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Chapter 165 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Chapter 165 Enemies meet on a narrow road
"What a coincidence." A black figure came out from behind the light sign on the opposite side, "We meet again. I feel relieved to see you are still alive and well."

With her ponytail tied high, the woman has a sharp face, beautiful and extremely aggressive.

Prophet, Mo Laine.

She said this, but she looked at Mu Buwan with cold eyes. She clearly didn't want Mu Buwan to die in the hands of others, but wanted to do it herself.

Mu Buwan immediately became defensive: "You are like a piece of dog-skin plaster that you can't get rid of no matter what."

Mo Laine's sharp brows were raised, and his smile was murderous: "Your mouth is still as mean as ever."

"Haha, we meet old lovers, right?" Yu Qian patted Mu Buwan on the shoulder, "Then I won't disturb your reminiscence, bye."

Mu Buwan grabbed her arm and said with a smile: "That's not okay. You are a new lover, you should meet the senior no matter what."


Yu Qian cursed her in his mind and wanted to retract his arm.

Mo Laiyin glanced over: "Rabbit? I have long admired his name."

The weight of the falling object was so great that it made a hole in the ground, and the billboard was inserted into the ground.

"It's over, there are three of them." Mu Buwan said, "There are only two of us."

There was a lot of blood on that beautiful face.

A graceful figure arrived belatedly. Her long golden hair was coated with a light red color by the blood-colored sky, glowing with a dangerous sheen.

The loud sound makes the eardrums hurt.

Mo Laine moved his wrist: "Is it too late to delay the process now?"

"You can't leave."

But she could still sense Sai Mi's position, which meant she wasn't dead yet. She didn't know whether this was good news or bad news.

With a "boom", a huge billboard fell from the sky and slammed to the ground.

Mo Laine's eyes fell on the corner.

"Well, I was eaten by you."

"Has your conscience been eaten by a dog?"

Yu Qian pretended not to understand: "Fans, I'll sign your autograph next time. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

She has made it clear that she is joining forces with the Holy See.

Sammy didn't come, which gave her a bad premonition.

There was someone accompanying Seciya. He looked like a young man, thin and introverted. His eyes were always staring at the ground, as if he was embarrassed to look at others.

"Who is with you?" Yu Qian finally pulled his arm back, "You are alone, go ahead, I will cheer you up."

She had just finished speaking.

But Mu Buwan didn't know where Niu Jin came from, and he made up his mind to tie her to death today.

Yu Qian saw the staff in her hand and knew it was Seciya.

The five people raised their heads in unison and looked towards the direction where the billboard fell.

A huge, bat-like monster flew slowly through the sky.

Those crows were as small as gravel compared to it.

It was far away, and it hit the billboard on the airship, causing the billboard to fall from the sky.

But even though it was so far away, it was still huge. It was hard to imagine how many buildings such a monster would crush after landing.

"Don't waste time, deal with them first!" Mo Laine urged. She raised her hand and pulled out a folding knife from her waist. She flicked it and unfolded it to be more than one meter long.

Yu Qian's eyes froze. The knife was really pulled out from her "waist".

Noticing her gaze, Mo Laine lifted up the hem of her clothes without caring, revealing the metal skin. Yu Qian noticed that there was an opening of the same length and width on her waist, where the folding knife had been stored.

"She is a transformation madman." Mu Buwan whispered in her ear, "The proportion of prosthetic limbs is almost over 50%, so be careful." Yu Qian understood, but he said: "You and I What are you talking about, I don’t know her, this is your business.”

Today, the popularity of mechanical prostheses has become extremely widespread.

It is obvious that Mo Laiyin has maximized his physical advantages.
Most people who insist on being unwilling to undergo transformation are old-school and believe that the original body is best.

But when this group of people got sick, they were the first to clamor for mechanical organs to be replaced as soon as possible.

I really don't understand what the hell they are pretending to insist on.

Of course, there is also a pauper like her who has no money.

Yu Qian had also thought about what parts of his body he would modify if he made a fortune one day.

"Damn it." Mo Laine cursed as she looked at the billboard very close to her. She was the closest to the billboard, and the broken pieces that fell and smashed up almost poked her eyeballs.

"They're coming together." A strange voice said.

It was the boy who followed Seciya, and his voice fit his image perfectly, timid and quiet.

Mo Laine shook his head and said: "No, they have not gathered here, but their number has increased. There must be many in other places."

Seciya looked around: "Anloca, you deal with these alien creatures."

Anluoka nodded obediently: "Okay, Saint."

Yu Qian glanced sideways, just in time to meet Sekiya's eyes.

"call out--"

Several steel needles burst through the air and flew straight towards Mu Buwan. Mo Laiyin took action without saying a word.

"You fucking sneak attack!" Mu Buwan flicked his whip, and a fire-breathing bird appeared in the sky and sprayed a large ball of fire towards Mo Laine.

But Mo Laiyin predicted it one step ahead and dodged directly.

A white light flashed in front of Yu Qian.

Secchia's staff pointed at her: "Your opponent is me."

Okay, it’s all been allocated by you, right?

Taking action is the inevitable result.

But Yu Qian discovered that the young man who looked very thin and ordinary was unexpectedly strong and seemed to be an individual practitioner.

His weapon is a long metal stick, but both ends are pointed. Unlike the spear that appears in the book, this stick is very flexible and can compete with a whip.

His movements were neat and decisive, and he was not at all as harmless as he looked on the outside.

I underestimated him.


A bullet grazed the side of Yu Qian's neck.

Secchia approaches.

Mo Laine smiled and shouted to this side: "She can still be distracted, Seciya, your strength is not enough."

Mu Buwan was defeated steadily by her hands.

The ability to read minds can be called a bug. Not only can she see through Mu Buwan's thoughts when fighting with Mu Buwan, but she can also know what Yu Qian is thinking, and even took the time to "tip off" to Saiqiya.

And as Mu Buwan said, all the fatal parts of Mo Laine's body had been replaced with prosthetics. She was now like a mechanized killer operating at high intensity.

It’s really hard to do.

After a few rounds, the boy named Anluoka blocked the surrounding monsters from their range.

Mu Buwan was fooled around by Mo Laiyin.

And Yu Qian himself is not optimistic either. Seciya has long since surpassed her original strength, not to mention that she has Mo Laine as a cheating device by her side.

"Huh? There's someone here again." Mo Laine suddenly said, "Two? It looks like it's really a big show. Secchia, do you want to guess who it is?"

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