Chapter 156 Bait
The monster's body turned into ashes, like burned dead wood.

Yu Qian picked up the crystal core that fell into the ashes: "It's such a small one."

Mu Buwan exhaled: "It was a false alarm. I thought this monster would be very powerful. Fortunately, it is still growing."

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Someone broke into this place, and the chain trap outside was triggered. The violent explosion made the ground underfoot even tremble twice.

Yu Qian: "They are probably in quite a miserable state now. This will give them some relief for a long time."

Mu Buwan said quickly: "Let's leave quickly at this time. Tsk, they won't be able to see my coordinates after today's daytime."

The two hurried out the door.

Just as he left the door, a series of hurried footsteps came from the corridor ahead.

Yu Qian and Mu Buwan suddenly stopped in their tracks——

There were messy footsteps in the stairwell, and a shadow staggered out from the stairwell, casting onto the open space in front of him.

"This shadow..." Mu Buwan took a breath, "Damn it, it's that monster again! Who died again?"

On the ground is the shadow of the goat head that looked like a flower just now.

Yu Qian frowned: "That shouldn't be the case. Aren't they chasing us? The explosion just passed has just passed. They can't be that fast."

Mu Buwan thought for a while and became alert: "Outflank? Has someone come around to the front?"

"Impossible." Yu Qian said, "Even if they die, they shouldn't turn into monsters so quickly. Her body didn't mutate before I killed No. 4 and left."

If the effects of alien substances are so immediate, then you might as well stop living. Even if you kill your opponent, the opponent will quickly turn into a monster and die together with you.

The two of them did not act rashly.

Then a familiar monster walked out of the stairwell and appeared in front of them.

"Rabbit! Rabbit!" - a hoarse voice came out of the monster's mouth, and the call was actually the code name of her live broadcast room.

"Holy shit, does this guy know you?" Mu Buwan was shocked.

Yu Qian was also shocked: "What the hell is going on?"

She asked herself that during the exam, she basically never formed a team with anyone, and the only one who identified her codename was Secchia, or was it because he wanted to hunt her down.

Could this monster be... Secchia?

This possibility was denied by her in the next second - impossible, Secchia was still alive and well a few hours ago.

Yu Qian just wanted to speak.

When the monster saw them, he staggered over and spoke again: "Rabbit... I am your fan."

Mu Buwan's eyes widened: "Hey, dear, these are ordinary citizens! Damn it! Didn't the place be cleared? Why are there still citizens here?"

"Maybe... he sneaked in later." Yu Qian never expected this development. The most important thing is, "He actually maintained his self-awareness."

Mu Buwan gloated: "Your fans are chasing you here."

"Get out." Yu Qian rolled his eyes at her and walked over warily. This guy was obviously different. Hua Yuan had completely lost her self-awareness after her death, but the guy in front of her seemed to coexist with otherworldly matter. It seems that he still retains residual thinking ability.

She asked: "Who are you? Are you a resident here?"

But the monster still repeated what he said before.

Well, it seems its self-awareness isn't all that complete either. "Fanatical fans are really scary. Excessive pursuit of stars is not advisable." Mu Buwan also came closer and took a look at it. He was relieved when he saw that it was still in the growth stage like the monster before, "What should I say? After all, he is your fan. Woolen cloth."

"It's hopeless. It's already dead." Yu Qian looked at the black-red substance squirming in its skull. This was an irreversible assimilation process. She then took out her pistol and sent it on its way.

Mu Buwan said deliberately: "Wow, so cruel."

Hearing this, Yu Qian turned his head and smiled at her: "Don't worry, I won't be so cruel to you. When you become like this in the future, I will find a house to raise you and raise you for the rest of your life. You don't have to thank me."

"Holy shit! Stop! I'm just kidding!" Mu Buwan rubbed the goosebumps on his arms and felt a chill. "Rather than turning into a monster, it's better to die simply. If I really have such a day, you just do it, don't do it!" Let me live for one more minute, don’t I want to become this kind of thing? No, just burn my body, don’t let this kind of monster take advantage of it!”

Yu Qian was too lazy to argue with her: "It's almost night. I suggest you change your target tonight. If the prophet wants to kill you, she will still check you tonight. If she fails tonight, you will just wait to die."

Mu Buwan said angrily: "I know, damn it, if I can't get another identity card tonight, tomorrow will be really uncertain. There are only four people chasing me today. What if they all gather together tomorrow?" trouble."

Of course she knew that she could only change her identity by getting other cards, so as not to expose her coordinates.

"The best way is actually to eliminate the root cause." Yu Qian said.

Mu Buwan heard her thoughts: "You want to kill the prophet."

Yu Qian nodded: "I want to, but not yet. You said she has the ability to read minds, but it is difficult for people to control their subconscious thoughts."

Mu Buwan added: "Not only that, her defense ability is very strong. I told you that she is a water element practitioner. It is difficult for ordinary attacks to hurt her and will be swallowed by her water shield."

That would be even more troublesome.

Yu Qian walked out: "Let's talk, there's no rush now, oh no, I'm not the one who's anxious right now, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's me." Mu Buwan scratched his short pink hair a little irritably, "It's really difficult. If I had known that No. 11 was her, I wouldn't have gone looking for No. 11 in the first place, and she still holds such a damn grudge. "

Leave the residential building.

Just as Yu Qian was about to speak, a cold electronic sound sounded in everyone's ears——

[It’s dark, please open your eyes, werewolf]

Mu Buwan and Yu Qian looked at each other.

Yu Qian took out the card with his backhand and looked at the map: "No. 1 is closest, you go ahead."

"What about you?" Mu Buwan was stunned for a moment.

Yu Qian raised his eyebrows: "You don't expect me to wipe your ass all the time, do you?"

Mu Buwan was angry: "When did I ever think about this? I mean it's better to be two than to be alone, especially when the other person is already in a group."

Yu Qian shook his head: "I have other things to do, and it's night and your coordinates are no longer visible. It's dangerous to stay with me at this time."

She said this.

Mu Buwan finally remembered: "You said someone in the good guys camp knows your location? Are they still tracking you?"


"Is there a monitor on you?"


Mu Buwan looked at her incomprehensibly: "Then why don't you rule it out? Test what it is?"

Yu Qian shook his head and said meaningfully: "Don't worry yet, there is no bait, how can the fish take the bait?"

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