has absolutely no chance of victory.

In addition, there is another werewolf who has never shown up, and I don’t know who he is.

As she spoke, she handed a signal bomb to Hai Mikawa: "Someone is chasing me. I also have this signal bomb. If I die, I will give you the signal and you will eat that rat shit. Do you understand?" "

"You're talking about that Gu worm, right?" He nodded, "Can you please don't call it rat shit? It makes me so sick and a little queasy."

"If you are being chased on the second night and you can't hold on any longer, send a signal." She added, "Of course, I may not be able to catch up in time. If you are about to die, send the signal..."

"Just eat the bug!" Umikawa interrupted her, "There are really no side effects, right? It won't build a nest in my stomach and give birth to a bunch of little bugs."

Yu Qian: "...I also started to feel nauseated as you mentioned. I have already experienced it. This is the same as the Live and Die Gu in the book. It is only effective for twenty-four hours."

"Then I won't affect you, right?" Umikawa asked, "It would be tragic if you are in trouble and want to help me bear the injury."

Yu Qian took a deep breath: "So I asked you to signal first, are you an idiot?"

That's what this Gu insect is like, it's a double-edged sword. Since she wants to get the advantage of the other party to help her with injuries, she also has to bear the risk of taking the injury for the other party in unexpected situations.

Umikawa was moved: "It's great. I have an extra life-saving treasure. I thought you would give this to a more useful companion."

Yu Qian thought, but there was no better candidate: "I'm leaving, they all know my coordinates, and it's no longer safe for you here, so you should change places as soon as possible."

After explaining to Hai Jianchuan, Yu Qian left quickly.

She glanced at the map and saw that Sami's red dot was still there. Although the coordinates of the good guys' camp could no longer be seen during the day, judging from Sami's still motionless position, they should still be entangled.

This also made Yu Qian breathe a sigh of relief.

While paying attention to their positions, she moved away from the coordinates of other werewolves.

The location in the center of the city was not bad. She took a look before dawn and found that it was almost in the center of everyone, not too far away from the guys in the good guy camp.

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