Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 152 Night Demon

Chapter 152 Night Demon
Under the rising sun, the building casts a large shadow.

Yu Qian searched around the area and found no suspicious figure. The scene he saw before was still very concerning.

She clearly saw something flying over here, but after searching, she found nothing.

She was certain that an alien creature must have appeared. The next day, based on past experience in dangerous situations, it was strange that the alien door marked in the rules was not opened.

This was originally a death test, there was no chance.

She paused - there was a long scratch on the exterior wall of the building.

It seems that traces of it have been found.


In an office building in the center of the Thirteenth Domain.

Hundreds of floors are empty, and all the large screens at the entrance are gray.

Every office is empty and all office computers are turned off.

Only a certain computer on the seventy-first floor was still on, and a faint light shone on the face of the man in front of him.

A map was displayed on the screen in front of him, and the location of a certain coordinate movement was reported to the person on the call in real time.

"Where is the rabbit now?" The woman's voice on the other end of the call sounded gentle.

This is a voice that Qi You is very familiar with—Sekiya.

He entered a string of codes on the keyboard with his fingers, and a real-time map popped up: "We are only cooperating temporarily. I have already told you that you lost track of yourself."

Saekiya was quiet for a few seconds, and then asked: "Are you protecting him? Do you know him?"

"Who knows?" Qi You said nonchalantly, "This guy's whereabouts are mysterious. Who knows who he is? Maybe he's someone I met back then."

"Don't forget, the people you met back then didn't end well." If Yu Qian were here, it would be hard to imagine that such harsh words would come out of Seciya's mouth.

She added: "You should hope that they are not acquaintances, otherwise do you think they will let you go if they know you are still alive?"

Qi You was silent for two seconds: "The guys from the Holy See are still so annoying. I thought you had a good temper before, but I was wrong."

Secchia: "Both and each other, I didn't expect that you would already be connected with the Scientific Research Department."

"Back to business," she said, "Can you send me the location now?"

The movement on her side was much quieter, and it seemed that she had thrown away the pursuers in a situation that was displeasing to both parties.

"The location has been sent to you." Qi You simply synchronized the location for her, "After this cooperation, I will no longer help the Holy See."

The call is hung up.

Qi You pinched his brows, stood up, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of this building he was no longer familiar with, overlooking the deserted road below. I wish you good luck, Yu Qian.


Dusk is fading.

Night is coming again.

Yu Qian sat leisurely on the rooftop, the autumn wind already showing a bit of coolness.

The entire day was wasted by Sammy and Sekia. She didn't even have any free time. She was originally planning to find a way to find out the surveillance and analysis of the Thirteen Domains to see if there was anything left. Who showed up.

But this plan died immediately when he met the two of them.

However, Sai Mi's red dot had been in place for more than an hour. Yu Qian guessed that she had lost and was probably injured. He even thought that she must be going crazy with anger now.

Thanks to her, the afternoon became much easier. Except for Secchia who came to visit me midway, everything seemed so peaceful.

Speaking of which, how did Secchia get her coordinates?

Human nature has double standards - Yu Qian thought it was okay when she cheated in Beidi last time and didn't have to be at the bottom, but when others cheated and affected her, she felt that she must completely put an end to the cheating culture!
[It’s dark, please close your eyes, werewolves, please open your eyes] She held the card between her fingertips, and the coordinates on the back had changed. The werewolf labeled No. 10 had moved quickly towards the white coordinates No. 1.

Another werewolf couldn't help but take action.

The rest of the white coordinates are also moving irregularly, except for No. 3, Secchia, who is still moving towards herself.

Yu Qian stood up and put the cards away.

"call out--"

A black shadow flashed before her eyes, and the strong wind from a distance almost blew her away from the rooftop.

She froze in place.

The unknown object just now was so fast that it disappeared in front of her in the blink of an eye. Before she could see its full picture, she only met its yellow eyes.

They seemed to look at each other for a moment.

She felt that she was being stared at by a sticky and malicious look, and goosebumps appeared on her back unconsciously, and a natural feeling of resistance arose spontaneously.

And the weird musty smell of dampness, decay and dilapidation that remains on the tip of the nose.

It took several seconds for her to come to her senses.

Grass! What it is! ?

Just then an airship with balloon streamers and billboards and banners flew over her.

She took a running start, jumped up suddenly, grabbed the banner under the airship, climbed onto the airship, and got into the cab.

Turning off the unmanned driving mode, she pressed the acceleration button and chased after it in the direction it flew just now.

The speed of the airship was much faster, and she quickly caught up with the black shadow just now, and finally saw its full picture clearly——

It's hard to tell what kind of creature this is. It's most appropriate to call it a monster.

It has two wings, similar to the membrane-like tissue on the wings of a bat that wraps around the bones to form huge wings.

The torso looks like some kind of arthropod insect, but there are no insect legs. Instead, it is very similar to human limbs, only more slender, like four dead branches inserted into the torso, and the position of the hands is like a praying mantis. The knife-like front feet.

Yu Qian could now understand where the scratches he saw on the wall came from.

The part of its head is a... black octopus? ? ?

Tentacles replaced the neck, and more than a dozen tentacles were squirming.

The six yellow eyes were not covered by eyelids, like six large light bulbs, completely exposed to the air, and were blown dry by the wind while flying, and then the skin tissue secreted mucus to moisten the eyeballs.

As if it sensed that someone was catching up, it moved its eyes and looked in the direction of the airship.

Even though there was a one-way window, Yu Qian still felt like he was meeting this penetrating gaze.

So disgusting, what kind of monster is this.

Is it the devil?
Even after seeing so many cases of failed human experiments in the North, she had never seen such a deformed creature.

Yu Qian pressed the button to slow down and did not continue to follow it.

It seemed to have no interest in this large flying object holding a bunch of colorful ribbons, and flew away.

Yu Qian calmed down, and the unspeakable oppression and disgust got better after the monster was far away.

She took a deep breath and leaned back on the driver's seat.

Cannibalistic exam pattern.

There are monsters of this level.

Isn’t it really pushing everyone towards death?

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