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Chapter 166 A dramatic scene

Chapter 166 A dramatic scene

"...They're all here, haha." Qi You laughed awkwardly, but he didn't expect everyone to gather together.

Mo Laine looked at a building further away: "Why is there still someone hiding? He didn't come out to meet everyone. Where did this little mouse come from?"

Yu Qian looked over there and could only see rows of closed windows in the building.

But judging from this style, she should know who it is.

She retracted her gaze and glanced at the monsters around her - these monsters were consciously leading everyone here, as if they were trying to drive everyone into a circle.

After a brief ceasefire, she raised her head and looked at the sun and moon in the sky.

The ominous blood color became heavier and heavier, and the brilliance of the sun was almost completely obscured.

Mo Laiyin's attention shifted from Mu Buwan to Qi You, then he looked at Secchia and shouted, "Hey, who do you think you are?"

Mu Buwan was able to take a breath and retreated to Yu Qian: "This woman is so evil, I really can't help it."


The crows cawing louder above.

Yu Qian's eyes fell on Mo Laine.

Prosthetic eyes?

So Qi You stood outside the two sides, but was subtly within the range of Anluoka's defense.

"I feel like someone is spying on us." - Mu Buwan said this when we were underground.

The moment he spoke, an unexpected wind blew up.

He looked at everyone standing on the field and chose to protect himself wisely: "It's just a brief cooperation. It won't matter if the cooperation ends."

Yu Qian looked over subconsciously - the sky... split? ? ?
The sun has completely disappeared, leaving only a huge moon with bright red surroundings. With it as the center, a black line appears around it, which is expanding little by little.

Yu Qianxin said who can do anything about this: "She can read minds, and we are as if we have no clothes on in front of her."

The atmosphere was tense and hostility between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out.

"There are more and more of them." Anluoka suddenly spoke.

This is because neither side wants to offend.

It's like... eyes that are about to open.

Mo Laine gave an unassuming smile.

Part of this woman's attention was diverted to Qi You, making it difficult for Yu Qian not to suspect that they knew each other.

The moment this thought appeared, Yu Qian's goosebumps appeared.

He stood here with no intention of leaving.

Thinking about it, there are more and more monsters coming out of the gate to the other world. It is difficult for him to survive in such an environment for two days. It is better to get together here. At least now there is a person who looks thin but is actually very capable. The boy who was beaten was doing his duty to clean up the monsters that were approaching nearby.

Qi You raised his hands: "I am neither."

As if noticing Yu Qian's gaze, Mo Laiyin looked towards her, and a white light like lightning lit up in her left eye.

Mu Buwan has a strong sense of strange events, so sometimes she seems to be particularly unlucky.

"What's going on?" Mo Laine asked.

Several people's expressions turned terrible.

Especially Seciya and Anluoka, their faces were pale, their expressions were shocked, and there was a hint of panic in their eyes.

"The door to another world is about to open!" Anluoka said in horror.

Although Yu Qian doesn't know what will happen specifically, it will definitely not be good news.

It is impossible that after the door to another world is opened, God will come out and say, you are all good children, and I want to reward you. Do you want this 100 million card, or this 200 million card?
Grass! She retracted her thoughts and cursed herself in her mind.

When can I still be distracted?

Anluoka looked at the backbone: "Saint, what should I do?"

Secchia: "The door to the other world must be closed."

This was the first time Yu Qian heard this statement and couldn't help but look at them.

He seems to be afraid of contact with others, and immediately lowers his head after looking at each other for a second.

Secchia, on the other hand, looked at her and seemed to have made a decision: "Just right."


What she said gave Yu Qian an ominous premonition.

"Holy crap! It's broken!" Mu Buwan suddenly shouted. Several people looked up to the sky at the same time.

It's not really a crack, but this scene does look like the door to another world has opened.

From that gap, you can vaguely see the chaos inside, as if something is crawling.

There was a strange smell in the air, I couldn't tell whether it was unpleasant or pleasant.

If I had to say it, it is somewhat similar to the damp tree roots after a rain.

Then, in Yu Qian's shocked eyes, a creature resembling a branch actually stretched out from the gap.

Like tentacles, but not tentacles.

It was too dry, like the roots of an old tree that had been dead for who knows how many years.

It is thick and rugged, with pits and pits, and slowly stretches out.

From the countless entangled "branches", a pair of huge eyes can be seen.

Hanging above, it appears to be larger than the moon in the sky.

Thump thump.

My heart was beating wildly uncontrollably.

An indescribable trembling spread from the bottom of my heart, and every cell was screaming.

The fear from the depths of his soul began to resonate, and Yu Qian subconsciously had an impulse to surrender.

The next second, she bit the tip of her tongue.

Ha, a tree can also control her thoughts? Why?
Anluoka was so distracted by this scene that he even forgot that he was still fighting the monster, and was instantly overturned by the monster.


Mu Buwan actually fainted.

Mo Laine was brought back to his thoughts by this movement: "Tsk, it seems that the resonance between the beast master and the alien creature is not entirely beneficial."

This is true, just like now, Mu Buwan fainted before Anluoka, who looked frightened.

"There's no time!" Secchia decided immediately, "Catch the rabbit! Use her to sacrifice the formation!"

She took out a round gemstone, and a strong light lit up.

Then a huge light array appeared on the ground.

The branches in the cracks in the sky seemed to stop, then retracted.

But the next second, it appeared in the light array.

Secchia shouted: "Do it!"

Anluoka and Mo Laine rushed towards her at the same time.

Yu Qian cursed in his heart, his feelings just happened to be waiting for her here, right?

Closing the door to another world actually requires human sacrifice.

They want to kill two birds with one stone.

"Use me to sacrifice the formation?" Yu Qian smiled, "Don't even think about it, then let's die together."

Mo Laiyin has the fastest movements and is worthy of being a reformer.

But as soon as she rushed over, more monsters appeared out of thin air, briefly blocking her steps.

There are too many.

It's like a monster going to the fair.

There was chaos in an instant——

Seciya maintained the light formation, Mu Buwan was treated as a corpse and kicked away by a monster, and Yu Qian was pursued by An Luoka and Mo Laiyin.

In the chaos, the light array seemed to be unsustainable.


Mo Laine suddenly turned around, grabbed Qi You who was hiding among the monsters, grabbed his neck suddenly, punched him in the abdomen, and took advantage of the moment when he was hunched over to push him straight towards him. Seciya threw it over.

Under Saikia's angry gaze and Anluoka's confused eyes, Qi You was thrown into the middle of the light array.

Yu Qian's tense nerves had not yet relaxed. Looking at this dramatic scene, he didn't know how to react.

"I'm sorry." Mo Laiyin said with a smile, "Someone also paid me to buy your life. If you want to blame it, it's your fault for getting involved with the top leaders of the federation."

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