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Chapter 153 Who is the unlucky guy?

Chapter 153 Who is the unlucky guy?

She took out a bottle of champagne from the airship's refrigerator.

If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will be in trouble tomorrow.

After taking a sip of wine, the cold liquid slid down her esophagus, and she lay on the window - night view, evening breeze, airship, champagne.

Such a comfortable life would be perfect if danger were not always around.

Yu Qian's relief didn't last for two seconds before she became speechless again, because the red dot No. 2 representing Sami began to move towards her again.

On the other hand, Seciya stopped in place and didn't move.

They didn't meet, but Secchia stopped. She must have been tripped by someone else.

No, why can't it be used at the critical moment, sister?

She drank the wine in one gulp, and then threw the bottle down from the sky in a very poor manner, sincerely hoping to kill a random person who was chasing her.

After searching around the airship and putting all the supplies that might be useful into the storage ring, she slowly found a place to land the airship, and then got off the airship.

Since you must be hunted, let's fight in a melee.

When both parties are disadvantageous to themselves, muddying the waters is the best option. This is one of the things Yu Qian has never experienced in the Bounty Association for so long.

She rushed in the direction of Secchia.

At the same time, he looked at the back of the card - there were five coordinates nearby.

She hurried in the direction of Secchia except Sammy who was chasing her.

There are two people sandwiched between the three of them - Werewolf No. 4 and Good Guy No. 11.

At a glance, we knew that No. 11 was No. 4’s target tonight, but this guy’s speed was too slow, and it was almost dawn and he still hadn’t solved it yet.

And it seems that No. 11 is about to run away, and the distance between them is getting farther and farther.

Yu Qian didn't continue to read. He couldn't guarantee that he would have the time to pay attention to other people's news.


[It’s dawn, please open your eyes, last night was Christmas Eve]

[Prophet, please open your eyes. Last night, the prognosticator checked No. 4 and found that No. 4 is a werewolf. The coordinates of the werewolf will be revealed for the good guys during the day.]

In the elevator, Yu Qian laughed happily. This No. 4 is really an injustice. Yesterday, he and No. 11 clearly saw you chasing each other all night. In the end, they didn't succeed even at dawn, and their identities were found out. .

But then again, who could be the prophet?

She was a little suspicious that it was Secchia, but the rules didn't say that the prophet had the authority to check the werewolf's location, which made her a little unsure.

Tsk, once the werewolf's location is exposed to other people's sight at all times, he will become particularly passive.

The only good thing now is that the good guys haven't gathered yet to join forces.

But this balance will be broken today - because No. 4 is exposed.

According to the current situation, only Secchia knows her location, so it is difficult for others to use her coordinates as a meeting point to meet and join forces to deal with the werewolves.

But things are different now. This number 4 has become the indicator light for scattered people.

He is miserable.

Another half hour passed.

Yu Qian took Sai Mi to play hide-and-seek among high-rise buildings.

She imitated Umikawa and touched a telescope in the mall.

The routes she chose were all in commercial areas with many high-rise buildings. Even if Sami knew she was in this building, it would be difficult to guess which floor she was on.

So she went directly to the rooftop and observed Sammy from a distance. When she was about to enter the building, she left through the emergency exit.

But after doing this twice, this method no longer works.

Because this time she saw Sai Mi holding a thermal effect detector from a distance, and then she saw Sai Mi looking at the screen, and then looking directly at the top of the building, as if she could see through her position at a glance. Grass! They're all cheating, right?
Don't play if you can't afford it.

She was about to take back the telescope, but she saw a car racing scene.

Three cars chased a white sports car in front of them and ran rampant on the street.

If your guess is correct, the white sports car in front is the wrongdoer No. 4 who was found out yesterday.

After this guy's identity was found out, he immediately became a slogan of "Good people, gather together", and almost everyone from the opposite camp would approach her.

No werewolves were found the day before, making it difficult for other good people who wanted to meet up to get together. Today, we finally have this daytime target, and everyone will seize the opportunity.

Yu Qian didn't care about Sai Mi for the time being. It would take a while for her to come up to the rooftop.

She adjusted the telescope to see what this unfortunate guy looked like...


Mu Buwan?
Yu Qian laughed strangely, almost forgetting that Mu Buwan was lucky. She was so unlucky that she could perfectly pick out the only blank bottle cap among the sodas that 99 out of 100 times offered a second bottle.

The reincarnation of the God of Plague is about her.

"Boom!" A loud noise came from behind.

Yu Qian looked at the door to the rooftop behind her. She locked the door in advance and changed the password.

But Sammy was obviously going to break through violently.

The door is of good quality and won't be broken open easily.

Yu Qian leisurely took out the parachute he found in the airship safe room from his storage ring, put it on and jumped straight off the roof.

The weightlessness of falling from a building makes people feel as if time has been slowed down, and the only sound left in their ears is the whistling wind.

The ground is getting closer——


The parachute opens.

Her speed instantly slowed down and she fell. At the same time, the four chasing cars also drove over from the intersection.

It happened to be the right time.

Four cars sped over.

Yu Qian aimed at the leading car.

Then, in the sight of the three cars behind her, she swayed down from the sky with a parachute and stepped on the sports car at the front. Then she was almost overturned by the fast-moving car and thrown out.

Yu Qian quickly lay on the roof of the car to avoid being thrown away.

After she stabilized, she climbed forward a little and leaned towards the front window. Her head suddenly appeared in Mu Buwan's field of vision.

Mu Buwan, who was originally focused on driving, felt his heart skip a beat when a rabbit's head suddenly appeared in front of him, and he stepped on the accelerator with a horrified expression.

After seeing clearly that the person who came was her, Mu Buwan finally took a breath, and then moved his mouth. He didn't know what he said. His expression was very angry, and the shape of his mouth seemed to be scolding her.

Yu Qian patted the car window, pointed to the passenger seat, and motioned to Mu Buwan to unlock the car and let her in.

After Mu Buwan slowed down, she quickly climbed into the passenger seat, leaned out of the car window, took off the parachute, and threw it into the wind towards the car following behind, covering a car in one fell swoop. When I opened the window, there was a harsh sound of brakes and a rear-end collision immediately coming from behind.

"There's only one left." Yu Qian glanced at the rearview mirror, "Drive quickly, speed up."

Mu Buwan glanced at her in disbelief: "Where the hell did you come from?"

Yu Qian: "Isn't it obvious? Heaven? I came down from the sky to save your dog's life. Don't you appreciate me?"

"Go away!" Mu Buwan smashed the steering wheel and cursed, "You scared me so much that I almost had a car accident! Go to hell!"

Yu Qian rolled his eyes at her: "It's not me. There are still three cars chasing you now. I helped you get rid of two of them as soon as I came."

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