Chapter 157 Flare

The night is as cold as water.

In the dark room, blue light shone faintly on Yu Qian's face.

A map unfolded before her, then turned into codes and columns of numerical coordinates.

This is the security room of a commercial building.

Yu Qian looked at the code flashing on the computer in front of her. She was trying to reverse the position, but the other party's methods were obviously much better than hers. Before she even caught the other party's tail, she had already been cut off from the contact. No trace was left.

"It's really hard." She gave up.

She is not familiar with this industry, and her skills can only be considered passable, so that she will not be exposed to black money.

She didn't have to worry about this in the past.

Yu Qian turned off her phone. Forget it, the chance of getting lucky was indeed zero. She originally wanted to try her luck to find a loophole or something, but it turned out that there was no chance.

Standing up, she turned around and walked out. She had no choice but to find another way.

But this method is more troublesome and gives people a headache.

"call out--"

The night sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window lit up for a moment

A cracking sound through the clouds, followed by a bang like fireworks exploding.

She turned her head, and for a moment the night was as bright as day, and the white light outside the floor-to-ceiling window illuminated her eyes.

The signal flare she gave to Hai Mikawa came in handy so quickly. This guy was unreliable. How could he always get into trouble?

Her originally leisurely steps became fast, and she rushed into the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor.

Then I found a car nearby.

The vehicle was speeding and she rushed in the direction of the flare.

Control the steering wheel with one hand and turn out the cards with the other hand.

The back of the card shows that the coordinates of No. 10 coincide with No. 8 - Umikawa was found by Werewolf No. 10.

The red coordinates of No. 4 are quickly heading towards the good guy No. 1 - Mu Buwan is eyeing No. 1.

The red mark No. 2 is Sammy, and she also started to move.

Prophet No. 11, Sekija No. 3, and No. 2 and No. 9 from the good guy camp gathered together - there is no doubt that the four of them have met.

All coordinates are moving.

On this night, the third night, everyone aimed at their own prey, no longer as silent as before, and began to act with their own motives.

And Yu Qian's eyes fell on No. 10.

Werewolf No. 10, who had been on the edge of the corner before, finally took action.

She had no impression of this man.

Yu Qian stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, and it took him more than ten minutes to reach the area where Umikawa was.

This is a factory located in a remote area, with endless factory buildings as far as the eye can see.

The bright moonlight gave the cold metal a sharp sheen.

She stared at the two slowly moving coordinates on the map. From time to time, No. 8 would suddenly change positions - Umikawa was hiding from No. 10, and he carefully used the transfer array to change places.

Yu Qian walked through the factory building and stopped at the control building. The floors blocked by metal railings could not be seen at a glance.

It's really sick. Why build such a high control building in the factory and not even install an elevator?

She looked at the coordinates of Umi River and No. 10 and had to climb up.

The footsteps were particularly clear in the silent environment, and even had echoes.

She did not deliberately suppress her footsteps. Doing so could help Umikawa attract the other party's attention to a certain extent. She hoped that this guy would not burp so easily, otherwise it would appear that her previous idea of ​​treating him as a back-up was stupid. .

The effect is very obvious, a vague and alert gaze is watching around.

She raised her head suddenly and met a pair of eyes peering into the dark night.

Yu Qian smiled and found it.

The moment she looked at No. 10, she immediately locked onto the other person's floor and ran up. No. 10 was wary of her, but also confused. He didn't know her purpose, he just thought she was here to steal prey.

He didn't run, but waited for her where he was.

"You are number 12." He looked at the serial number coordinates on the back of the card, "What are you doing here?"

Yu Qian asked: "Where is No. 8?"

No. 10 said angrily: "Didn't you already kill No. 5? Why are you still coming to steal my prey?"

"Robbing?" she mocked, "Did he carve your name on his head?"

"I found this guy first, so it belongs to me."

"Then give it a try," she said.

10's expression suddenly turned cold.

The sword is on the verge of breaking out——

"What the fuck!" A bruised and swollen head poked out from the steel frame upstairs. Although Hai Mikawa looked a little miserable, his life was not in danger according to visual inspection.

When No. 10 saw Hai Jianchuan, he immediately abandoned Yu Qian and rushed towards him: "You finally showed your face!"

This kid is like a loach, slippery and very capable of hiding. Every time he is about to catch him, he finds an opportunity to run away. This makes No. 10 so angry that he finally takes the risk again. If he comes forward, he must kill this guy.

Yu Qian took a step forward to block his steps.

No. 10: “Get out of here.”

Yu Qian put his hands in his pockets: "It's still early, you still have time to change your target."

No. 10 smiled disdainfully: "You want to stop me? Do you think you are the first to succeed? Killing an idiot is a big deal?"

"What kind of powerful character can be killed on the first day? Don't treat everyone else as such idiots."

Yu Qian nodded in agreement: "Well said, I give this to you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she took out the gun and pulled the trigger on No. 10 as fast as lightning. The rich spiritual power turned into substance and flew towards his eyebrows.

No. 10 raised his hand to block his forehead.

He actually caught the bullet condensed with spiritual energy with his bare hands, and the small ball of spiritual energy lay in his palm.

Yu Qian opened his eyes slightly.

Physical training?

What a strong body.

But physical fitness is exactly her weakness. When she was thinking about countermeasures——

With a sound of "Boom!", a large ball of flames came straight towards her face.

Behind her was a truncated floor, with a steel plate at the broken spot behind her.

Yu Qian nimbly jumped back onto the steel plate.

The flames hit the place where she had been standing, burning the surrounding metal red, and then extinguished.

"Be careful! This guy is very powerful! He has dual cultivation!" Umikawa shouted from above.

Yu Qian's eyes lit up.

This was the first time she met such a monk.

No. 10 is also the only person besides herself who can use different abilities so far.

She cheered up instantly and her interest in him rose to a high point.

No. 10's strange eyes fell on her - if other monks saw that he was so difficult to deal with, they would definitely not continue to struggle with him, but the woman in front of him seemed to be more excited, as if he had seen something interesting.

This gave him a bad feeling.

So he patiently asked again: "What on earth are you going to do?"

Yu Qian still said: "If you don't do anything, I won't stop you if you want to leave. If you want to kill him, you can't."

No. 10 glanced at the nervous Hai Jianchuan above, then at Yu Qian: "Do you know this pretty boy?"

He sneered: "It's so stupid to form a team with the enemy camp. Do you really think that you will be a good person if you skip other identity cards? Do you think they will let the werewolves go?"

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